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No tice. The assessment rolls of lateral sewer Distriets Nos. 3 and 4, otherwise known as Hill and Hurón street distriots respectfully, will be in the hands of the City Treasurer for collection on Friday, August 16th, 1895, at 9 o'clock a. m. and until further notice. Chas. H. Manly, "9 . City Treasurer. Welsh's Pure Unfermented Grape Tuioe by the glass or bottle at A. E. Mummery's drug store. This hot weather requires the free use of disinfeetants. Coperas, Carbolic Acid, Chloride of Lime and Sulphur are ;he most common ones. You can get these or any others at Mummerys drug store. Summer Colds. Summer colds including hay fever and rose cold, are promptly relieved and cured by Dr. Humphreys' Specittc "77." For sale by all druggists price 25 cents. A Great Booki It would take sixteen of the Ohio Central Lines Thousand Mile Tickets to go otice over the lines represented. That is 16,000 miles of transportation lines is covered on the book. Since the latest additions it covers pretty nearly everywhere. 79 PUR 25 CENT COLUMN. WANTED. Lady agent in Ann Arbor and TT aud other towns to sell our ehewine fUetURiA'e Party' Med'Cated Gum C' WA,?i'!'EI?Cellars and yards to clean 'T Kubblsh removed. Leave orders with Wm. Action, 22 Pontiac-st. 77Ú WANTED- I wish to purchase a secondhand wheel chalr. If the reader has one, cali upon or address D. M. Register Office, City, glvlng full particulars, 80 WANTËD-A young man who will enter the High School this fall would like a place to takecareof furnaceordo some other work sufflcient to pay hls room rent. Address E. B. care The Register, City. 80 WANTED- Three or four unfurnished rooms for the coming year. Rooms on ground floor with outside entrance and in the central part of the city preferred. Address, B:JV1care_The_Reglter1_ twtf FOR SAL.K. ' FH SAI.K- Light wagon nêarly new. 18 S. Ingalls-st. _B. J. Conrad, 79 FOK SALE-Good location for wood a"ñd coa yard. Wiil sell cheap. Wm. Action, 22 Pontiae-st. ilt L'B SAlEVERy CHEAP-Good house 10 rooms, barn and two city lots on southwest corner, west Huron-st. andjewett Ave No. 9 the late residence of Lorenzo M Lyon Enquire of Daniel Lyon of Dexter or J. Q A Sessions, Attv. No. 5 N. Main street, Ann Arnor. F--ttf F 'OI SA 1iE-;i miles west of city on Dexter road, 60 acres good farm land especially suitable for fruit farm, 10 acres timber EiKiuire of A. S. Lyon on the premises. 79tf Ï1OK SAIiE-Newspapers ïn quantities suitable for putting under carpeta. Wijl be sold oheap at The Register office. 64tf HOÜSES FOK SALE O RENT-Keal Estáte bough tand sold. Kire Insurance m flrst-class compañías, Cali and consult me before decidlng. i believe I can accommodate ynu. Mary L. Hamilton, room 11, llamilton Block. (-tf If OR SALE-New Safe. Will be sold at a 1 bargain. Enquire of S. A. Moran, lit-Bister Office. atf FOR SALE - Mrs. Perkin'e farm 80 acres, 2 miles east of Saline 7 miles' SDUth of Aun Arbor, known as the Kelloirir farm. Six acres good bearing poacli orcharcf house, barn, stoei and well water in abundance, school within % mile. Price reasonable I i-rnis easy, callón premises or U S. Ingallsst.. Ann Arl)or. 94, f' UK 'K ai,;-im Acres 01 Land, six 1 miles fromcity, or will exchange for city prop erty. Enquire at No. 3 K. LibertAt. 3itf ÍTtARH POK SA Í, E:- The BuTlock or Kverett farm, 3 miles west of Salem station and 11 miles froni Ann Arbor, contaiiiicg 109 acres house.and barns, stock and well water in abundanc "imber; school and church within a milelaua naturally the best; all seeded down. Price' and terms reasonable. ('all on or Andrew K.QHwon.30 Maynard 8t., Ann Arboi, Mich. 45tf forbjbnt. FOK KIM a l„ms"e of 11 rooms, wlth bath and all modern conveniences; or will rem part of same. Cali after 6 p. m. No " Pnller gt itstf HÖÏSKS TO KENX-SeveralHouseswiih modern improvementa, unfurnishcd rooms for m:ill families, al reasonable prlces Gallon J.Q. A. Seasiona, ECeal Estáte Sgent! Office No. ." N. Ualn-st. and Hoor, Eeaidence ■ifi E. Williani-st. xtt f OO.nsforlighthousekeepingandfurnwhril rooms. Applyjto Eoom 8, third floor, Ihttmlton block. Modern convenii-m-cs includingsteam heat i'm f LOST- A black silk and lace cape somcwnere bei ween Main streel and two miles west of the city . The person returntng same Co .1 S. DtvlsoD streel dty, will recelve vward Tti Itf AMTCn (;'"""' rellable men 10 sell WMn I J '""'' and llai-dy Nur""" ' L# ery Htoclc, such as fruit t rees, roses, shrubs and ornamentals. Ladies make thw buslneaa h Buccess. Easy work pleasant. light and profitable. Outfit Free, Applyatonce, wltfi references, and secure choico of territory, V. N. Hay Cuninanv, Xurserymen and Beedsmen, Rochesteí,N Y 89 '


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Ann Arbor Register