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Mrs. C. Clai'k is visiting frieöds Ia Schoolcraft. The Milan school commences next week Monday. .Miss Lilia Kelly has returned to Ann Arbor High School. Mrs. Chas. Gauntlett is visiting a sister in Grand Kapids. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Webb, of Ypsilanti, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Blackmer. Mr. John Jacksonis employed in Ann Arbor on Mr. Hamilton house on Paekard street. Mr. Ira Remmington, of Weston, is the guest of hisdaughter, Mrs. Chapin, for a few weeks. Mrs. J. O. Kouse was called to Lodi this week on account of the illness of Mi-i. Preston Kouse. Mrs. L. C. Goodrich, of Ann Arbor, was the guest of her sister, Mes. G. R. Williams, from Thursday until Saturday when she returned to her home, The Eastern Stars elected the following oflicers at their last meeting : Matron, Mrs. Electa Ford; Worthy Patron, E. B. Ford; Associate Matron. Miss Belle Timmons; secretary, Mrs. Fiora Dibenham ; treasurer, Mrs. Etta Pyle: conductress, Mrs. Mary Kelly; associate conductress, Mrs. Doraxa Whitmarsh. (Crowded out lust veck.) Mrs. Chas. Sill is quite ill. Mrs. Dr. Chapin and children are visiting friends in Petoskey. Mrs. C. Chapin, of Scio, is the guest of her brother, Dr. S. Chapin. Miss Cecil Gauntlett is the guest of Miss Xellie Schuyler at Azália. The well fever has struok Milan and in the last two months there has been overa dozen wells put down. Little Blanch Farrington lost the middle finger on her hand Wednesday p. m. in the gearing of Mr. H. C. Silla, windmill. The I. O. O. F. 's of the Milan Encampment, and the D. of R. 's gave a pleasant surprise to Past Grand .VJaster .1. Sprague and lady, of Ann Arbor, in honor of the öOth anniversary of their wedding. Atter the Encampment adjournod and had reached the lower hall. the D. of K.'s captured the ersand invited them into tbeir parlors and from there into their dining liall where a dainty banquet was spread. Mr. and Mrs. J. Sprajfuè vvore seated in the place of honor at the head of the table, where they were wóteomed in a pleasant manner. Mr. D. Hafford in behalf of the brothers and sisters. Rey. .1. Ward Stone follovved with grace and after the refreshments werc partaken of. all adjoui'ned to the parlors where Rev, .1. ward Stone. madeavery appropriate address. Mr. D. T. Haffard then followed with interestinji rem ar kg. Past írand Master J. Sprague was thcn called for and made a neat and fitting little speech the brothers and Bisters for their kind efforta in honor of tümself and fair lady who had vvalked by his side in the matrimonial path for t íi e last. SO years. The evening was an enjoyablè one and will long be rernembered by all o! the participante. Hirnonu lvkk. Miss Bertha Field is entertaining friends. Miss ( 'arrie Barker spent part of last weck with Mrs. Barker, "f Ann Arbor. I. O. G. T. 's are preparing an entertainment for the near future. Look for bilis. Mis. Mattie Hurnett and Miss Nellie Willson visitad friends in ('helsealast week. Miss Jennie Grogan is seriously ill with diphthei'ia. Dr. Smith is attending her. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Pray left this a. m. to join fcheir sous Jay and (Tred in Grand Rapids. Miss Hattie Markey. of Ft. Wayne, Ind., is the guest ol her graad párente, Mr. and Mis. E. Roper. I. O. G. T."s r;lVl' il "■ o'clock tea ir their hall last Saturday evenlng and cleared nearly six dollars. The social at the parsonage last Friilav evenins was not very well attended bu't all report a good t.'me. lic.v. Samuel .lenninjrs. of expected to preach in the M. K. Church on Sunday 22nd at 10:30 a. m. ICilward Lavenderand sons are just completing the harvesting of 5,000 bushel9 of onion.s off seven acres of blackmuck