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Peninsular State News

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Bt Johns kids have organized to defeat the curfew ordlnance. Livingston pounty temperance people are aitatiiifj local option. A. E. Clark, oí Kalaraazoo, waa killed bj ;i tiain at (tendallville, Ind. small fm-i'st (ires&reLfcin raging on the south end of Beaver [eland. Mis. Joseph Sniith w;is killed by a C a V. .M. train near Newaygo. Ten Luinber piles burned at Kmbury's mili, near Che boy (fan. 1. S:umiel Tubbe has discovered traces of coal on bis farm, oear Anu Arbor. Hraki'imm Kitson, "f West Bay City, 1 feil oil' a train at Alyer and was killed. A Latter Day Saint leader al Ludin(f ; ton l.a]it i.t-il six t-cmvertbin LakèViehiyau. The two-yearold child of Thos. 11. Martin was drowned in a cistern at South Haven. Laundrvman Whalen'sresidence was dan; 0 I bya usolinft explosión at Kalama.'.oo. A Xegro was sirrested at Keu on the charge of shooting Station Agent (uo. Clark, at Britton. The V. & V. M. and the T., A. A. & N. M. railroads are building a $L."■, 000 unión depot at Clare. The Owosso base ball team, of the State league, has been disbanded because of poor business. Archie Saueier, a 16-year-old boy of Menominee. has gone Lnsane froui an excessive use of cigarettea. Michaol Kitson, brakeman on a log train, feil between tle cars and wus erushed to piecea at Aiger. Rose Marwilsky, áged 11, was fatally bvirned át Detroit bv her dress catching tire from a gasoline stove. Charles Schwab, a brakeman on Sand'a logging road, was killed at the Manistee river, near l-'ife Lake. The coramon council of Escanaba has closed a deal for the purehase of the gas and electric light plant. M. Maurier's saloon and the village hall at Dearborn were fired by inceudiarles. Win. Ötaer was arrested. Charles Ferno. a miner, feil down a winze 75 feet at the Chapín mine at Iron Mountain, fracturing his skull. Geo. Brandel, of Lansing1. says he was robbed and thrown f rom an excursión train while to LansÏDg from Owosso. The Michigan state board of pharïnaey held its annual upper península session at Sault Ste. Maiie and examined 18 applieants. A business block - two stores - a dwelling and a smal! shop were burned at Kalaraazoo with a total loss of 010,000. Alexan Ier Ralph, who recently boug-ht the Owosso & Corunna Street railway. is to immodiatcly iit up the road with olectricity. P. A. Jlundquist, a well-known explorer, of [shpecningi while huuting was instantly killed by the accidental discharge of bis rifle, mq&ag:ip3gí_ The. Northwestern Miehlg'anSoldiers and Sailors' association held their tifth annual reunión at Manistee with 500 veterans in attendance. A three-foot vine of coal has been discovered near Omer, and if it pans out operivtions for developing it will be coinmeuced at once. Mike McKeown and Jee Breaugh were eaeh fined S100 an-i costa or '.i0 days by the Shinwassee county court, for selling liquor to minors. Win. Kitchen. wanted at llillsdale on a charge of embezzling nearlv $100 trom the Singer SewingvMaehine Co., was arrested at St. Thomas, Ont. Post A. Michigan KniffhtH of the (rip, of Lansing, are niaking a determined eflort to have the animal convention in December, held therc. Church fc Co., in boring for salt at Trénton, struck a oodíous vein of mineral water which la said to have the oharacteristics of the M lemsns product. l'ive residences were burned at Carrollton, causing1 a loss of SS, 500. AU of the household ett'cc.ts were savcd. Saginaw sent an engine and the fire tug, which saved the town. The Manistique & Xorthwestern railroad, which has long been talked of, is to be a real tv before spring. It is expected to greatly benent Manistiqvie, Munising and Xegaunee. A brush fire started on the farm of W'm. Ellis near Mt. Morris gut beyond control and through the woorts, burning over -'0 acres. James McFarkn. laborer, narrowly escapeil death. Business men at Camden are at work a cash bonu.-i of 82,000, which is a part of the SS. 000 demanded by Jerry Boynton for building his new Central Michigan raiiroad throug.i that place. The dead body of an unknown man was found in a C, 3. & M. car at l)undee. There was a bullet hole in his right temple, but as no blood was found in the car it was believed to be a case of murder. VV. II. ('ooper and Louis Smith, of (aylurd recently went üshinff at Otsego Lake. Wliile there they saw a deer and two lurge fawns swimming lacross. After a not chase they landed the fawns and brought thcni in alive. South Haven claims that 3,OÜ0,U0O baskets is a conservativo estímate of { the peach erop thereabouts. The experiment of shippip' lonif distanees in refrigerator cars proved such a suceess that lUi.uarloads were shipped within two weeks. It is reporte! tl. at near Cnlon City a faniilv of six are all ill wlth typhoid fever and as they have only two beds tbey are conlined three in a bed. The condition of the house was f OU nd to be extremely filthy. Tiie authorities will niiw look after them. The jury in the Mary I. l'icree mur3er trial brought in a verdict tin ding Uary 1. l'ieree guilty of manslauffhter if ter belng out oearly all night. she was senteneed by Judge Padgham to the industrial Bcnool f or girls at Adrián until she is Ml years of age. Vena Johnson, a MS-year-old colorerl t'u-1. was shot and killed by her broth„■r-in-law. Bdward Hurst, also colored. Hurst 'aeanl her moviog about the tioüstí in the nightand thinking of burílars he tired witli a musket, the ; liar ge striking her in tlie ab lomen. Recen tl y the eight-year-old son of ieorge Swartz. a farmer near Kalamasoo, as followinff a sister abuut the yarííi when a samí burr caught in her dress. She stooped sad tlippo.l it over ,!:■ shoulder. Tlie burr truck the boy nu tin' lips. and he attempted to blow it añ. [n8tea.d of romoving it. the burr was drawD back into his ivindpipe, where it stuck. The lad iied in yreat agony. Uenry M. Kiú'Ue. an eleotric lineíiiHi. met witli fatal accident ivhilo working on a pole at Detroit. He was au experienced lioeman but ivas wording without rubber n'loveü pn the top oí tlie pole re pair ing a break in one of the wires. It is believeil that tin; wire was crosaed by ■itlier an electric liiit wire or a trolley wire, and Kiddie cit the full benufit of the shock, öe feil headto Che street, a distan ce oí a bout et, and died a few minutes alter. l'ifteen unioa men struck at the l 'il Stove Foundry worksatChelsea. They ouaplain of t"'i poorwajres. The work ia at present being done by new hand"


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