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Headache Destroys Health Resulting in uoor memory, irritability, nervousness and inteüectual exhaustion. It induces other forms of disease, such as epi1( B y. iCiirt disease, apoplexy, insauity, etc. Dr. Miles' Nervine Cures. Mrs. Chas. A. Myers, 201 Hanna St., Fort W:iyne, Ind., writos Oct. 7, 18M: "I suffered terribly with severe hcadaohes, diolni backache and nervousness, eraduallv ing worse until my life was despaired of, aud try what we would, I found no relief until I commenced using Dr. Miles' Nervine. I have taken flve bottlcs and believe I :irn a well woman, and I have taken great comfort in reeommending all of my friends to use Nervine. You may publish this letter if you wish, and I hope it may be the means of saving some other sick mother's life, as it did mine." On sale by all drusists. Book on Heart and Nerves sent FREE. Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. Dr. Miles' Remedies Restore Health, '11-19 wilcox ave. _ . - Detroit. Micm, ïdueati yoang men and womcn to maintain themselvM (o Indepotulince. nve monej and accumulate weslth, Busineu, fihorthand, Penman.-hïp, English and Mechanical Iir.wina Dparlment. ThoroughBjitemof countinghouw actu! buslnes. Busineai Universitj Buildiiiff. Iliuatratí'd Cataloeue frce. W. F. JEWELL, Prw't. T. R. SPENCEE, Sec y. MICHIGAN RESORTS. ARE DIRECTLY ON THE LINE OF THE Grand Rapids & Indiana R. R. TRAVERSE CITY He-Ah-Ta-Wan-Ta Omena Excellent PËTOSKEY Bay View Service Roaring Brook Wequetonsing 1 MACKINAC CITY Harbor Point Oden-Oden Upper Península Points Tourist tickets are on ale June lst to Sept. 30th, return limit Oct 31 st. Maps and Descriptive OF THE NORTHERN MICHIGAN RESORT REGIÓN. Time cai'ds and full information may be had by application to ticket agents or addresaing 4'. la MllkHIHIII, i. P. A T. A. raud Hapids, 'll li. W. H. BUTLER, 16 E. Hiiron-at., ANN AKBOK, IQIGH. Sfcretary and Treaeurer Nat. Saving ana Loa Assoclatin, MONEY TO LOAN. E. R. EGGLESTON, H. D. 2 Si. 'lain-M., Cor. Hm. mi-si. General Practice. Hours: - 10:30 a. na. to 12 m. ; 2 too p.m. and 7 to 8 p. m. Ti. ohio centralTinesT P" - -j T. L O. V. Ry-K. ,t M. Ry, Solid through trains between Toledo, Ohio and Charleston, W. Va., viá Columbus, the short and only direct route between Toledo, O., and Mt. Pleasant, W. Va. Findlay, O., " Riohmond, Virginia. . Kenton, O.. " Petersburg-, " Columbus, O. " Old Point Comfort, Va, Athens. ü. " Williamsbury. Va. Middleport,0 " Newport, News, Va. Pomeroy, O. ' Norfolk, Virginia, And all south-eastern points. Elegant drawing room cars on all through train s. For further information cali on your ocal ticket or write. W. A. Peteks. Mouiton Houk, Mich. Pass. Agt. Gen'l. Pass., Agt. W-i Detroit, Mich. Toledo. O. CESS-POOLS - AND - WATER CLOSETS CLEAN El). Cees-Pools 2i cents per cubie foot. Closets 'j cents per cubic foot, or by the job. (,'onl liits. Satisfacción Gxtarenteed. JACOB BEX, Z Brtween Ha . Depot and River. THE POPuTaÍTrOÜtF TO GRAND RAPIOS AND WESTERN MICHIGAN. IS THE D. L. & N. DETROIT, UNSING & NORTHERN. STATIONS. QOIWQ WEST. Detroit....... Lv. 7 40 1 lOJp m 6 00 p m Plymoiith.... 