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is L39 Diarrhcsi Dr.Bayer'sCOUC DROP5 Warranted or money refiiLidtd. Th Bayer MoU. Co., Tolct. j O 'BUSALSS . ii-io Wilcox Ave. S Detroit Mich. Kducatoa yonng mo and womcn to roaintiin tb enselves la Indepondtnce, ave money and accumulate wchh, Euilos, ShorthftDd, PetimaD-hip, Eoglish aod Heehamcal l'r.twin Departmt-nta. Tbrough eTitem of countlng houie actual busi Hess. Bniloeai UriTcmlir Bulldin?. IHuatrated Catalogue Sw[ W. F. JLWELL, Pru't. . B, SPENCEK, Sw'y, ,te '-"" REVIVO J " 7 ir% RESTORES VITALITY. irjJ5 W,( Made a iÍtíár.tf4A3Well Man ir,thD.y.)# Of Me THE GREAT soth Day. PRENCH nÈaVTEIDY produres the ahovc rcxults in 30 days. It acts ' rully and iuiekiy. Cqbtm win: i all otherb fail Youiiftmeu will NgaáD their lost manhood.and old Q6D will recover tli -ir youtliful vinor by using Ki;VI VO. It qniekly and surely restores Nervousnom. Lost Vitality, Iïiipoteney. Nigbtly Erainsions, Lost Power. Failinf? Memory, Watnm üiseases.and all effecte of self-abuse or exce.-saud iodiscrttion, wblcta iinfitB one tor ptidy. bnvlBen or narrlaga It not ouly cures by startinjz at the seat ot dlsett, bot isajireat nerve tonio and llofl ballder, bringiiig back the pin tl fflow to Mie hf-ks and re storing the flre tt yout-h. It wards off Fnsanity and Consnmptinn. Insist ou tiavintr o th er. It can be carned in vest pocket. By mail. Y1.00 per package, or Bix tor S.'.iui, with a posi tive writtea euarntce to ure f refund the money. Cirruiar Croe, Address ROYAL MEDICINE CO.. 63 River St. CHICAGO, II For tu&lv at Anu Arbor, vii-liM by Iibcrbucli ïiriiti { . CURES _ ALL KINDS OF Headache, Neuralgia, Insonwia , RELIEVES QUICKLY ALL Rheumatic Pains PUKK SS i:TS. rummond's Macliiac Line Steamers. Tourists' Il[f1 Route II HDU'WKKKIiY FKO.n Cleveland, Toledo and Detriot, MD Mackinac Islaod, Cheboygan, St. vil Itínacp AlníTifl :'n1 ll" port on Kake lluron. The only line gl ving passengere the opporinlty uf siirlit seeingat al] way polntson ttii )opul!ir route Also givlng round trip passenera m linurs cm the fanious Hacklnac Ia■■■■ t -_ -. HU u b FarrK, Inclndlng ilcaUniKl Bertba ' land i" Mackinac Uland and n1tuni seven-day trip oledo i" Uacktnac I-land and return Blx-day trip 12 00 ii roli to Hacklnac [sland and r.-turn tiv. daytrip 11 00 Tlcki o retui n any time In tl jn. Connectlng at Mackinac Island wlth all eamers forChicago, Milwaukee, PetskOy. iult Muría, ano all port on LAkeMlchiLake Supurior and Green Bay; and at . iL'iiac. wil li I). S. S. A A. liy. tor all j int l ppei Penlnsu la a od t he w Bat. Wrile I'or Time Tuble. I'. GBAWT GBÜMMOND, ti. Pas. Agent B. Grummoxd. Jr. General Managea. lOM.IElL OFFICES, Detroit, RUcb Ni P% About Knives, A cheap Pockot-knife can % hn at every Store, but it is not toekiaaf you want. One dollar is the lowest priee iia really jood knifo can be sold for. ïïia ïiloumn is placed in this paper tL afro. i e the very best Pocket-knife ■: solo. It is J. C. Tidmaksh's Sheffieiï Steel Knife. Never buy a knife only because fa looks well. Jf blades are not tbe bes-ï Sheffield steel they will soon beudr ne matter how they will look. Siür jvb want a line-lookin; knife. The United States law provides 4bï only samples to agents anti to the toad will be admitted free of duty. Yob can, therefore, see the advantege tka t I have in sanyjs to gent over those who deal In ahetïielö goed in America. I am an advertising airont . lamestrusted with a eertain amourt to spenö these knives (the bes value ever seen in América at OneDollar each). Now, the kaiieis i own best advertisement. Imagine a Pocket-knife {3i rnchê long) with the most beautifully-graine vory nanaie- genmne African ít7 mand with two blades of the very 'heat Sheffield steel that vvill last a lifetime and ent like a razor. The tips of the handles are heavily plated with sterling silver. And then a very aiee chamois leather case goes with eaei knife. Xow, yould it not be easy work selling this knife at One Dollar each? I know it would. for it looks as itjj were vvorth two dollars. And so it is if you compare ít wiJk the valué o (Te red in the ordinary Stor. Is not this knife ita own best advwr tisement. You can make $4 per ctay sellmg. t'ei'knives. This is a genuine aui Btt&igtforward statement. 