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-Tllchlsuii Central KxriirMoii. The Michigan Central railroad will sell tickets to Halstett Park on July 31, August 6, 8, 10, 15, 17, 22, 24, 27, 29, 31. Tickets will begood to return up to and including September 2. Round trip tickets at one and one-third fare. Tickets on sale at the Michigan Central depot H. W. Hayes, Agt, "9 Ann Arbor, Mich. Br. Martlu'ti Nervine i'offee Savet. More Hum Hair your Colree ExX'lli'inl K.M HIIIm. A pleasant table drink composed of cereal, gluten and vegetables, and a positiva cure for nervousness. dyspepBia, biliousness, constipation, heart disease, sick lieadaehe. sleeplessness and the many ailments caused f rom the use of ordinary coffee and tea. 1 Ib. equals 2 lbs. other coffee ; only 20c. Free sample at grocera. Kut DÏ-. Martin 's Koval Brcakfast Food. 2ö Hay Fever. As the 20th of August approaches, yon should forti fy your system with Dr Humphreys' Specific "77," and escape Hay Fever. Pnce 25 cents at all druegisU. Dandruflf isdue to an enfeebled state of the skin. Hali's Hair Renewer quickens the nutritive functions of the skin. healing and preventing the formation of dandruff. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Pcwder World' Flr Wshtcl Altdl and OiDloma. Copperas ! A handfull in a pailful of, hot water niukis a yood deodorizer for : .- 5c PER LB. 6 LBS. FOR 25c. ; 10 LBS. FOR 35C- Delivered. CHLORIDE OF LIME 15c PER LB. ; CALKINS' PHARMACY. 31 Sonlh SlHtr-Ni. I The Chotea Route to Boston. All the commanderies of Knights Templar in Michigan have decided to go to Boston via the tourist line, "The Grand International Route" The Grand TrunkRailway of Canada, on the occasion of the 26th Triennial Conclave to be held in Boston from the 27th to 30th of August. If this route is good enough for the Knights Templar of Michigan, the public should rememee that the Grand Trunk Ity. can take them the same way by way of Niágara Falls, the St.Lawrence Ui ver. the Rapids, Quebec, the White Mountains etc. Cholee of innumerable return routes. For information write to D. S. Wagstaff, District Passenger Agent, 64 Woodward Ave, Deti oit, Mich. 77 This hot weather requires the free use of disinfectants, Coperas, Carbolic Acid, Chloride of Lime and Sulphur are the most common ones. You can get these or any others at Mummerys drug store. Slimmer Coltl. Summercolds including hay fever and rose cold, are promptly reíieved and curedby Dr. Humphreys' Specific ''77. '■ Por sale by all druggists price 25 cents. Welsh's Pure Unfermented Grape Juice by the glass or bottle at A. JL. Mummery's drug store. PUR 25 CENT COLUMN, WANTE. 1 wish to purchase a secor.dhand wheel chair. If the reader has one, cali upon or address D. M Keglster Office, City, glvlng full particular. 80 WANTKD-A young man wlio will enter the High School this fall would like a place to take care of furnaceordo some other work sufficlent to pay hls room rent. Address E. B. care The Register, City. 80 Tliree or four unfurnlshed rooms for the coming year. liooms on grouna (loor wlth outslde entrance and in the central part of the city preferred. Address, E. W. care The Keglster. ytf FOR SAA.E. TjïlRNITIJKE FOR SALE-E 14th-st.. i Cor. Belser-st Family movlng away. 76 tfOK SALE VERY CHEAP-Good house I 1U rooms, barn and two city lots on southwest corner, west Huron-st. and Jewett Ave No. 99 the late residence of Lorenzo M Lyon Kmiuire of Daniel Lyon of Dexter or J. Q A Sessiong, At tv. No. 5 N. Main street, Ann Arr. 7Jtf F'OR SAIiE- ;i miles iwesl of city on Teterroad, 00 acres good farm land especial ly suitable for fruit farm, lu acres timber. hnquire of A. S. Lyon on the premlses. 79tf ÏUK SAIjE- Newspapers in qnantltiea suitable for putting under carpeta. Will be sold chcap at The Register office. 61tf HOJJSES FOK S.VLE OH RENT-Keal Estáte bonght and sold Pire Insurance 111 Hrst-classcompanles, Cali and consult me before decldlng. 1 believe I can accommoöate yon. Mary L. Hamllton, rooaa 11, Hamüton Hlock. ()-( F'OK SALXovSiife. Will be sold at a bargaln. Eoqulreof S. A. Moran, Kr-ister ORice. ;J. ,t j TMl SALE - Mrs. Perkin'f farm, X or acres, :; miles ch-i of Saline 7 miles suuth of Aun Albor, knowD as tbc KellOKK farm. siv aöreg good hearing peach orcharïï, imuse, barn, stock and wel] water in abundance, school wjthln % mlle, Prlce raasonable terms easy, cali on premlses or 44 8, limaiisst., Aun Albor. "14 f f b1" . tt.t n saé.k- lüu Acres 01 Land siï miles trom city, or will exchange for city pror erty. Enquire at No. 3 E. Llberty-st. 31 tf }?A RJTFO1I S0.K:-The Buïlock or tverett l farm, 3 miles west of Salem 6tation and 11 miles from Ann Arbor, contaiMirg 109 acres house. and barns, stock and well water in abundanc Smber; school and church within a milelana naturally the best; all sei ded down Pricé and terms reatonable. Cali on or addres: Andrew E.faibson.30 Maynardut., Ann Arboi, Mich. 45tf forTr entT T tl '- A good barn centrally located suitable for two horses and carrlage witb hay loft, Only 2'.; blocks from Conrt House square. Will jent fcr 80 cents per week. Enqutre of s. A. Moran, at thd office of tho Ann Arbor Register, or Xo. 2 N. 4th Ave. 7ttf FR,K-A house of 11 rooms, witb bath and all modern conveniences; or will rent part of same. Cali after 6 p. m No " Puller rt, li5tf HÖt'SES to Bi:r Beréral House wlth . modern improvements, unfurnished rooms for mail families, at reasonubleprices. Callón J.Q.vs,ssio„s li,..ti Estáte Agent, SitwiiVi Nl 2nd floor, Residence i6 E. William-st. y "p OOMü for liglit housekeeping and f urnisli11 ,Ape3y t0 lloom tnifl "oor, Hamllton block. Modern conveniences, includlng steam heat jgtf OSi'ï- A black silk and lace cape somewhere between Main i reet ■ nd 1 wo miles west of tbc city. Tbc person rcturningsame to M b. Divison street city, will receive reWfl l'U r-o FOR BRIDES f ïe"?iu alld Ppeedve ïuuumuuo Abooktreallngon tlie -loie perNonal relatlou between busband and wife: dwelling polntedly yet delicately upon IJ St'í."ttl ' At all bookstoVos. Uy m:ul'.B cents. Rook of the Centurv Wo■iiaii'x , Dlrertory Pub. Co., i 1 1 u"áll Ave., lilcago, III. uANTrn Gooo! viiabi ""'n sp:i pleasant. light and profltable. 'Outiit Frce Applyatonce, witb referencea, and secure cholceof terrltory. F. w. n, rompany, Nureerymen and Seedsmen, BochesterN V 8'J '


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Ann Arbor Register