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Among Our Neighbors

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Manchester wijl I ■ of sports in few weeks. Leonard Herman has bought -nn farm oppisite his own piare. southwest of town. Time was when wool timo was reck(me.l on by :" merchants as the looked for pay day and farmers were sure to pa'. Lila out of their wool at and but o ciruulation through the merchant's hands. We were much pleased on Sunday ■norning by a cali from Prof. Miller "f the Big Rapids schools and S. V. Clark-on casliie.i of the lst national bank oí Ann Arbor. It is nearly -;i yeara since iYof Miller wa tendentol our schools and 16 years since -■ visited here. A party of young ladiesof the vi hired a tèain 'and wairon with hay rack, and with Prof. Thos. Moran as driver and Fred Frêeman as- all aronnd man, ilrove to Wampter's iak last Priday to armer's picnic. They had heaps of fun going oat at the lake. but a hay rack is no phaeton to ride home in and the ladies were nearly exhausied when Uiey retuurned. Dexter Lea dek. Sixly tickets were sold at this station for the Maocabee excursión to Detroit today. A large blue Heron mounted öy Ed. McLain and A.K. ( ollins is on oxhibitum at Davia Bros', store. The children of the M. E. Sunday uhool turned out en naasse and enjoyad a pienii; at North Lake last Pr C. Schuit, cpntributed ÍS and costa for rilling nis bicycle ou the sidewalk Tuesday, conttary''to the bicycle 'ordlahce. Miss Eva Mains arrived homo from pip to Baltimore and Washington Saturday evening, accompained by bar Iriend, Miss Hollist' . Every hitchin' place taken and the Btreeta and stores filled with pei show thatl) xter wasgetting her share of business Saturday evening. The of it is tiiia is a regular weekly Ypsilanti Commercial. Dr. and family starled for Boston by tin; ivay of Montreal. Tuesday night. fhey expect to be gone a ile of mon1 The yield of wheat is mnch botter in county and southern Michigan than was ihing commenced. Athough e short, ,■■■,: 10 b Wesee by the Eyening Journal of y City, N. J., that Kev. Mr. li. M. irge of the uu inder the auspioe3 of the evange rches there on the Sabbath. Saline Obs ittlB soa w I ' Mi', and Will Toli s. Armida Trip ■ ily have lly moved to Ann .V The Farmers' ('lab i: ■. on sick for a of her Mrs. Wood Wednc sday mornrrow at 2 p. m. Pa Qext A eommittee froin the village council are negotiating with the school board for the srection of a largo cistern to be ed on t!n: schooi ground, to be built by tho district and village jointly. for the protection against lire Both to the school andadjoininy jjropertie-. Mrs. J. H. Barr invited hor many friendsto her home Sunday evening to view the blossoms of a niht blooming i'ereus. The plant stands about two feet high and had five opin bloesoms at the time, and other buds nearly open blossoms were about f our inches deep and nine across, very fragrant and beautiful. Chelsea Standard. Dogs have killed five sheep for G. Freer one night last week. One hundred and six of our inhabitant took in the excursión to Detroit yesterday. A bicyclist namel Le vis, with a v;heel geared to 100 was the center .of attraction on our streets Tuesday eveníng. The motive power is furnished by set and the hands. He claims to lave ridden a rnile in 1A' on the mane. The foui-th quarterly meeting of the M. E. church will ba held August 18th. The fourth qu irterly conterence will be held Friday evening, August Hith. This will be the meeting for the election of the new church officers and for ippointment of committees and for hearing reporte for the Word ha us that Wil! Whitcomb, son of Rey. W. Y. v hil formerly paatoi huren hero, isvery Biekj With ng hopee fpr bis reöovery. . CHELS l'li,o a] h . rard to uiiusually hui been favort abbits, ae few of n damp places. Tb " baa cncoiu and fbrmerá in all s isual numTbe State Dairyma Michigan organized uno. law, will hold a series of dairy in ario is co'twty fairs this rail, in ,. . men wil] fcive familiar talks to butterand cheese maketa on the pra Ie of lui; They will hear and auswer quea and ülustrate thPir actual knowleáge by pointing out defects in dairy pro-' dnctsand teil how ' them. lt La expected that èx-Govefnor Hoard, of Wiseonaln, poe of the bel jnfoi;med dairy ■ in the country will be one of the instructor-.


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Ann Arbor Register