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A new cash railway is belng put in by Wm. Goodyear. The State Bank Commissioncr examined the Ann Arbor banks lust week. O. A. Kelly, of Milán, has rented one of Dr. Martin"s houses and will move iere. The Oddfellows of Washtenavv county ■will hold a picnic at Whitmore Lake tomorrow. An effort is being made to have all place3 of business closed on Friday of Fair week. B. St James is in Cleveland purchasing a Bupply of dry goods for his new store. The public schools opened Monday. The small boy is not so numerous on the streets now. A bright nine pound boy carne to the home of Mr. and Mre. Frank Casi Monday afternoon. Dr. J. X. Martin will spend the latter part of the month doing work in the New York hospitals. Mrs. Edith Clancy has decided to remain in the city and open a dressi naking establishment. County Clerk Dansingburg has moved to the northwest corner of Jefferson and Maynard-ste. F. W. Bigalke has bought the Mrs. McKenzie place, Xo. 4." S. 12th-st, Consideration was f.3,500. Koch Bres. have been given the contract for building Dr. Sudworth's new brick block on E. Washington-st. J. J. Ferguson and wife went to Plymouth, Mich., Tuesday to attend the Juneral of Mr-. 1'. r-uson's mother. F. L. Keeler, lit '93, has been appointed to the chair of science in the new state normal school at Mt. Pleasant. Sec. Wade reports an unusually large demand for calendare tuis fall. Th is indicates a large attendance this year. The various cburches in the city will resume regular services next Sunday, the unión serviles being diseontinued. K. J. Smith, "The Adrain Press Man" Who was with the Argus last year, now shovos the quill for the Monroe Democrat. Tho stock of groeeries belonging to the firm of Bradford ó Co. Limited; will be sold to the highest bidder on Sept. 16. The Hunm-st. sewer 18 vory nearly completed. As soon as the flush tanks are put in people can begin to make connections. J. Q.A. Sessions will soon remove his office to East Huron-st. He will occupy the building just west of Harkins' Hardware store. Miehael Brenner bas purchased the Franklin House property. 'Mike' will fit up the place ín modern style and run a first class house. The Boston Pilsrims have been comLng back, one by one, during the past week. They all look tired but report a magniticent time. Carde are out the marriage of Chas. R. Kretlow, a printer of this city, to Miss Jessie M. Cotty, of ( incinnati, O., on Sept. 22. Col. H. S. Dean, J. Q. A. Sessions. Fred'k l'istorious and Henry Kuedle left Monday morning for the (rand Encampment at Loulsvllle, Ky. Some of the crack wheelmen of the te have entoretl for the Wolverin,. .vlo Club race to bo held a week from . today. The race will be a most exciting om:'. It is generally believed that if the compulsory school luw is enforcod. in this city, sevoral of the ward buildings will be unable to accoramodate all who must attend school. Miss Gertrude Case, of this city, who, some time ago was injured by a defective sidevvalk in Fowlerville, has settled with the authorities there. She received $1,000. The Hamilton Block is now the property of Mr. David Henning. J. Q. A. S.'-ions will act as Mr. Henning's agent. The building will be painted and otherwise improved. Glen V. Mills is ready now to receive any suggestions from the council relative to a raise in salary. An additional lady clerk, now just one week old, makes a raise seem imperative. Lindenschmitt & Apfel wish to cali the attention of the farmers to the special premiums offered on the eighth page. The boys are hustlers and are otfering some valuable premiums. Mrs. C. A. Wright and family have arrived safely at Weimar, Germany. Mrs. Wright sends word that she wants The Register so as to keep posted as to wha is going on in Ann Arbor. Mrs. Addie C. Winslow. wife of C. AWinslow, died at her home on the North Side last Friday night from cancer. Deceased was fifty-seven years old. Funeral services werc held Monday. Cards are out annoucing the approaehingmarriage of Miss MyrtieLangford, of Wüliarngton, toMr.Wendell Phillips Moore, of Ann Arbor, to occur on Tin.:- day evening, September 17.