'Jbi countiny that you show it Üs Oaij twelve lm vers every day. Aad eirepj one that sees it wiü say it i % geod value for Tlie knives are sld t you at 88 per dozen ; you sell them at 11 CHcll. I determinad to use large sum of s&vfitisintr inoney entrusted to me is sending out free samples to those w)m promise to act as agents for tho sale af these knives I will send you a free sample, bal you must sign the promise at the foo of this column, and make a deposit to show that in asking for the knife yoa are acting in good faith The deposit that I ask of you is 44cents about half the wholesale cost o the knife, and less than one-third wha you would have to pay for a knife liki it, if you bought one. Send the money by a Postal Order or one-cent Btamps iw 44cte., and put .% five-cent stamp on the letter, whicii must not weigh more than one-hall ou nee. The deposit of 44 cents will be place to your credit, and will be deducted from your first order at the dozen Tata, I am an advertising agent, contracta? and publisher with one of the larges Advertisingbusinesses in the world,anfi absolutely guarantee to send, postage paid and duty free, the knife describeö Iabove free to anyone who signs tb promiso below, and sends it with ther deposit as stated. n Let me ad vise you not to part witl your sample, even if you should lose a sale at $1 by refusing, as it will tak time to replace it. I coulc1 not senei you another even if you sent the fullSl. After the sample they can only be supplied to you by tho dozen as' theve i duty on them to bo paid. ♦ Any English Banker can give yooa information about my high standing, cw write to the publisher of this paper. who knovvs that I do a large anti straightforward advertising business. and that I do exactly as I say. I have taken this pace in this paperfor three years ! The first one atiswering this adei-tisement after this number of the paper has, come out will, ii he likes, havs his name printed in thia ■pace as agent för these knives. # The Editor of the Springfietd (Ohio New Era writes, in his paper of June 29, 1 894: - "1 have received a sample knife from Mr. Sears, and am verj much pleased with it. He is the ownw of a verv large advertising businesain London. and is, I believe, perfectlj responsiblo and straightforward." Sign your name und address to the following, out it out and send it witb Postal Order r stampa for 44 cents, and you will receive by return of post the beautiful knife as deseribed above. P. W. SEARS, Adtkrtisixo Agent and Contractor, Wholksai.i: Kxifb Advkktisinc; Department, 138 FLKET Street, LondoiïDear Sir, - I faithfully promise on srr and honour to show the Sample Kj&iíífc you hare promlsed to send me to one? ov more of my friends, thereby constituting myself an agent,. This will make me '"in the trade" as far i i'ocket-cutlery is cODoerned. By ttif promise Í am entitled to a sa-aple ot your beautiful Dollar l'ocKct-knifo with chamois leather oase, to ba ees me poat-paid and duty free. I also es 44 cents Postal Order or stampe, which please hold for me until I send you an order at the dozen ra te. Name... , Address „ Addrtst all l ttt n to F. W. SEARS, r" Wholesale Kniie AfüïertJsemeiit..Dept 128FLEET ST.. LONDoX KXG


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