land. Mr. .1. C. Soearborough who bas been spending the summer with Mrs. I'. Weideman leftfor Ann Arbor Saturday to attend hls school duties. The Good Templara will give a "night-cap" social in their hall on Saturday evening next Sept. 14. body coraiaiiy ïnviiea inuii(uw Lime intii'ij)ated. Picnic gupper. Eacb lady is requested to bring tvvo night capa. Now is the time to fish in VVhitinore. The bass season is at hand and the basare being caught at the "ate of forty per day averaging in weight 2i pounds with now and tlien a pickerel thrown in as Mr. A. Stevens, proprietorof thp Lake House. eanght onelast Wednesday tha1 weisrhed 15 pounds and measured .14 i'ichesin lenght. Fact! s.lLKM TOWN. Mr. and Mrs Curtis, of Plymouth, ast week. The Kpworth League of Lapham chuveh win give a literary social thia isidence ( f LlnuB Galpin. Ad.elbert Cole was home frora l'ontiac the latter part of tiie week to visit lus párente, Mr. and Mrs. e A. i Elev. lïenton baptised and received fourteen new membera In f uil connection with the south M. E. church Sunday. Johnnle and Tommie Bussey and tht MlBges Limic Kiel), Mamie Bussey, Tena Pacfcard and LucileCurtis will attend the Normal at Yjisilanti the coming year. Martied on Wednesday, Sept 4th by Elev. Shannonat the home of the bride. Miss MillLe Murray only daughter ot Mr. and -Mrs. James Murray to Mr. ■jre Waterman. Mr. and Mrs Waterman left Moaiay for their future home In Connecticut where Mr. Waterman is engraged as teacher In tbe Agrlcultural college of that state. MAXHFSTIÍK Sport day to-day. Corn cutting is in vogue in this vieinity. Frank Conklyn spent Sunday at Jaekson. Thechurches of this place are all 1 icing repaired. Chas. Millen, of Wolf lake, was in town last Friday. School wishing supplios would do well to see Klmor Silkworth. Gus Kuhl is filling the vaeaney made by M. C. Yokom, at Dr. Lynch "s. Timothy Hunt is on the road selling Dr. Lynch 's Perfect Baking Powder. Our school attendance is so large that we are obliged to build on in order to seat the scholars. Dr. Lynch's Perfect Baking Powder sin good demand hare and in other jlaces. We are glad to have our town )rought forward. We understand that a large number of people are kicking on the Oounty Atlas for which they signed. Be sure ■on know what you are signing for, bebre you sign. nOOHKVILLK. Mrs. Lucy Hathaway has returned rom Qulncy, School opened Monday morning witli a good attendance. Almus Hale has gone to work for his srother, Israel for a month. Mr. and Mrs. ). Case spent Saturday and Sunday with their daughter at Te■umseh. The M. E. quarterly meeting was ield at this place last Sunday with a arge attcndarice. Mr. Allen Montonie was elected a member of the School Board at the school meeting Monday evening. .Miss Chase returned Saturday to spend another year with us as primal y earher in the school. She is, an excellent teacher. wkkstkk. 'rmoded mi last week. Jay Pv. MpColl returns to Knuxvilla, Tenn., for his sixth year. Henry Queal and family spent Sunday witli Bert Kenny and family. Miss Xettie Lawson started last week forOregon. 111.. to teach in tho High School there. Miss t'owell returns thia ueek to Toedo where she is eogaged as teacher in the public schools. Last Sunday at 11 o'olock occured the funeral service of Casseü Curtis an old resident oí Web8ter,íted 71. He died ai liis home at 8 a'clock Friday morning iar1 disease. The remalns ♦aken to Aun Axborfor tnterment. OKDDBSi Miss Birdie Pitzgerald is visltiug Irlends iu Wayne. M re. H. J. ('ook returned to her home in Grand Rapids Saturday. A. 1). i )eForest, daughter and family. have returned to their home in Detroit. Fred Van commenced his lh-st year in the high school at Ypsilanti last Monday. Miss Nettie Hanby, of Dixboro, luis tteen visiting with