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':LV PsW INSTANT, Wm Colir ■Chofera . ; . ■ is íEBDiarrhixa Dr.Bayer'sCOLIC DROPS Wnrranted or money refunded. Mf(). hy THe Bajer 9I(I. Co., Toledo, O Incorporated Enterprise Wants AGENTS. Iaimediate renumeratlon upon appolotaien Good Comniission, Apply to C. 0. Lagerfeit, P, 0. Box 22, El Paso, Texa; "srar REVIVO " '" '$ í% REST0RES VITALITY. fTO jjt} 9, Made a : ■ !:;ir. Wf)'i4tWell Man WhDay.Mh of Me. THE GREAT SOth Iay. (io'Iticcs the above rennlti in 30 days. ! : :ty and qnickly. liirea when all others fail Voui'iï rm-u will retfaiQ tbeir Joet inaniiooil ai iover tli. -ir youtbíui ntfor by utsinii REVIVO. It qntckly and ■ rvou as8. Loj-t Vitality, Impoteucy. Ktghtlj Lost Power, PialJi&g M rnory, Via ill efféeta ot and indlseretiOD, which unfits om Eora iidy buness or marriage. It nol only cnrea hy Rtsrtins at the --it of diaeMa. but at ihtv tonic and blood bnilder. bring[og back the pink fflow ti i;il" -htks and re storing the íírn of y)ith. It wardfl otl Jnsauit :niil CoosamptkiD. ÏHBist on bavins RKV1VO-bo mail !1.00 per p io, wlfefa a poftl tive wrllten ffnnruntee t ure reiund the ruonoy. dwnter tr , ROYAL MEDICINE CO., 63 River St., CHICAGO, It' rr MUe at Anu Arbor, ?Ií !i., l y EberStGÖS CURES AH KINDS OF Hen dache. Neuralgia, Jnsatnnid, R] i.V ALL Bheumattc Pains. piticE jr (i:rs. Gnimmrad's Mackiaac Line Stsamer. Toirists' 1[ f Koute . sk.iii-wki:klt i Hd'i Cleveland, Toledo and Detriot, MMackinac Island, Cheboygan, St. Idnam ïlnpna a1"' ;l" '"'""■ '"; lgUdCti, Aipclld, tlu m-i -lioreof Huron. The only line gl ving passengere the opportnnlty of slght seelngal uil waj poInUonthl i, Also glvlnground trip passenBers Blx hours on tbe (monB Macklnac I land. Parea, InclwUng ti:i1 ni Bertl Hm Olllfl' BZPCBSMH CleTriD to Uacklnac laland and reumi seren-day ii'l] ei4 w Toledo to Macklnac iBland and return aix-day trip '2 li.-iroii to Macklnac laland and return flvedaj trip " '" Tickets good to return uny tlnrt ba the Bea■on. Connectlng al Maeklnac Island wlth all steamers tor Chicago, Mllwaukee, PeUkey. Sauli Bte Marltt, .'nul all port on Lake Mlcnlliran. Lake tfupurlor and Green Bay; and at si (nac, wiili n S. B. .v a. liv. forall in upper Península and the Wrttc Time Table. T. GBANT GB1JMMI IND, Gen. Pas. Agent S B. QKUMlteND, JB. GenW'al Managea. .i:m;i{i. offkks, u.iroii, nrieb fÍ(RíVt ' famá ÜIP5 About Kníves. A cbeap i ie boaghs not the kind yon want. # One dollar is the lowesi price tbal s really good knlfi [or. Thia jiloumn is placed in thls paper to aÜTeri e the vi t-knife ever sold. It s J. C. T wffiekliteel Ki : Never buy a ontly becanse it' looks well. [tbladesare not the SheffieM steel they will boob bend,. no' matter how tbny will look. Stil), want a fint-looking knife. The United States law provides ttinl only samples to agente and to the trad e will be admitted free ol duty. Yon can, therefore, see the a ivantage that I have in sending - - o agenta over those vvho deal in ohetfield good in America. I am an advertising agent.' I ara entrusted witli a eertain amourt to spend advertising these knivea (the best valué ever Been In America at One Dollar each). Now, the i uife is Uu own beet advertisem Imagine a Pocket-knife (3i longj with the most beautifully-grained genuine Afi-ican ivory mand with tuo Mades of the very best Sheffle nat will last a lifetime and cut llke a razor. The tips oí the handles are heavily plated