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Among the man y valuablc artioles in the September ladies] Home cJournal may bo found the following: a Dr. Parkhiists" Early Training ;nCultivate Your Child's Teacher; Conversation at the Dinner Table: Eliquetto of Wedding Presente; The Child's Mind; Etiqnette for Church Weddings; The Axis of Character; Plantin? j Lillies") in the Fall ; The Duty of the State ; DeKoven ; V'alueof aJBecoming Bonnet; How to Make a Mustard Piaster; New Dross Goode, and Winter Window Gardensj Any numberof this Journal is worth as much as an entire year's subscription will cost.- Curtis Publishing Company, Philadelphia, Pa. The Review of Reviews for September is as usual brim full of the pith of what is going on all over the world. Some of the leading articles are: The Catholie Temperance Convention; An Uubecoming Business; The New French Liquor Monopoly; Russia's AboLition of Private Saloons; The Ups and Downs of Foreiffn Missions; The Cuban Conflict; The Elections in New South Wales; The Poster in Politics; The Tesla "Oscillator" ; Industrial NiƔgara; Power Transmission by Electricity; Wind as a Motive Power; Wind Wheel; The Value of Weather ForeJ cast to Agricultural ; Loss by Firea. The Raview of Reviews is the magazine of all magozines for the busy man. $2.50 per year.- Review of Reviews, N. Y. City, N. Y. The Atlantic Monthly for September contains the first installment of a threepart story, by Charles EgbertOaddock, entitled The Mysteryof Witch-Face Mountain. The second of Dr. John Fiske's historioal papers has for a subject, John Smith in Virginia, inwhioh he reopens vigornaly the discusatons in regard to this interesting character, Bradford Torrey contributes another Tennessee sketch, Chickamauga, which will be of interest in view of this summer's memorable gathering at Lookout Mountain. Among other features are.Guides: A Protest, by Agnes Repplier, important book reviews, and the Contributors' (;iub. - The Atlantic Monthly, Boston, Mass. A sccond and concluding articlc ou Apparatua tor Extingulshlng PlreS, by John G. Morse, will be printed in The Popular Science Monthly for September. Water-toweM, hose and hose fittings, ladders, etc, will ba considered in this artiole, wtaich like its predecessor, is to bo copiously illustrated. The Closin_r Struggle in the advance of the hlgher criticism will be described by Dr. Andrcw J). White in the September Popular Science Monthly. The question whether a child is naturally moral or immoral will be taken up by Prof. James Sully. The article will be devoted to Primitive Egoism and Altruism, and will show Ihatmany of a child's acts that seem perverse or crue' are explained when we try to look at things f rom the child's


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