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Peninsular State News

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Lightning killed Wm. Palmer, near Rapids. The plant of the Lansing Spoke Co., was burned. Loss $12,000. Port Huron Presbyterians have dedicated a handsome new church. The l(5-year-old son of Charles Lecox, of Dover, was drowned in Demming's lake. Fire destroyed the frame residence of Mrs. Elizabeth Zang, in Monroe Loss, $1,000; insured. Paul Palmer, aged 4, of Adrián, was found dead under a 300-pound bale of tow in his father's barn. The seven-year-old son of Evan flastline feil f rom a wagon at lincharían and was fatally crushed. John R. Franks, near Muskeg-on has been found guilty of criminal assauft on his 11-year-old daughter. John Winters' cow, near Elk Rar ids, ate a large quantity of dynamite, and she hasn't been found yet. Henry Strocker, a hermit cárpenter, was found dead in his shanty near Warren. Whisky was the cause. Ludington organized a board of trade, with 100 charter members. David Olney was elected president. round was broken at Port Huron for the new Y. M. C A. building which is to be erected at a cost of 10,000. The weather is very dry again, and the woods along the Michigan Central from Maekinac City to Cheboygan are fall of fires. Harbor Springs Adven tists claims that the raging fires on Heaver island are a plague sent to punish the people for their sins. Alfred Collacott, of Carsonville, has iisappeared leaving a letter which causes the belief that he has committed suicide. Andrew Kuhl, of Dayton, was aceidentally shot in the thigh while hunting. lüood poisoning set in and he cannot recover. Clayton schools are closed on account of scarlet fever. The Tillage health officer, Dr. E. J. EUis, is very ill with the disease. _(iov. Kich has appointed Wm. R. FCenrick, of Saginaw, judge of the i'enth circuit, to succeed Itobert B. McKnight, resigned. Fire at the farm of Herbert Brown, near Albion, destroyed three barns, containing four horses and considerable grain, etc. Loss $2,000. John B. Lavigne was arrested jharged with burglarizing the store of the Ishpeming Co-operative Co. He is a member of the pólice forcé. While digging a well at Irving Wal ter Scott, a farmer, was entombed :S0 feet below the surface by the earth caving in. He was dead whon found. Frank Meyers, an aged veteran at St Joseph received a pension of $10 a month. The good news was too mueh for him, and he feil over dead. Ira H. Curtis, butcher at the asylum at Kalamazoo, suicided by cutting nis throat. Constant association with lunatics had unbalanced his mind. The large barn of Thos. Easton, near Dowagiac, burned together with 500 bushels of wheat, 15 bushels of hay farm implements, etc. Loss $2,000. The exeeutive board of the Michigan Knights of the (irip has decided to hold the annual convention of the organization in Lansing Dec. HO and 31. Albert Ellis. aged 40, an insane man stood on the C. & Q. T. track near Flint fighting some imaginary enemy when a train hurled him to his death. O. C. Hollister and A. Hotchkiss killed a 300-pound bear vvithin 80 rods of the courthouse at Atlanta. His feet were badly burned, probably bv forest lires. John l'almer. a veteran from Mor■nui, was entertained at Louisville luring the encampment by the very confedérate who took him prisoner orer 30 years. Mrs. J. Ford, of near Williamston tooK a big dose of morphine at thè' .Iranklin house. North Lansing. Sh .vas despondent because her husband leserted her. (ov. Kieh sLiys the present militia foree on duty at Ishpeming will be .vithdrawu after :.'() days' dnty, if the strike is not settled and lower Michifan ti-tiops substitutud. loli'i Kandall is making bricfc at Min. Tlii.s is a new Indugtry in this art of thè state, as it has generally n supposed that there was no clay uitable for brickmaking. Heraenel A. Whitaker, of Detroit, iresident of the Michigan fish com.