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Tlie I comparable Chicago A Alton ín these United States of America at least, and it is highly probable that throughoutthe entire world, the official record for the safety and welfare of its passengere made and maintalned by the Chicago & Alton Railroad cannot be BUrpassed ií indeed it can be equalled. Over its completeiy roek-ballasted, dustless roadway between Chicago and Kansas ( ütj . hicago and St. Louis and St. Lonis ?nd Kansas ' i t y . eighteen magnificently appointed express trains are run on uniformly fast time every day. But in splte of this heavy passenger trafile the official records show that f rom December 4, I87ffto December 4. ÍS'JO, eleven years, there was oo passen.vhowasin place as a passei killed on Chicago & Alton trains. Síoreover there was not a isly injured, tothe extent of losins a limb. an eye or a member of any kind duricg that time. Duríng tbe entire period of the Worlá's Oolumbian Exposition in Chicago, when it was not an uncommon toflnd the usual passenger trafile of the road Increased two, three and four-fold. and special excursión trains uiany, there was not an accident of a'ny kind- a most reniarkable record. Besides Win-r America's most popular railroad, the Chicago A: Alton is the Pioneer Dir.injr Car Line. the Pioneer Pulían Sleeping Car Line and the Pioneer Palace Reclining Chair Car Line. Be sure that your ticket reads over the Chicago & Alton Railroad, when its matchless and direct Unes can form the whole. or even a part of your journey. James Chaklton, General Passenger and Ticket Agent. 02 Chicago, 111. Ifetlee í rmlitor, STTEOK MICHIGAN l„ COOTTT OF W'ASH I B.llï. v,i;,ci herebygivenjthai byan order of the te Couri for the County oí Washtenaw madeon the adday "f Peptei t, a. D.1896, 8ix months from thai date were allowed ncr'cditors to preseni thelr claims agalnsl t I i ■ estáte oí Maltby Oelston, late ol sala county deoeased, and thai all creditors ..f ,-iil deceased are required to presem thelr claims to sald probate court, at the probate ofllce In the city of Ann Arbor, for examlnati,.n and allowance, i r before the 3rd day of March next, and thal Buch claims wiijl be beard before sald court, on the Brd day "f December, and on the Srd day of March ten o'clock In tl' torenoon of each oí 'VÍMtr'd.Ai.n S,-pt .-nilu-r :rd, A M l.-i r J.WILLARD BABBITT. Judtte of Probate nrtemce Sale. Default having been made in the Conditions of a certain Mortgage made by Iiouisa S. J. Johnson to the Ann Arbor Savings Bank dated the óth day of March 18SU and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Waslitenaw Countv, Michigan, on the fith day of March", 1891, in Líber 70 of mortgages on page '220 on which mortgage there ia claimed to be due at the date of this notice the sum of seven hundred and eix dollars and eighty oents (f 706.80) and an attorney fee of twenty-tive dollars provided for in said mortgages and DO snit at law or proceedings in equity having leen instituted to recover the money tecured by said mortgage or any part thereof. Now therefore by virtue of the power of uale contained m said mortgage and the statute in Buch case made and pro ided, notice is hereby triven that. on Friday the tirst day of November l'-1-") al ten o'clock in the forenoon the said Bank will sell to the highest bidder at public auction at the rast frontdoor of the Couri House in the city of AnnArboi (that being thi I 'J cirouh court for said county is holden premisos descibed in said tDortgage or so muofa as may be neceseary to paj tb amout due on said mortgage and tl pense of 'his foreclosure. The premisei tobe sold being deecribed aa a pari oi lots KJO and lol of K. S. Smith's tliir. addition to said city of Ann Arbor fronting 66 feet on Obervatory-st. and ei tending west on the north end of eai( lots 110 feet. The premiaeé herein decribed being boundêd east by Observatory-st. north by Volland-st. west by a line; parellel to Observatory.Bt. and IK feet therefrom and bou Ui by a line parallel to Volland-st. and tiüfeet there from. Dated August 8th L895. Thb Ann Abbob Savings Bank, Mortgagee. Thompson and Habri.m an. 8S Attys. for Mortgagee.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register