beraunt, Mre. C. MWeed the past week. V. T. llandall. of Beloit, Wis., made liis many friends in and aronnd the burg a siiort visit last week. DIXBOBO. Bert Rutherufl, of Ann Arbor, was ii.'i-f Saturday. There will be no services at the M. E. church here aext Sunday. Mr. Arthur Covert went to his school in Schoolcraft last Saturday. Kev. Newkirk is attending conference in Ann Arbor this week. Miss Kdith Judsori commenced school in the Crippen district Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Melton (eer are rejoicing over the advent ol a babj girL Board ol' Public Work. Office of the Board of Public Works. ) Ann Arbor, September 4th, '95. i" i tegular gession. Called to order by President Clark. Present Pres. Clark, Bullis, absent Mr. Sehuh. The minuets of the last regular meeting wás read and approved. Pres. Clark moved that C. Reyer be granted an extensión of time for bulld. a sidewalk until May lst, 18%. Teas- Pret. Clark, Bullis- 2. Nays - None. Mr. Bullis moved that Street Commissioner procure the necessary Street signs for the new additions of Wm. Herz at the regular contract price. Yeas- Pres. Clark, Bullis- 2. Nays - None. Pres. Clark moved that the Street Comraissioner examine the conditions of a tree in the stroet on N. Park place and if he eonsiders it advisable to order the same removed. Yeas - Pres. Clark, Bullis - 2. Nays - None. Mr. Bullis moved that John F. Lawrence be given 80 daya extensión for building a .sidewalk. Yeas - Pres. Clark, Bullís - Naya - None. Mr. Bullis moved that Dr. Charles Koming-er be notitied to construct his plumbing at 21 S. 5th avenue according to the plumbers rules or saidconn.eetion will be severod ten days af tor the aervice ol tala notice. Pres. Clark. Bullis- 2 Naya Xone. Pres. Clark moved that Mrs. Mallory be granted an extensión of time for building a sidewalk until July Lst, 1896, providing ;i cement walk is built at that time and the walk is sepaired, immediately. Yeas- Pres. Clark, BulUs 2. Nays- None. Pree. Clark moved that the vote on awardlDg the contract for building walk 2t( Thompson be recoosldered and the contract be withdrawn. Yeas I 'res. ( Hark, I ïnllis - 2. Nays- None. The bids of O. V. Sagre, John S. Nowland and George Kim for building aldewalka were opened and laid before the Board. L'i-ea. Clark OIOVed that the contract be awarded to o. V. suge for building the walk oq Ingalls atong the side of 77 E. Ann at $2.70 per rod. Yeas- Pres. Clark, Bullis 2. Nays Xone. Pres. Clark moved that the ualk ordered in front of the property of Mrs. Niles, 10 E. Jetïerson be posponed. Yeas PreB. lurk. Bullis 2. Naya- None. Mr. Buliis moved that the contract be awarded to George Kim for building the following walk: on Thayer along the side of 23 Lawrence, on E. Am; alonar the side of 10 N". State, in fiont of 73 E. Ann and on the east side of Churcta between No. 39 and HUI at 12.45 per rod. Ycas Pres. Clark, Bullis- 2. Xays - None. Upon motion the Board adjourned. i .i.i'.X V. Mn.l.s. Clerk. Office ol the Board of Public Won. Ann Arbor, September Ttb, ls'.i.l Regular session. 'alled to order by President Hark. Present, ['res. Clark, Bullís, absent Mr. Ross. . By Mr. Bullis. Eesolved, that Inspector Ward proi-v.vü tci open and examine the house branches on the Liberty itreel sewer otherwise known aewer district No. 1 and its sub laterals and where neceesan to relay tiiu aid house branehes and to empioy the neoeesary laborera. Jfeas i 'res. t Hark, Bullis -. Nays - None.' On motion the Board adjourne 1. Glen V. Mills, Clerk. toard of Public Works I Ann Arbor, September Tth, IWo. Speel J session. ( lalled to order by I 'resident Clark. I 'resent, Pres. ( Hark, Bullis, Ross. On inotion tho Board adjournéd. j ( Herk.


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