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Geo. W. Milieu spent Sunday in the city. J. J. Qiiarry is spending tho week in Canada. M. Duke is back f rom his visit to Oíd En g-land. Miss Grace Haven is visiting in Napoleon, Ohio. Ed. Krapf will clerk tor Wm Goodj ar a id Co. Dean Seabolt has returned from Frankfort, Mich. Judge Kinne has gone to Monroc to hold oourt there. Judgo N. W. Chocver has gone to Chicago for a week. Joe T. Jacobs returned from Rochester, N.Y., laat Friday. Mrfl. M. E. Wells is home from a visit with frieüds in Chicago. Dr. W. G. Rice, Dr. Carrow's assistant, has gono to Europe. Geo. H. Snow, of the Detroit News, spent Sunday in ths city. Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Prescott were at Cavanaugh lake last week. Mrs. W. M. Beach, of Fargo, N. D., is making a visit in the city. forman Wood has removed with his family from Lodi to this city. Mrs. Elizabeth Schoft' is home from a visit at Buzzard's Bay, Mass. Chas. Dietas has a position to run a typesetting machine in Chicago. L. C. Weinman is spending a few days at the fair in Grand Rapids. Lew H. Clement returned from his Boston trip last Monday morning. Mr. B. C. Cummiskey, of Howell, spent Sunday with friends in this city. R. D. Jonss and wife, of Calumet, Mich., spent a few days here last week. Mrs. Geo. is spending the week in Grand Rapids visiting friends. Register of Deeds, Mr. C. 1'. McKinstry, has brought his family to Ann Aibor. Miss F.dith Huddy will be bookkeeper at the hospitals during the coming year. Prof. and Mrs. 15. Thompson have gone for a trip down the St. Lawrence river. Mrs. Augusta Tucker and son have returned from an extended visit in New York. Mrs. A. M. Doty has returned from Emory where she has been visiting friends. Prof. J. B. Davis has returned from Dartmouth, Mass.. where he spent the summer. Mr. and MrS. Geo. Dengler returned a few days ago from a two weeks' visit at Chicago. Prof. M. W. Harrington has removed from Washington, D. C. to Seattle, Washington. Oscar Schmid, of Jackson, visited his parenis. Mr. and Mrs. Pred. Schmid, over Sunday. Miss, i arrie Kritten has gonc to Jackson to resume her work in the Jackson public schools. Miss ïïattie Elogere, of 140 S. Main-st. is attending the State Fair at Graad Rápida this week. Miss Mary Darheim '.ias returned from a live weeks' visit with hor sister at Orange, Mass. Mrs. J. Collins and children have grono to Toronto, Canada, to visit friends and relativos. E. B. Johnson, general secretary of the Y. M. C. A., went to Owosso last week for a short visit. Miss Kate Seymour, who is living at Washington. D. ( '.. is visiting her mother at No. 10 S. State-st. Miss Fannie Duncan, of Miller-ave.. is back from a two weeks' visit with friends in Grand Haven. Martin C. Reynolds, of Saline, has taken a position in the store of Wadhams, Ryan and Roule. P. L. Pratt, of the United States Navy, spent a few hours in the city on business last Wednesday. Rev. C. A. Young was in the city Tuesday and Wednesday in Conference with Prof. O. 1'. Coler. Miss Allie Curtís, who has boen visitintr in Clinton. Ia., for the past two months will return home this week. Mps. A. Winchell will be in the oity a few days this week visitin; friends. She is on her way home f rom Europe. Prof. ;. I'. (Oler returned Saturday from the State meeting of the Disciples' cburoh held at Grand Rápida tast week. Miss May Clarken will teach in St. Thomas School this year. Her work will be in the third and fourth grades. Harvey Baldridge and son, of Romulus, X. V., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Doty and other friends in the oity. Carroll D. Jones, who is an eléctrica} onzineer, at Toledo, O.,visited his parents, Dr. and Mrs. 'S. A. Jones, last week. Miss Gertrudc Huek. Ut. '!4. was in the city last week. She has a BCholarship and will be in the school ag-ain next year. Misa Lisia Van Valkenburg and Mabel VanKleek rode f rom Flint to Aun Arbor on their bicycles one day last reek. E. J. Utawiiy. of Petoskey. is in the city this week,reporting the doings oí the M. E. conference tor the Detroit Pree Press. A. EL Hopkins lett Tuesday, with an inyalid sister for Cullman. Alabama, where Miss Hopkins hopea to regain her health. Mrs. Lottie Mon-ison and family have moved to Ann Arbor from the northern part of state and will reside here permanontly. Gec. Cropsey, who lias for some time past been employed in a shoe house in Chicago, will have charge of Maek & Co's shoe department. Governor Rieh has appointed Andrew Campbell, of Pittsfield, as a delégate to the Farmer's Congress to be held at Atlanta, Georgia, Oet. 14. Mrs. Mary Carter and brother Ranney C. Seott left Saturday to visit their brother, President Austin Seott, of Rutger's College, New Brunswick, X. J. Eiyiest B. Perry came down from Bay City on his wheel last week and spent several days here visiting his parents, Prof. and Mrs. W. S. Perry. Kd. Wolfel manager of the Noble Star Clothing House returned from New York Tuesday where he has been geleding a large stock of fall and winter goods. Mrs. Chas. Feiner, of Clinton, Ia., left for Vier home last Thursday morning after an extended visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Feiner, of S. lTourth-ave. Henry Gilbert, of Chelsea, died Monday night of heart failure, aged about 60 years. He was a brother of George A. (iilbert, of this city, and Jas. L. Gilbert, of Chelsea. He was a tonner resident of Ann Arbor. H. W. Hayes,Agent for the Micbifan Central R. R., and Mrs. Hayes left last Saturday for Boston and other eastern points. Mr. Hayes will attend the meeting of the Ticket Agents Association to be held in Boston this week. Hon. Byron S. YVaite, a member of the last legislature from Menominee, recently moved to Detroit. Last weck he was appointed an assistant prosecutina; attorney forWayae County. Mr. Waite is a son-in-law of Mr D. Cranier. oí this city.


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Ann Arbor Register