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"HELP!" . r k WOMAFS DESPAIRING CRY. It is Heard. A Prominent Adres: Escapes (jreat Danger. [SPECIAL TO OÜE LABY RE UIFRS.} How startling is a woman's cry foi help! " What can Jv7 Ido? Where shal] I go?" She A( knows not. This cry goes out A today from every city, town, and . hamlet in this J_i%J It comes f rom V f Jw ff woraen who are m t suffering tortures 0 jj ■' of body and mind J JÊL mi from some form of íf7i7lUM female complaint. "fjl f 'FHjr Many, through ljïft'1 '■■Hl' ral modesty, do not 3VM 'sÈwk consult physicians, WÈËjÊgM for many dread their ) f[ examinations. Tliey Jij J. A know not whero to ,-U seek for help. f J Tliis alarming Sp dition of things is ,11 simply wrong. The [Hl f "', peculiar ailments of ('Ijl , Ij !n woinen are curable, .'■ 'f H an'fin most cases 'Ml j IjR very speedily. Lydia BI '■ ij'l E. Pinkham's genius ,H i i 'Jffl aml liberality have Ml ■ fjjf given to every woman w ( Ui a sure and consistent I itfM meana of relief. i yfjm No woman should L Xíf'mk sufïi'r when she can __, ÊtÊm obtain f ree advice. 1 n.1 Slu pan state her case fully to Mrs. s5s ham, woman to woman, without reserve, and the answer will come from one of "her own sex. Be one of the vast army of women who write to ilrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass., and preserve your health. " Only a woman can understand a woman's Illa." A prominent actress, iu a letter to Mrs. Pinkham, says: - "... 1'ou eannot imagine the fearful conditlon I was in when I first wrote to you. I was simply of no use to myself - or any one else. I - H and my nervous 4i'%ai n system was ghal■C 't' trouble and travelshin?. . . . I'm all right now, and am gaining flesh daily. I follow your advioe faithfully in everytlxlng, Tliank you ten thousand times for what your knowledge and LviJin K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound have done for me." A Magazine Always up To Date is the ono progressive women want. To help to cook, eat, servo and live wull is tlie chief alm of Table Talk the American authorityon eulinary and household topics. It treats of the eeonom'Vs and necessities of the table as well as its luxuriea and dainties. It yivesthe iatest "'fcipes and fashions: raemis for weddinjrs, receptions. dinaers, card paries, and all special occasions We havo made arrangements with the manufactures of the yenuino and famous De Long Hook and Eye, by which every one of oui readers may obtain a'liberai supplv for their use. The manufactures to introduce thisnewestinvention for the dress loto every city and town in the United States, have made it uossible for us to make the following Liberal Offer We will send as a premium, one gross (12 dozen) ol these genuine and famous Do Louff Hooks and Kyes(rotail value, 90 cents) to every new subscriber to this maijazine. Positively you have the genuine DE L0NO Patent Hook and Eye if you see on the face and back of every card the words ■ See that TvV hump?s[ Richardsoti }x Sc De Ia)ng Bros., , (Q (Q) Philadelphia. Subscription Price, $i.oo Per Year. Address, TA KL, IC TALK PI KLISHIMi CO. i:i iK'Ntimt Street. Phl'-d, i,( pa - 2) Carl Faelten, Director. - - ""- 'T'AÏvï Founded in 1SS3 by J 7cXNn fjKLl - . Kiving full Information. JJ Frank W. Hale, General Manaeer. B PARKER'S ■HMpflM HAIR BALS AM VUmp UB Clransc-i and beautincH the hair. WHIg i l'""""H'a a lilx'irmnt pruwth. wjNcvep .Vails to Restore Gray EíÍBMSS-IH Hair t-ï its Touthful Color fvV'Öt - ÏH Curca HCKiV diM-ast-s k hair iallmg. Uk ParKer'sG'ngerTonii1. 't cures the wow Cntph, Wi-ak Lunga, DcbiliÏ7, li, digestión, Fain.Talic in time.. WcU. KINDERCORNS. lï'H - " "■ euro 'er tal .-.. ... .-T..-.. ,.. ... ..J(. „. msci y & ro. n. y liliheB'.i r Kncll.h lllitmond Brand. 'ennyroyal pills Jt. Orlehuil nnd Only 2rnulnc. A Jti Srv always r-.liable. ladics ak (ff 'Ul AfiA "reegist for CkUhêsttrê AuKtA " JtKÏ itíS'WBnend Brand in Ked and Gold iuct!iicy -Ö3lf0Ii1s sialed wiih hlue ribhftu. TtiUe OT ' nf tione and imitativa. Ai DrogglHi, or eend 4e. W y' in Ktampa for panioiilur, tcxtimooials and V O ' Itelitf for l.H.ilt ," ín Uttor, br return - LT Mali. lO.OlM Testimoníala. Kami t'aptr _ . rheterCkenUciilC,,aidUoiiWQUre, j3W ÏJ U Lvctl Druuiiu. 