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Dos Licentie i ■■. Xottce is hereby given that the license on all dogs in the city of Ann Arbor expires SeptemDer Jst, 1895. All persons, owning keeping or harboring any dog within the coporate limits of the city of Ann Arbor are hereby notified tbat the tax is now due and must be paid before that date at the office of the City Olerk. Dated, August 27, 1895. Glen V. Mills, 81 City Clerk. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder WorW's Fair Hisrhest Award. Mr. ahd Mis. C. A. Eïend riek are selling new Fall Millinery at one-third off until Saturday night. They will open at No. 70 S. Main street, Sept. 17. 78 PUR 25 CENT COLUMN. WANTEP. -Cellars and yards to clean Kubhish removed. Leave orders witli Wm. Action, 22 Pontiac-st. 77tf WANTEB-I wlsh to parchase a secondhand wheel chair. lf the reader lias one, cali upon or address I). M Register Office, City, givingfull particulars. 80 WANTED-A young man who wlll enter the High School this fall wou ld like a place to takecareof furnaceordo some other work sufh'cient to i;iy liis room rent. Add ress E. B. care The Register, Cit y. 80_ .TTANTE- Three or four unfurnished tl rooms f or the coming year. Rooms on round Hoor with outside entran ce and in tht entral part of the city preferred. Address, i. W. care The Register. Kytf FOB SALE. TiOlt SALË- Good location for wood and 1 coalyard. Wiil sell cheap. Wm. Action, i Pontiac-st. 77tf troit SALE VERY Good house 10 rooms, barn and two city lots on south6Bt corner, west Huron-st. and Jewett Ave. "o. 99 the late residenceof Lorenzo M Lyon. Inqalre of Daniel Lyon of Dexteror J. Q. A. essions, Attv. No. 5 N. Main street, Ann Aror. 70tf_ F'OR SALE-3 miles west of city on DeTtr road, tiO acres good farm land especilly suitable for fruit farm, 10 acres timber. inquire of A. S. Lyon on the premises. 7i)tf ,1OK SALE- N'ewspapers in quantitïês D suitable for putting onder carpeta. Will je sold cheap at The Register office. 64tf HOIJSES FOK KALE OR RENT- Real Estáte bought and sold. Fire Insurance n flrst-classcompanies, C all and consult me before dedding. I believe I can accommodate you. Mary L. Hamilton, room 11, Hamlton Block. oTl.f h-'OR SALE- New Safe. Will be sold at a 1 bargain. Enquire of S. A. Moran, Begiser Office. 39tf FOR SALE - Mrs. Perkin'p farm, 80 acres, 2 miles east of Saline 7 miles outhof Ann Arbor, known as the Kellogg arm. Six acres good hearing peach orcharcT mnse, barn, stock and wil] water in abundince, Bchool wtthln v2 mile. Prlce reasqnable ei m easy, cali on premises or 44 S. Inrallst., Ann Arbor. fl4t( ' ■ KM ' (Aá,K- 120 Aeres, oí Land, sis miles trom city, or will exchange for city prop erty. Knquire at No. 3 E. Liberty-st. Sltf J7AHM FOK SAÜ.K:-The Bu"llock or Isverett C farm, 3 miles west of Salem station and 11 miles from Ann Arbor, conUinirg 109 acres, house.and barus, stock and well water in abundanc 'iraber; school and church within a mileana naturally the best; all seeded down. Price and terms reasonable. Cali on or addres: Andrew E. Oibgon.30 Maynard-8t„ Ann Arboi, Mich. 45tf FORRE1VT. TO RENT-Three Unfurnislied Rooms, closet with carh. with city and clstern water, rent reasonable to small fainily. Adress 10 Willmot-st. 80 F'OK R ENT-A 12 room house in good loeat ion, for particulars enquire at 16 South 'tate Street. go li'OR RENT- lTnfurnished rooms for light T house keeping ut :!s North State St. Aiso five unfurnished muis. Pantry and Cellar it 10 Wall St.. Cistern and well water. 80 EOK RENT- A house of 11 rooms, with bat hand all modern conveniences; or will rent part of same. Cali after 6 p. m. No 2 Fuller st. iBtf HÖI.SES TO RENT- Several Houses wTth modern improvements, unfurnished rooms (orsmall tamllies, al reasonable pricee. Gallon J.Q.A. Sesslons, Real Estáte leent, OfflceNo. SN. Main-st. 2nd noor, Residence 'IK E. Willlam-st. ;u f T kiXk ■ fc: f... 1 ;..!-. U.,. i : „ .' .. . . ,i r. ''. : - l Kiwir .'.- mi lililí Miuit.Míriijiii;irKiiurnisned rooms. Apply to Hoorn , tliird Hoor, Harallton olock. Modern conveBlences, IncludiiiKsteum heat ïstf lAWTrn Goood rellable men to sel] WAN I tü ïftïSL-ÊSrS " treos, roses, slmiiis and ornaméntala. Ladles make tliis business a -urce Easy work pleasant. llght and profltable. Outltt Free Apply at once, wltfi references, and Becure choiecof tcrritorv. F. N. .May CompaBT. Nurserymeu and Seedsmen, Bochester,N. Y 69 i OF ALL STICKY -:- FLY-PAPER, I H'. er, tin etickest. It paya v to Jeep tlutt i ! li,nl becaiwi ux .v, i mort rí!;i ■■ (■,(( f inferior kinds. It tcitl ' puy you to buy Umt m kind, ton. li catches 'inon flbs i i I , ! Two Sizes 5x9 and 9x16 Doubled. I i I 3 for 5 Cents and 3 for 10 Cents. ! ! i 3 i South Ktule-sl. S-CALKINS' PHARMACY.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register