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JpARTERSf J IVlTTLE J IVER áap Ipills SICK HEADACHE Positively cured by these Littlc Pilis. They al so relieve Distress from Dyspepsia, Indigestión and Too Ilcarty Eating. A perfect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, DrowsiJiess, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tungue Tain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They Regúlate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. Small Pili. Small Dose. Small Price. OWEN Q SJtL I Trade Mark-Dr. A. Owen FOR MEN AND WONEN The Utest and only pcientifie and practical TEleclric Belt made, for general use, producing tigenuiue current of filectrlcity, for the euro f dlsease, that can be readily feit and regulated botb iu quaatity aud power, and applied o any part of the body . It can bo wora at any time during worklng bours or sleep, and W1LL POSITIVELY CURE riJMírrtÉiWfe'Í'''" nHEIA'riSM 1 ■ÉttJKJíKÚAl.nEBIHa'Y 3JS3B B8fcl.A3IE BACK ■kNERVOUS tUSICASES "Wt!MWm$r VAHICOCBLE W? SJiXlAL WEVKNESS iMgt IMPOTENCY ÜBir K1UNEV H1SEASES WITHOUT MEDICINE Electrlcity, properly applied, is fast taking he placeo! drugs for all Nervous, Rheumatlc, Kldney and Urinal Troubles, und wlll effect cures In seeralngly hopelosa cases wbere evcry other knowa means bas f aildd. Any BiuggiBb, weaK or diseased organ may Siy this mcans be remeed to healthy activlty toefore it is too late. Leading medical men use and recommend the Owen Belt in thelr ptactioe. SUR LARGE ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE Contatos f ulleet Information regardlng the cure of ooute, chronio and nerrons diseases, pricee, al how to order, in Engllsh, Germán, Swcdish ooi Norweglan languages, wlll benailed, upon ippljcation, to any address f or 6 cents poUage. Hu Owen Electric Belt and Appliance Co. MAIN OFFICE AND ONLT PACTORT, ikcDmn Electric Belt Bldg., 201 to 211 State Street CHICAGO, ILL. ?beLiwel Electric Belt Eitabiithmsnt In the World 8ICYLE REPAIRIÑG NEW SHOP FINE TOOLS SKILLED WORKMEN PRICES MODERATE ■J KimU of Machi n ■ ll'ork .' EleOTBICAL AppAEATUS, Sn;;kal, Dental and ScikxTl FIC I N8TBUM K . is MADE = OR - REPAIRED Lawn MowersSharpened and Uepaircd. Dies and Moulds. A. HUNTER, P!p 9 E. LIBERTY ST.


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