8 2 1 48 6 43 South Lyon.. " 8 48 I (,? 7 04 Howel] June. 9 14 99 Howell ■■ 9 20 2 Ú'" ' 7 38 LanslJ'S " 10 24 :; BS 8 37 Grand Ledge, " 10 65 . ,; 9 00 Grand Kapids ' l2 30pm 5 20 10 45 Ipnla... " 11 48 a m 4 45 pm 10 00 Howardoity,.Ar. 1 211 p m 11 45pm STATIONS. OOING EAST. Howard city .Lv. 5 50 a m 4l0nm Ionia.... .. " T :;u 1 ip m 6 00 Grand Rapids "7(0 1 20 5 25 Grand Ledge. ' 8 :' t 4:: 7 02 [■"' " s " 3 06: 7 25 go} 53 3 59 8 25 Howell June. " 9 58 Simtli Lyon... " 10 26 (28 'Ï5S' - l'lviiHitli " 10 61 4 47 9 20 ' '''""" Ar. 11 4ii a m 5 :ipm 10 10 pm Connecuons at Grand Kapids with the ChuofoanA West Michigan Ity. for Petoskey, Bav View, Traverse City, Manistee. Muskegon, Grand Haven, tsenton narbor, and St. Joseph T. A. A. C X. M. Agenta Sell Tlirotifh Tickets. Geo. D. Haven, G. P. A., Grand Rapids. n'CHIGAN CENTRAL. "The Niágara Falls Emite." VEXÏRAL STANDARD TIME, TRAINS AT ANN AKBOK. laking Effect May 19, 1S95. GOIXG EAST. Malí & E.xpress' 3 ;0p.m. N Y. & Boston Special ñ 00 Past Eastern 10 12 Atlantic Ex 7 47 A.M Detroit Night Ex 5 40 Grand Rapids E.x 11 05 GOING WEST Hst] & Expres-; 8 43 A. M Boston, N. Y. Chicago 7 30 North Sbore Ltd 9 25 Fast Western Ex 2 00 p. u. Grand Epds & Kal Ex 5 ■ r7 Chicago Night Express 10 28 Pacific Ex 12 15 ü. W. RUGGLES. H. W HAYEd, G. V & T. A., Chicago. Ag't., Ann Arbor C0 RA CLEVELAND Mïï! BUFFALO VIA C. & B. UNE.' cimiuienclnir with opening of navigat on about Aprl lst. Manniflcenf side-wheel steel stetmer "State i 'Olilu' iiii.lMiiic ofNewïork.1' DAII.Y TIME rinil. BÜNBAY IKCIUIED. Lv. Cleveland. 6:30 p. M. I Lv. Buft'alo. 6:30p.M. Ar. Buffalo, 7:80 A. M . Lv. i 1. veland 7 80a. m. CKNTBAL; STANDARD TIHE. Takerhe'C. & B. Line" MpamerS end enjoya refresnlng nieht's rej-t wfaen enrouteto Kuif hIo, Miiïiira Fallo, 'lo ron lo, lurk, Bonton. AlliHuy, 1,000 Inlands, or any other Eastern or Canadian point. Cheap Eicursions Weekly to Niágara Falls. Send 4 cents postage for tourist Tpamphlet. W. F. HkrmAn, T. F. Niwmak, Gen'l. Pass. Agt. jGen.l. Manager. Cleveland, Ohio. PLÜMBING STEAM AND GAS FITTING SEWER CONNECTIONS Made promptly and at reasonablö ra tes. All Work First-Class! GIVE ME A TRIAL. J OHN O 'BRIEN, 30 K. WASHINOTO1V ST. FHE BEST LINE TO THE SOUTH r THE DIRECT LINE TO ■ Cincinnali and the South, 1 3 THR0U6H TRAINS DAILY from DETROJ 4 THROUGH TRAINS DAILY from TOLEDO, DAYTON, CINCINNATI and the SOUTH. The Best Line From MICHIGAN flND NORTHERN OHIO FLORIDA and all the Southern States. 0. B. TRACY N. P. A., Detroit. Mlch. 4 JOHN BASTARLE. D. P. A.. Toledo. O. 0. G. EDWARDS. G. P. A.. Carew Bld. ClnXnnatl


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