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Michigan Happenings

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Geörg-e l'.oyle was killed in a sewer cavein at Iieiding. The Detroit & Maekinaw railway has eompleted its survey to Cheboygan. A case of small-pox is reported in the family of William Durrin, near Galesburji. The Seventeenth Michigan Infantry will hokl its annual reunión at Lansing, ()ct. 2. Xegotiations are being made for the establishment of two large tanneries in Gladstone. William Miller, of Portland has fallen heir to 8285,000 left to his mother in lingland. Charles Smith, whese legs were man?led bv a train at Durand died irom the shock of amputation. The body of an unknown man was found on the beaoh on Beaver island. Ciose by was found a lady's silk dress. About 3.000 people attended the Wahtenaw. Livingston and Oakland jounty farmer' picnic at Whitmore lak-. Miss Ella. Hackus ha been admitted to the bar at Traverse City. She is the only woman lawyernorth of Grand Rapids. A. T. Stephen, of the M. A. C, goes to North Carolina as professor of agrijulture in North Carolina' agricultural college. Mrs. C.arrity, of Mackinaw City, cut her throat from eur to ear, but barely missed the jugular rein. She is supposed to be insaue. Fire at KeiiBÍngton destroyed Fred Wyant's blacksmith shop, dvvellinp tnd barn a ad S. Varnes stor and iiouse. Loss, 8J,.rü). Geo. L. Legge, aged 22, OBe of the ■ditors of the Sun Held Sun, was struek iy an electric car at Grand Ra pide ind instantly killed. The houses of Widovr Furnev and 0. J. Marsh were destroyed by tire at i'aris. The fire i.s supposed to have een the work of tramps. Several building and loin associa„ions in Michigan baving advertised to ssue eoupon stock f ully paid up upon vhich guarauteed dividends are paid it a specitied rate of interest, Attorney ieneral Maynard has rendered an pinion that the issuing of such stock s illegal. tn 'urn m ii- ui mi The supreme coiineil of the Amerian Legión of Honor, a fraternal insurance order with 00,000 members, net at Detroit in bi-ennial session. Through the concerted offorts of Thristian Endeavor people and Good Templars, the only saloon in Munger township, Bay county, has been closed. Kewacodouqua, of Walpole island, lied at the age of 100. the remembered instances of the war of 1812. Hundreds of Indians attended the funeral. A. Haywood, near Grand Haven, has Iwelve acres of corn where each stalk vill average eleven feet high, notsvithstanding the drouth of so long standing. Mrs. .T. D. Van Duyn. an old resident 3Í Manchester was killed by a Lake Shore train. Mrs. Van Duyn had be■ome deranjred and she had wandered iway from home. Oscar, the three-year-old soa of Wm. F. Winkelmann, was choked to death it liay City by atterapting to swallow i piece of crab apple which became lodged in his throat. The grangers from southern Michigan, northern Ohio and Indiana met it the Haw Keese park, near Hillsdale, f r their annual reunión and the attendaDce was very large. The crew of the sehooner Wanderer, ivhich ran into Sand Beach harbor for shelter, reports the loss of Capt. Alexinder Spence and John Uody, a seanan, in L.ake Huron in a heavv gale. State Dairy and Food Commissioner Storrs has appointed as inspectors uníer the pure iood laws W. J5. Scatterjood, of Ithaca; John I. Breek, of Jackson, aud John R. Bennett, of Muskegon. John Walker and Alian Duranee had i fight while threshing near Yale, and Duranee struck Walker a territic blow 3n the head with a club, fracturing the skull, and he is in a critioal conJition. The vacanoy of the office of judge of probate of Mackinac county, occasioned by the recent demise of Judge James Gallagher was filled by Gov. Rieh appointing Charles Connor, of St. Ignace. Frank Austln, mate on a Menominee tug picked up what looked like an ;mpty dynamite shell and began tearing it to pieces. The explosión tore 3ft' two fingers and a thumb and ruined Dne of his eyes. A horse belonging to M. Matielos, of South Haven, valued at $173 ran away. One of the shafts of a buggy standing aear by penetrated the animal's breast Dver a foot. It plunged down a 30-foot ïmbankment and e.xpired. C. H. Lambert, oí Elkhart, Ind, mar;ied Miss Tena Kussell, at ííiles. At the time he had Si, -00 and said he ntended to embark in business. After í week Lambert disappeared and the pounjf bride is frantic. Foul play is iuspected. James L. Edson, aged 61, senior partner of the well-known wholesale iry goods firm of Edson, Moore & Co., Detroit, died from paralysis, which n-as the result of a partial sunstroke received while fishing at Orchard lake iuring the summer. (ieorge W. Arnold. near St. Johns, thinks he has struck it rich on his farm. He exhibited a sample load of soft coal. which appears to bc of the best quality. The vein which runs through his land is said to be very rich and almost inexhaustible. The steamer Burlington, owned by U. ürant Grummond, of Detroit, was burned to the water'sedge in Meidrum bav, near the Grand Manitoulin island. The crew of 12 men was taken off by the tug James Story. She was rated it íjl',',000 and had ü,000 Insurance. The Tivola hotel was raided at Lansing and seven women arrested as disjrderlies and prostitutes. A door had been out between the Tivola and the Oak Hall saloon and the girls there met men. The hotel proprietor claims to have been ignoraut of these doings. The packing hoxise and contents of ! [nglefritz & .Son. at Mcnroe, was stoyed by tire, causing a loss of $6,000, on vvhich there was an Insurance of bnt Si. 000. Agricultura], iinplements and considerable grain stored in the jellars was ruined. It was lnceudiary. There are 99 Ufe convicta in the prison at Jaekson. Of thes eS7 are in for murder and eight for criminal as5ault. .loseph Duquette is the oldest time-server, ha via ff boon received 37 years ago for murderinff his two-yearold child. Kartholomew Sands is the aldest iifer, being BS. He came to prison 34 years ago. lie is in the prison hospital. Within the month the comraon counü of l'ontiac passed Mabbath observmce ordinam-es which have leen far reaehing in their AU business ind refreshment places of every kind were forced to C1OW. The resulting puritanical Sabbaths have evidently not beec appreciated and enjoyed by ill citizens, as the council has rescinded those ordinances. A Grand Haven correspondent says Kalamizoo must looi out for her celsry laurels. Muskegoo and Ottawa jounties are after her. Grand Haven l:i ims to raise the finest and largest jelery in the country. This year the nowen have opened up a new market in New York City and the American Bxpress Co., is shipping from one to Iwo tons daily to that point. George Loyst and faraily had a narrow escape from beinjj cremated in their own house at Alpena. About .' i. m. the structure was discovered on tire by neighbor. whofound the family asleep. They were aroused and succeeded in making their escape through a wiudow, in their night robes. The building and contenta wijl be a total loss. Si r. Loyst lost his lumberlng camps outfit about a month igo by forest fires. I'.ev. O. D. Tav lor, th alleg-ed swiniler. was brrught to Saginaw from Dalles, Ore., by DrtocUve Parker twens. Among the man; charges preferred agiiinst hirn is one by Dr. D. -t. Cornell, who says that Taylor obtained his signature to notes aggregat,ng 98,000, with intent to defraud. rbere are many other eharvea made igainst Taylor, who, it is alleged, has fleeced no less that 30 persons out of mms aggregatiag ST0,000.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register