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Council Proceedings

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[OFFICIAL.] COUNCIL C'H AMBER. f Axn Arbor, Aug-ust 26, 1895. f Adjourned session. President Hiscock being absent the Council was called to order by Glen V. Mills City Clerk. Roll called. Quorum present. On motion of %d. Prettyman Aid. Brown was chosen President pro tem. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. KROM THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS. To the Common Council : The Board of Public Works presents to your honorable body the following estimate of the city engineer for your consideration. Glen V. Mills, Clerk. Engineer's estimate for street coping on S. University Ave. Furnishing and placing stone coping 160 rods at $2 per rod . 32O.C0 Gradingthe extensión and placing a 1 foot strip of sod lfiO roos at 75c per rod 120.00 Total estimate $440.00 George F. Key, Engineer. Referred to Street Committee. A petition signed by Daniel Forbes asking for the extensión of the main sewer was read and referred to the Sewer Committee. A communication from H. J. Mann relative to thb insuring fire department building was read and referred to the Fire Department Committee. REPORTS OF THE STANDING COMMITTEES. KINAHCE. To the Common Council: Your Committee on Finance to whom was referred the several bids for the $30,000, lateral sewer bonds, af ter ing the subject full consideration, have decided, and so recommend to this Councilj that it would be to the best interest of the city, to accept the bid of the Farmers and Machanics Bank at $10.50 premium and accrued interest to date of transfer of any portion of such bonds as the City Treasurer may conBider necessary to issue in order to raise a sufficient amount of money to meet the expenditures on the respective laterals. The directora of the bank have agreed to accept the issue in this manner. Respectfully submitte'l, H. J. Brown, C. H. Cady, Emmett Coon. Committee on Finance. Adopted as follows : Yeas- Aid. Moore, Maynard, Allmendinger, Koch, Snyder, Laubengayer, Brown, Ferguson, Shadford. Prettyman, Coon, Butterfield, Cady - 13. Nays - None. To tne Common Council: Your Committee on Finance to vvhom was referred the claim of Arthur Svveet would refer the same back without recommendation. Hespectfully submitted, H. J. Brown, Emmet Coon, C. H. Cady. Committee on Finance. Adopted. To the Common Council: Your Oommittee on Finanoe to whom was referrèd the opinión of the City Attorney relativo to a claim of Adam Meuth would recomraend that the same be referrèd to the Committee on Streets who have the matter under the investigation. Respectfully submitted, H. J. Brown, Emmett Coon. C. H. Cady. Committee on Finanoe. Aid. Koch moved that the matter be referrèd to the Street and Finance Committee with power to act. Adopted as follows : eas - Aid. Moore, Maynard, Almendinger, Koch, Snyder, Laubengayer, Brown, Ferguson, Shadford, Prettynian, Coon, Butterfield, Cady- 13. OBDINANCE. Chairman Prettyman introduced an Ordinance relative to Disorderly Persons and Conduct which was given its first reading by title. Aid. Butterfield moved that the Ordinance relative to Disorderly Persons and Conduct be ordered placed on its second reading. Adopted. An Ordinance relative to Street Railways and authorizing the Ann Arbor Street Railway Co. to extend its railway lines was given its third reading by sections. Upon which the question was put ';Shall this ordinance pass?" Adopted as follows : Yeas- Aid. Moore, Maynard,Allmendinger. Snyder, Laubengayer, Brown, Ferguson, Taylor, Shadford, Prettyman, Coon, Butterfield, Cady - IS, Nays - None. SIDEWALKS. To the Common Council : Your Committee on Sidewalks recommend that the following walks heretofore ordci-ednew, be repaired providing the same be constructed of cement next season. On the north side of Washtenaw Avenue in front of 47. 40, and lot east of 55 the property of W. D. Harriman, Mrs. Steadman, Eliza Smith. On the west side of south Main in front of 96 property of Martin Haller. On the south side of Packard in front of 18 property of Wm. Reinhardt. Further that the following ordered new, be repaired providing the same be juilt next season. On the south side of Geddes Avenue along the property of W. l). Harriman. On the north side of Volland in front of the property of Mrs. O. B. Hall. Further that the building the following walks be postponed until further notice. On the east side of north 4th Avenue along the property of Thomas J. Keech and John Oault. Further that plank sidewalks be built on and along the following streets and in front of the following in the City of Ann Arbor. Itespectfully subraitted, Emmett Coon, C. H. Cady. C. A. Mavnard, W. M. Shadford, John Koch, Jacob Laubengayer, H. J. Brown, Committee on Sidewalk. By Alderman Coon. Resolved, that the eonstruction of sidewalks hereinafter mentioned is deemedand declareda necessary public improvement. Therefore it is hereby ordered that plank sidewalks be graded built and constructed on and along the following streets and in front of the following property in the city of Ann Ar'jor, viz: On the south side of East Washington street from 12th street to the walk in front of F. S. Mosoley, in front of the property of John Laughlin and others. Adopted. MGHTIJtO. To the Common Council: Your Committee on Lighting recommend that the Michigan Electric Co. be awarded the contract for lighting the city for flve years as per a contract herewith submitted. And further your committee would recommend that the bond of said company be placed at $10,000 (ten thousand dollars.) Kespectfully submitted, D. F. Allmendinger, C. H. Cady, A. P. Ferguson, Committee on Lighting. Aid. Moore moved to reconsider the vote on the motion of Aid. Rrown to lay the amendment to the report of the Lighting Committee upon the table for two weeks which motion prevailed at the session of the Common Council August 19th, 1895. Adopted. The amendment was lost as follows: Yeas- Aid. Laubengayer, Butterfield- 2. Nays- Aid. Moore, Maynard, Allmendinger, Koch, Snyder, Brown, Fero-uson, Shadford, Prettyman, Coon. Cady-11. Aid. Prettyman moved that the matter be referred back to the Lighting Committee to prepare a contract satisfactory to both, parties and report at 'the next regular session of the Common Council. Adopted as follows: yeas_Ald. Moore, Maynard, Allmendinger, Koch, Snyder, Laubengayer, Brown, Ferguson, Shadford, Prettyman, Coon, Butterfleld, Cady- 13. Nays- None. RESOLUriOiiS. By Aid. Butterfield. Resolved, th&t the Street Committee and Kngineer be and are horeby directed to confer and report upon a proper plan for looation of the track of the Ann Arbor Street Railway Company upon the proposed extensions. Adopted. By Aid. Cady. Resolved, that the Board of Public Works be directed tó surface Paekard street between Monroe and State with broken stone at least 4 inches thick in a manner similar to the work done on. Main street betwoen Ann and Catherine. Referred to the Street Committee. By Aid Brown. Itesorhd, that Prol. AI. E. C'ooley be requested to kindly furnish to this Conncil a report on smoke consumera at his earliest convienence. Adopted. On motion the Council adjourned. Glen V. Mills, City Clerk. The Board ol' Public Wrok. Office of the Board of Public Works, ) Ann Arbor, August 22d, '95. f Special 9ession. Called to order by President Clark. Present Pres. Clark, Bullis, absent Mr. richuh. Mr. Bullis moved that the Street Commissioner be authorized to purchase of Scyder and Sweet such gravel as he may deern necessary for the city at 30 cents per load, Yeas- Pres. Clark, Bullis- 2. Nays- None. Upon motion the Board adjourned. Glen V. Mills, Clerk.


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