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ywfTTpja ? IN HALF"M To the JSoutli The Louisvllle & Nashville R.llroad wlll sell tickets on dates aml under conditions as below mentioned, at One Single Fare for the Round Trip, and oiie-way tickets at a bout one-half the usual rate. [ÏATCC forthe sale of tickets will be June " ' fc" ii, July 5, August 7, September 4 and October 2, 1895. Tickets will be sold for the Regular Trains starting from Cincinnati, Louisville, Evansvillc and St. Louis, and from Stations of our Connecling Lines iu the North to connect with those trains. Tickets good to return within 20 days. PflINTS to W tickets wil1 be sold are ' "-" ■ the principal Cities, Towns and Villages in the States of Kentucky, Teunessee, Alabania, Mississippi, North aud South CaroUna, Georgia and Florida. Full iuformation cheerfully furnished upon application to JACKSON SMITH, Div. Pass. Agt., Cincinnati, 0. C. P. ATMORE, Gen'l Pass. Agt., Louisville, Ky, ..THE.. ; ELDRED6E "B" A strirtly higli-grade Family Spwing Machine, possesslnf; all modern iitiproTements. GUARANTEED EQÜAL TO THE BEST Frlces very reasonable. Obtain Ilicm from y our local dealer and make comparisons ELDREDGE MANUFACTURA CO, BELVIDERE. ILL. llfHY II #VUI ARE IAfl II & BI4 I SEWING MACHINES POPULAR? BECAUSE LADIES BUY LIKE them AND TELL ÏSSSos. Many ladies have used our machines twenty to thirty years in theirfamily work, and are still using tlie original machines we furnished them a generation ai;o. Many of our machines have run more than twenty years without repairs, other ihan needies. With proper care they never wear out, andseldom need repair. e have built sewine machines for more than forty years and have constantly hnproved them. We build our machines on honor, and they are recognized everywhere as the most accurately fitted and finely finished sewine machines in the world. Our latest, the "No. 9," is the result of our long experience. In competition with the feading machines of the ■world, it received the Grand Prüe at the Paris Kxposition of 18S9, as the best, other machines receiving only complisnentarymedalsofgold, silverandbronze. The Grand Prize was what all sought for, and our machine was awarded it, Send for our illustrated catalogiv ■. We want dealers in all unoccupied territory, WHEELER &W1LS0N MFG. CO. t8S 4187 Waeash Ave., Ch.cago M BEWABF OF fOTHTEBFKlT. ;H Tlil inily ufe and Hlwuys rvllalile Keiler :Ê f' r i.;niit'. Accept no wortliUs and dan■ gerona Imltatlone. Have mooey and guaru fÊ hcalth liy takliig nollilDL' luit onlj geuuKiir' and oriKina. Wlhcx ..mjiomi.l Tansy m mis. In metal boxea laririR shlold trade Py iiiurk, nrlce fi.dO, all druRtsts. 8end 4 ets, for Woman'sSafeGuard i i uifly niailed. WILCOX SI'KCIl'K' ('O., ■M Suulli l;itliili Ktreet, IM.ilii., liu I EWIS' 98 % LYE k L KTLIEIB üTD PZSrüUE) IUHV (patehteo) PJl Thron(ceiita:,'lpureIT va ■A U 1"e iH'wdir aud tiak.ï In a can ■i'vllh rcmuvaWo ui tlie cuntcnn WtM are always realy fnr usn. vin 4 flV tnake the bet in-rruiii] luid Si.iin lu 20 nilnut nlilumt bolltnir ) JH It Is ihe best furclmnsliur wanTa BI J'M, dMiifirtlnsr slnks clowta Vastung bottleft, palnus troos, etc ifca PENHA. BALT M'F'Ö CO. ■■■DB . üu, Agts., rum., ra. BUSINESS CARDS. M K. WILLIAMS. ' Attorney at Law, milan, 'I i . li . Money loaned for outside parties.AU legal business given prompt attention. W. 8. MOOïtE, DENTIS7 ! WorK ('ore In all forms of modern dentistry. :'nin ai rt Bridge work aspecialty. Salislaction juarauteed. (U. OF M. GRAUUATK.) 26 South Main St„ - - - Ann Arbor WM' W. JSICHOLS, Dental Parlors ! OVER 8A V1XGS 11AXK ÖPPOS1TK ( UI' 11 T HO l 'SÈ SQ l 'A HE. ARTHVR J KIT SON, Contractor and Bu Ider ! Estimates furnished on all kinds of Archltec ture. Residence and Shop, 21 Geddes-ave. Choice Meats Cor. Wafliiiigton-Bt., and Fil'tli-avc. Our aim is to pleasc our customersby alwaya haudug tbe verv Choicest Mets thatthe maiket affords. J. J. FURQUSON, Jobber and Builder. Etlmates Given on Short Notice, Repairing, licbuildtug and Jobbing a üpecialty. ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. SHOP AM UI sim m l . 16 W. Summit St„ Ann Arbor, MichOil and Gasoiine Brought to Your Door Without bothering to crder every time you are out. Drop a Postal Card, OrcxlX upon me at S. W. Cormr of E. Wash:ngton and S Fiiih-ave. and leave your order and I will keep you supplied at lowest rates. 'i . i.miiMi.i;. JOHN BAUMGARDNER, Dealer in American and Imported QRANITES ! and all kimls of BUILDING 5T0NE! Cemetery Work A SPECIAIri' Corner of Detroit and Catnerine sts. ANN ARBOR, MIOH. ü. OF M. SHAYING PÁRL0RS AND BATH HO(iu Ladies' Artistic Kair Dressing and Bath Rooms UP STAIRS. SO S. State Si., Kext to Sheehan's. 'Ut. Sc 'IISN. J. IC. TKOJANOWSK1 JtófL HcLTcL fU Luck I U T'"' "l:in w'" r;in" ƒ l F 'TV V Do sütmre nioney I S A 'J7m S enougli to Imy one I J&'Tr of our Slï.aS TmAn portod Olay Worst ed Cataway Coat .Vffl U and Vest. Made to ' yj ,; I youroider. 1 Pants from 83 up I The PLYMÖÜTH I ROCK CO., ,1 I BncceMots to the I Koek 1 : l Paul. MM AniiArbnr,Mlfl. Bj JOHN BI llLs. RINSEY & SEABOLT NO. 6 and 8 Washington St. Havo ahvays on hand a complete Stock of everything in the GBOGËBT LINE Teas, Coffees and Sugar All prime artioles bought for cash and can sell at low flgurea. Our frequent 'arge invoices of Teas is a sure sign we ive bargains In Quality and Prices. We roast our own cofïeesevery week always fresh and good. Our bakerj turns out the very best of Bread, Cakes and Crackers. ( 'all and see us. ""TüaskTn LIVERY Feed and Boarding Stable. 6 W. AXX STREET. Can I :itihl( rat, rt n nood onltr. COME AND SEE US


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Ann Arbor Register