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A Disgraceful Affair, Disgraceful From

A Disgraceful Affair, Disgraceful From image
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every standpoint and to all parties converned, occurred in Yreka, California, & day or two ago. lt was another case of a mob taking; the law in its own hands, a thing which is bccoming entii-ely too common an occurrenoe. At one o'clock in the morning a mob of two hundred and .fifty men marched to the county jail, captured four prisoners who were being held for murder, and hanged them. For months past there has been an epidemie of lawlesenésa in Siskiyou County, which found its climax in this lynehing. A number of atroeious crimes have been eommitted during this period, and the eiti.ens, impatient at the law'edelay, took matters in their own hands. We have only to repeat what we have before raid of similar affaire: that 110 matter how awful a crime has been eommitted a lynching can never be justifiable so long as there is even a feeble adminis. tration of law. Therefore, these men who put the prisoners to death are themselves murderers, and should be punishod. On the otherhand we seetoo touch delay la the punishment of evilduci-s. Nc% infrequently years elapso between the commission of a crime and its punishment, if it ever is punished. This is culculated to exaspérate the people, and the result is that few men hot-headed and wanting in patience' inized a mob and appoint thema . 'xecutioners. The only remedy - 1 .make punishment of crime botli suift und sure. - Ex. Thei:: are some things that try our pationee very much. The otber iay there wa a mass-meeting of tha school directora of McLean County, Illinois, '."(■oiisiilur the lliinois "ilag law. " ; statue which requires that tho American flag, the Stara and Stripes, shal] be raised over evsry puolie school in the state whüe the school is in aession. These directora passed a resolution deciaring that "we feel that the llag law is un-Ameriean ar.d despotie, and, therefore, pretest against its enforcement." Tben tliey appointed a committoe to take steps toward testing the constitutionality of the law. It is when brought in contact with euch a thing as this that we ai-e forctbly reminded that the English language, though it the most complete tongue spoken on earth, i. after all, a very imperfect vehicle of [ght, and we f;el our hearts go out ympathy to the poet wbo w rote:"] would tliat my tongue could utter the thoughts that arise in me."' We know, ow. how he feit. The Bag tllat stands tor all that is highest and best in the íociül progresa of the world, the symbol, which, when lirst unfurled, sent a thrill of hope to all the slavoa and sería and bondmen of earth, the glorióos ensign which the writer oever passes without anoovering his bead, the einblem which should be. to Americans, second in sacredness only to the cross of Calvary- it is thü flag these directors objectto place on the little red schoolhouse! Ve are utterly unable to char acterize tlieir actton as it deeerves. The addresa of the Ohio Wool-Growers Association, just publiahed, was Qarticularly timely. It so happened that only day before Congreasman Dalzcll came out in an Interview dcáigned, evldently, as a bid for the ehalrmanshlp o( the oommittee od raya and meaos, and for tome unaccountable .ni he wentfaroutof hia way tomake it plain that he would not be in favor of li-ying in this next Con;ress to tako wooloutof the tree liat Why should Uo take so much paine to kick a gheep? Ís he any kin to John Kandolph, of Roaaoke? Tbe ínter Oeanls nol In favor ofsinglIng out any Lndustry, aninuU. mechan. orany othoi-, for r-pr_-i;i favor oí disfavor, but gurely there could be no better way to ralee a parí ofthi íional revenue necessary to naaintain the goverment than by putting a dutj un wool, Wo do not. gay, restore anj particular Une of duties. íClnley tariff oí 1890 muy or may not be Duited to the condition of affaire in L896. .Six yeara is a long period in the busiaess Rrowth of a eountry liko the United Stuic. But the duïy should be .5ueh that ool growing can be oarried on witli a fair and average jirolit in su-h portions oí the country as are suiteü lo it. For instanee, in Maine are getting more and more into raising sheep for the mutton, as is sensible, but the West must look to the wool for a profit. There ;uv aeotions of the country where sheep alone can be raised to advantage. The inore rugged parta of Ohio belong in this category. There are vast stretehes of the Western pialas QUCh more suited to sheep than to eatle. The two kinds of animáis do notgo veil together on the same feeding grounds. On the plains their respective áreas are distinet. Millions of sheep are feeding today in the wild and almost inaceessible mountains, and thriving, too, where cattle would almost starve. Jt is estimated that froe wool has reduced the number of sheep in this country from 40,00O,U00 to 39,000,000. 1 grub-in-the-head, or sonie other sheep disease, had killed off that num)er everybody would have been shoeked y the enormous fatality. The Wilson bill put the butcher knife to the throat of these millions of wool bearers, and they went to the shambles as mutton. The truth is that the flock masterg who were in debt for their sheep were obliged to let them go to meet their obligations. Thoso who were not in debt could hold on in the hope of Reaublican return to power. All through the West this cutting out of the mortgaged sheep and rounding them up for the market went on last year and the year before. The election of a Demoert Congress and president did the business, largely, without waiting for the Wilson bill. At the present slightly improved priees of wool there is no profit, but the Hoeks, if paid for, 1ready are perhaps self-sustaning. They hould yield somc return on the investment.- ínter Oeean. If J. Sterling Morton vvill noto the fact that 134,000 basküts of poaches wei-o ghipped to Chicago one day this week ho may change his notion about the potato boing" kinjí. Thk marriage of a young couplc on wheols going at the rate of ten milos an hour. near Unadilla, N. Y., furnishes an cxample of trying a fast nuptial knot. The fad of ousting mayore aeeifSM to bc spreafling in Wisoonsin. No mayor Bhould go to led at night without taking in his office and putting it undcr lock and key. The declaration by Dr. Hunter McGuiro that app 'iidicitis is nevor caused by Bwallowing Iruit seeds need nol doter the fruit growers from raising the usual erop of scedless grapea and . eae orange. A blobmer waltz naay lili a long-feit want, but vo desirc to admonish the liiiicin; masters that a danoe with ni trains for the clumsy young man to - 1 " 1 ' on will be devoid of all interest and attractioD.


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