with sterling silver. And then a very nice chamois leather case goeö with each knife. Xow, .v'ould t not be easy vork gelling this knife at One Dollar each? I kow it would, for it looks as if it worth two dollars, And so it is f you compare it with the va i ! in the ordinarv Store, Is not this knife Lts :■, n best advor a ent. # Yon can make $4 per day selling theee krdves, Thia is a genuine and tforward statement 'ihis is eounting thut you show it to only twelve travers every day. And eyery one tbat eeea it will Bay it is a gotid value for 11. The knives ai-e sold to you at iv per dózes : you sell them at 8:1 iach. 1 detc 'mined bi q of &d (1 to me in . free samples i those who. promi: Qts for the sale ot samjile, but ou must sign the promise at the foot if thia column, and mak'1 a deposit to -]ov thai tn asking for the knife you ■K)d fiiitii The deposit that Í ask of you is 44 the whi' st of and less than one-thiri what vou would have to pay tor a knife liko it, if i ( luier or il put a ■ at stamp on üch must not weigh more than one-half ounce. The deposit of 1 1 cents will be placed and will be dedil. from your ttrsi order at the dozen rate. I am an advertising agent, contractor and publisher with one or' the largest i ' Lsing businessea in the worhl,anil absolutely guarantee tosend, postage paid and duty free, the knife deseribed labove free to anyone who signs the promise below, and sends it with the deposit as stated. Let me advise you not to part wïth your sample, even should lose a sale at f 1 by refusing, as it will tako time to replace it. I cou! not end you another even if you sent the full$ï. Af ter the sample they can only be suppliedtoyouby the dozen as there ia duty on them to be paid. # Any English Banker can give you inforination about raj high standing, or write to the publisher of this papers who knows that I do a large and straightforward advertising bu&iaess. and that 1 do exaetly as I say. I have taken this pace in thfe pape . for three y ears ! Thettrstone answering this advertisement aitey this number of the paper has come nut will, i . he likes, have bis name printed in thiï space as agent for these knivi The Editor of the Springfitld (Ohio) ZVeto Era writes, in his paper of Juno 29, 1884: "I have recelved a sampleknife from Mr. Sears, and am very much pleaaed with it. He is the owner of a very large advertising business in London, and is, 1 belleve, perfect! responsible and straightforv, . # " Sign your namo arir acfdrésa to the following, cut it out and send it with Postal Order or Btamp's for 44 cents, and you will receive by return of post the beautiful knife as deseribed above, V. "W. SEARS, A DV3EgT18ING AG EN T CONTEACTOB, VVHOLE8ALE KNIFK ADVEBTISINQ DEPAHTrifüK-ir? i Plekt Street, London' Dkai: Sii;.- 1 faithfully promise on ht' and honour to show the Sample Knif you have proiniseil to send me to ene' or more of my friends, thereby constó-' tnting myself an agent. Thi: wil1' make me "in the trade" as büf ar Pocket-cutlery is concerned. By Itti' promise I am entitled to a sample ot your beautiful Dollar PocKct-kaife with chamois leather case, to'be sen me post-paid and duty free. I nïso &- close. 44 cents Postal Order or stamp, which please hold for me untü I end you an order at the dozen rate. Xame Address _ Address ail letter to F. W. 5EARS, Wholesale Kniíe Adivertisemení Stfl J28FLEET ST. LONDON ENi 0


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