- Lansing Republican. In the quarter-mile open bioyele race at the state fair, Grand Raplds, Wonday Harvey Stofilet took first prize in a field of 54. entries. He also took second prize in the one-mile open race. of 4,") starters in two squads. Prof. Asaph Hall, Jr., of this city, was chosen Seoretary of the Council of the American Association for the advancement of Science, at the recent session at Springtield, Mass. It will meet in Buffalo, N. Y., next year. The September Review of Reviews contains an interesting article on The Value of Weather Forecasts to Agriculture and Inland Commeroe, Dy Prof. M. Y. Harrington, late chief of the Weather Bureau, Washington, D. C. Geo. C. Smithe, formerly editor of the Ypsilanti Commerical, is now on the editorial stuft' of Education Extensión, the literary magazine published bytheCleary Publishing Co., of Ypsilanti, and whieh is printed at the Argus office. Cari, the four yiar oíd son of Mr. and .Mrs. Mell Gellespie, died Monday morning of typhoid fever. A daughter is also very ill with the same disease, while Mr. Gellespie bas also just recovering from a seyjr attack of the same Last Thursday evening at eight o'elock Miss Hattio Swift, one of Ann Arbor's most popular youug ladies. roa married to Mr. Fred. Showerman, of Ypsilanti. The ceremony took place at the home of bride's parents on Elizabeth-st. The death of Mrs. Sarah Huntington Olney, widow of the lat,' Professor Edward Olney, ooourred late Tuesday night. Mrs. Olney liad not been well for some time. Funeral services will be held at half-past one o'clock today at the homo. 7 N. Thayer. Reverenda Dr. Baskell, Burton and Young will take charge uf the services, The timainswill be taken to Kalamazoo for iuterinent. John Jedele, of Solo, died last Monday morning after only a brief illttess. Funeral services werc held yestorday at the home, at 10:30 a. m. Buriai was in the Salem cemetery. Awife and six children, two sons and four daughters, survive. Report has it that Tobias Green will soon resign his office as city dog catcher and that another more ready to ehase down the uncollared dog will be appointed. Better aee the city clerk and pay your dog tax if you want to save that dog. Last Friday night a íine Garden Elydrangia was stolen from the residence of Mr. A. T. Bruegel corner Fifth ave. and Packard-st. Mr. Bruegel offers a reward of ten dollars in gold for information leading to the identification of the miscrceant. Hiram Storms, who has lived in Ann Arbor for the past 40 years, died at his home on the North Side last Friday morning of appopiexy. Deceased was just past his 77th birthday. Funeral services were held at the home Sunday at 3 p. in. Rev. Mr. Cobern officiated. Walter Toop will open up a first-class restaurant in Jolly's old stand on S. State-st. the latter part of next week. He will also carry a fine line of confectionery and bakers goods. Mr. Toop proposes to have nothing but the best and will undoubtedly secure a good patronage. Mr, Sawyer, manager of the Grand Opera House is booking a fine list of plays for the coming season. For the present month he has arranged for the following: Li Plunkard. Sept. 16: Lillian Lewis, Sept. 19; The Dazzlers, Sept, 21; Old Tennesee, Sept. 23; Denman Thompson 's The Homestead, Sept. 2.; and Jolly Old Chum, Sept. 28. John Johnson, a farmer living near Mooreville went to Ypsüanti last Friday. Soon after he arrived there he became unconscious and did not know what he was doing or where he was until Sunday when he carne to his senses in Bellville. He had evirlently been drugged. Part of the time tvhile he was unconscious he was in Ann Arbor. There is no erop in which farmers aught to be more interested than the children erop, the yield of which they say is not lessenod by dry weather. The county fair is not going to be slow to take advantage of such a reliable exhibit. If you want to see what a hustling lot of little fellows there are sprouting up all over Washtenaw County come to the fair on school day, Wednesday, Sept 25. The annual election of Ann Arbor Chapter, No. 122, O. E. S, was held last Wednesday evening. The following were elected to serve for the coming year: Worthy matron, Mrs. Mable K. Pond ; worthy patrón, Chas B. Davison ; associate matron, Mrs. Kate Doty; secretary, Mrs. C. E. Fitzgerald: treasurer, Mrs. L. Mae Nichols ; conductross, Mrs. Matilda pranger; assistant conductress, Mrs. Minnie Adams. ■ It is understood that the policy of the Detroit Tribune is to be more bitterly opposed to the University than ever thiB coming year, and that the Ann oorregpondence must ilavor of everything that is sensational. This is the rumor here, we can not vouch for lts truth, but the people of Ann Arbor are thoroughly convinced that such is the fact, and it is verv much regretted - Courier. Must be some cause for this state of things. Wonder if it would not be a good idea to acertain what it is, and, if possible, remove it?


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Ann Arbor Register