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VM AL $5.00 Excursión. The Michigan Central Railroad Company will sell for $5.00 a round trip ticket to Petoskey and Traverse City on Wednesday, August 28th, via the Michigan Central and the Grand Rapids and Indiana Railroa'ds. The special trian will leave as follows : Leave Ypsilanti at 8:25 a. m. " Ann Arbor " 8:45 a. m. " Dexter " 9:05 a. m. " Chelsea " 7:17 a, m. Arrive at Traverse City at 7:20 p. m. " " Petoskey " " 8:00 p. m. Train stops twenty minutes at Grand Rapids for dinner. Tickets are good for return on any regular train until Friday, September sixth, inclusive. Passengers for Traverse City will change cars at Walton. All baggage will be checked through to destination. The fine train service, the ampie hotel accomodations at low rates, the many sights, the enjoytnent and benefit vou will receive cannot fail to make this THE EXCURSIÓN OF THE SEASON. Early application should be made for seats ia the parlor cars. H. W. Hayes, Agent, 78 Michigan Central Depot. Dr. ITIartlu' ÏNervme 'otte Saves Alore tluiii Hall' jour Cofffee ExpeoKL-aud Doctor Itill. A pleasant table drink composed of cereals, gluten and vegetables, and a positive cure for nervousness, dyspepsia, biliousness, constipation, heart disease, sick headache, sleeplessness and the many ailments caused from the use i of ordinary coft'ee and tea. 1 Ib. equals I 2 lbs. other coft'ee ; only 20c. Pree sample at grocers. Eat Dr. Martin 's Royal Breakfast Food. 26 Hay Fever. As the 20th of August approaches, yon should fortify your system with Dr. Humphreys' Specitie -'77, " and escape Hay Fever. Pnce 25 cents at all druggists. Dandruff is due to an enfeebled state of the skin. Hall 's Hair Renewer quickens the nutritive functions of the skin, healing and preventing the formation of dandruff. The Mio-.rn Boute to Ito-lon. All the commanderies of Knights Templar in Michigan have decided to go to Boston via the tourist line, "The Grand International Route" The Grand Trunk Railway ot Canada, on the occasion of the 26th Triennial Conclave to be held in Boston from the 27th to 30th of August. If this route is good enough for the Knights Templar of Michigan, the public should remembee that the Grand Trunk Ry. can take them the same way by way of Niágara Falls, the St.Lawrence River.the Rapids, Quebec, the White Mountains etc. Choice of innumerable return routes. For information write to D. S. Wagstaff . District Passenger Agent, 64 Woodward Ave., Detroit. Mich. 77 Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Awarded Gold Medal Miflwinter Fiir, Saa Francisco. BASKETS ! WILLO H BASKETS of all kinds. SPECIAL SIZBS AA'l) SHAPE8 MADE TOORDEB. REASOXABLE RATE8. phillip i im. i::. 45 Wall Street. DR. A. KENT HALE, Physician and Surgeon ENEHAL, PRAÍT1CK. aureaTattentionto Office, Hamilton Bik., Office Hours:- lOto j r, 12 a. m. 7 to8p. m. ZliÜ hlOOf. THE nETROPOLlTAN LIVERY EVEKITHIMG PERFECTLÏ NEW. PROMPT ATTENTION TO ALL ORDERS. LÊ COUPES, HACKS, m WÊi CARRIAGES BRAND NEW, ■■■■B f and at reasonable rates. Horses boarded and well cared for. WILL OPEN SEPT. lat. Remember the place and time of open ing-. l.i:ill(l.i:'S LIVERY, 'Phone. 148. Cor. HUI and E. I nlv. Ave. SEALED PROPOSALS WANTED. Sealed offers to purchase Thirty Thousand Dollars of the bonds of the I City of Ann Arbor, State of Michigan, will be received by the City Clerk at any time on or before Monday, August 19th, next, at twelve o'clock noon. These bonds are to be sold for the purpose of raising money to enable the city to construct lateral sewers in Districts Nos. 3 and 4, otherwise known as Hill and Huron street Districts and they were authorized by a special act of the Legislature, and will draw interest from August 3rd. 1895, at " per cent. per annum, payable at the City Treasurer's Office. The principal will mature in yearly installments of Seven Thousand Five Hundred Dollars and are to be charged upon their respective districts payable on or before the firstday of March of each year. The bonds will be issued in denominations of $500 each. The said bonds will not be sold for les than face value and accrued interest and the right to reject any or all bids is reservad. By order of the Common Councü. Glen V. Mills, 77 City Clerk.


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Ann Arbor Register