1'hlUdá.. l'n. FÖH YOÜR 01ITIN6 60 TO PICTURESQUe mHCKlHHG ISLRND. ONE THOUSANO MILES OF LAKE RIDI AT SMALL EXPENSE. Viait this Historical Island, which ia the grandest summer resort on the Qreat Jjakes. It only costs about $13 from Detroit; $15 from Toledo; $18 from Cleveland, for the round trip, including mcals and berths. Avoid the heat and dust by traveling on the D. & C. floating palaces. The attractions of a trip to the JVlackinac regicn are unsurpassed. The island itself 13 a grand romantic spot, its climate most invigorating. Two new steel passenger steamers have just been built for the upper lake route, costing $300,000 each. They are equipped with every modern convenience, annunciators, bath rooms, etc., illuminated throughout by electricity, and are guaranteed to be the grandest, largest and safest steamers on fresh water. These steamers favorably compare with the great ocean liners ifl construction and speed. Four trips per week between Toledo, Detroit, Alpena, Mackinac, 8t. Ignace, Petoskey, Chicago, " Soo," Marquette and Duluth. Daily between Cleveland and Detroit, and Cleveland and Put-in-Bay. The palatial equipment raakes traveling on these steamers thoroughly enjoyable. Send for illustrated Joscriptive pamphlet. Address A. A. Schantz, G. P. A., D. & C, Detroit, Mico. C 1O I Hkl ík 1 weakness easily cured by ÖrlIlM Dr, Miles' Nerve Piasters. All druggists (fuarantee Or. Miles' Pain M AA lm sococopies jm The nev Stencil Process Printer teül mak( :.i:mi copies , ,, written or typemntten original. Anyone can use it. Price $10 up. The Lawson Simplex Printer simple, cheap, effeetwe-wiñ makt loo copies from } it-irritti a original, or 75 copyesfrom typewrüing. Nb washing reqvAvea. Price, %S to 910. Send for dreular 8. LAWTON & CO., 20 Veaej t., !Ncv Vork, Vlty. Lumber ! Lumber ! Lumber ! lí y ou contémplate cali at FE R DON Lumber Yard COR. FOURTH AND DEPOT STS. And got your figures for all kinds of LUMBER! We manufacture our own Lumber and guarantee VERY LOW PRICES ! Givo us a cali we will make it to your interest, as our large and well graded stock fully sustains our assertion. JAMES TOLBERT, Prop. T. J. KEECH, Supt. I FRANKLIN HOUSE" DETROIT MICH. It is woli before leaving home, whethrr for business or pleasure, to decide upon a hotel „n ' thereoy avoid confusión. you visit Detroit we would be pleased lo liave you stop at the old "Franklln House," cor. Lamed and Bates Sta , where you willhaveagood meal and a clean bed at moderate rates. The house has been renovated from top to bottom, and is now in first-class condition. Kespeetfully, H. H. JAMES. Meáis, 35c. Lodglngg, 50. PerDay, SI. 50. HÜMPHREYS' Di . Huinpl'rey' Spt'ciücs are scientlflcally and carefully prepareú Remedies, used for years In private practiee ujid for over thirty years by the people with entire sucee:. Every single Speclflc special cure for the disease numed. wo. , i pu.h. rncr. 1- Fever, Oonfrostinns, Inflammatlons.. .!43 Ï-Worm, Womi Fever, Worm Collo !45 3-Tei-thinBi Co'.Ic, Crylng, Wakefülness .25 4- Diarrhca, of chlldren or Adults 25 7- Coushs, Colds, Bronchitis 25 8- Xeuralü'in, Toothache, Tairarhe 9- HeadachcH, Slek Tleaflat-hc, Vértigo. .25 10- Dysprpnin. Bllioune8t, ConMlpation. .25 11- SupDressea nrpnn,ril Porioil . .25 12 WbUe Too Piofose Ferlodl .25 13- Croup, LarynKiti, BeananeM 25 14-SalI Kh.uin, F.ryslilas, EruiPtlon . .23 15-Rhcuiniiii-am, Kbenmuto Palus 23 16-Ialaria, Chllls. Fever and Ague 25 19- Catarrh, Influenza, Cold in the Head. .25 20 Vytiooiiinif ('iiuiih 'S 27- Kiduey DiscnNCs 25 28-Nervons Dibilily 1.00 30- l'rinary WeakntN 25 34- Sorr Tb roa t Qninay, UU-erated Throat ,2í - OS. HUMPHREYS' CDID 9ÍC NEW SPECIFIC TOR bltlr, CO boules oí pleSiint pellets. Just tlyom vast pocket. 8otd by OriiKsIsl, ir gnt ; ■ t pric. I; HuMPK&eyi' Manual 144 pags,) KAtuui rtmx. ■ramnutn, m 1 113 miünm si., wif" SFBOIPICS,


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