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The Register Office

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HAVE YOU A Few Hundred Dollars To Invest. Do you want to DOUBLÉ IT IN THREE YEARS Or Keen Bettrv. i THB ONE PLACE TO DO IT In in the FAMOUS PECOS VALLEY IN NEW MEXICO. Four years ago a cornpaay w-;is formed to coastract daras .o hold v;iter for ue ia irrigatinsthe land aloag the Peeos Val'ley. Tliis company lias the I LARGESTJRESERYOIRS IN THE WORLD. The laad aloag the valley, with plenty of water for irrigation, is the richest laai ia the couatry. For the purpose of raising Peaches, Pears, Apples, Grapas, Plam?, Appricots, it is equal to ;iuy s-tiou iu California. The cost ot' land is Surprislngly Low, while the water tax is nurely nominal. There can hi QÖ quedtïou th:it in thö njxt three or four years land ia this valley ïv'lü increasëi from three to flve times what it can now be secured for. The company that baa constructed these great reservoirs are anxious to olace the lan 1 with actual settler.sand are using every legitimite means to ininduce farmers to rem ve to so inviting a field. Great number.s bave already gone. Taoasaads more will be sare to follow -oon. This place liaA WONDERFÜL FUTURE And will nnke fortunes to thos3 wlu will take the troable to ok into the matter aad jtnike aa investm int aow while the land is cheap. MILLIONS OF DOLLARS Have been made in. California by thbse who yeara ago bought ip large tracta ot' land at a ow rate aai sold it in a few yeara vt an , EN0RM0US ADVANCE. A similar opportunity is now open in the FAMOUS PECOS YALLEY, NEW MEXICO. Cali at Tuk Register Office for circulara giving t'ull particulars. An account of the vast possibilities of this región reads almost like a novel, but every wórd of it can be verified. Parties wishiag to go and see for themselvea can se"ure half rate. S. Al. MORAN, having been appointed agent for liis company for Washtenaw county would be glad to furuish full mformation a to lan 1-; aa I pro 1 1 ifcs oE tais country Cali ftt. No. 2 N. FourthJAve., Ann Arbor, Mich., )r write H. D. ARMSTRONG, State Agt.. Jack son , Mich . , Or JAS. P. MA88IE, 419-420 Stock Ex, BUL, Chicago, llts. The future of the Famous Peco Valley .will .sorpasa any ;goldjniiie that has ever beea disco vered.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register