-nis■ion, is being pushed for the appointoent to the l . S. tish commission, succeed Col. McDonald, who died ecently. During a storm at Alma light ning struek the house of Joseph Ray doing some damage and severely stun ning Mrs. Bay. The Alina telephone exehange was burned out. The farmhouse of ïïm. Slosser, nea Harbor Sprints, was struek by light ning, which went down the chiinney bk'w the stove to atoms, tore up th I kitchen üoorand stunned two children Alonzo Daniels, aged 64, objected to James McGinn calling on his daughter 1 at Port Huron. McGinn threw a stone which struek the old man on the heac with a stone, inflicting mortal wounds Bennet Shingwakos, an Indian, an( Geo. Wilson, white, had a fight a Harbor Springs because Wilson trie( to escort the Indian's squaw home from an Indian dance. The Indian was fatally stabbe. JujJge A. L. Canfleld, oí Mt. Clemens and J udge Hussel R. Petiler, of Three Rivers, have been appointed by Gov Rich coramissioners to examine the compilation of Michigan statutes now being made by Lewis M. Milder. Gilbert M. ' eese, a jewelry sales man, was 1 dead on a beuch in the Fulton-st. park. Grand Rapids He left a note stating that he wa bankrupt financially and physicall; and feit there was nothing left but to take his life. Fred Rayburn, near Alpena, lost his house four barns and several sheds, besides large quantities of grain and several vehiclef. The loss is 87,000. The insurance lapsed a month ago and eould not be renewed owing to the prevalence of forest fires. .lohn McDonough and Frank Ludwig, of South Haven, were sent to jail for six months, without the alternative of a fine, for violating the local option law. At Charlotte Joe Henning and Ym. Conant were fiüed $100 and $50 respectively for the same offense. The Michigan conference of the United Krethen church was held at West Conway near Fowlerville. The conference has a lay delegation, and was attended by about 100 members. Biship Halleek Floyd, D. D. , president of Hartsville College, Ind., presided. The Michigan Kuilding and Loan league met at Grand Rapids, discussed matters of interest andelected omcers: President, W. L. Jenks, of Port Huron; vice-president, C. D. Hanchett, of Hancock; secretary, W. F.&Sheppard, of luand Kapids; treasurer, L. J. Wolcott, of Albion. Parker & Robinson havebegun work grading the tirst section of the Manislique & Northern railroad, the new line to run from Xegaunee in a southerly direction to Lake Michigan. 'J'je road will traverse the largest belt of untouched hardwood in the upper peniusula, and is tobecompletedby spring. The Dunn Mining Co., at the head of which is the well-known iron ore Umi of Corrigan, Mclvinney & Co., of Cleveland, has closed a deal with the owners of the Northern Chief Iron Co., by which the syndicate secures control of the (lerniania, Minnewawa, Windsor and I'ence mines on the Gogebic range in Michig-an. Attorney-Cïeneral Maynard is looking up acts on which to base legal action to determine whether the St. flair Flats belong to Michigan or the l'nited .states. The last legislatura instructed him to have this matter judicially settled. This action is important just now, on account of the arrest of a Detroit man for selling liquor there. The Xorth Shore limited train was wreeked at Marshall. Two coaches, the baggage car and mail cars, and engine were badly wreeked. Pinned in the wreckage of the cab, (eorge I'eppet. eng-ineer, was enveloped by eseaping steam two hours before he eould be extricated. He had one leg broken and a bad gash on the arm no one else hurt. The state fair at Grand Rapids was a success and reflected credit on its promoters. When the members of the fissociation met in annual session the y elected offleers: Wm. Ball, of Hamburg, was re-elected president by acclamation; vice-president, I. H. Butterfield; seeretary, Henry S. Fralick, of Grani Kapids: treasurer, C. W. Young, of Paw Paw. The Chicora accident was revived again by the tinding of a lounge trom her freight cargo and a ship pillow, on the beach north of St Joseph. This is the same spot where after three previous storms some part of the steamer has come ashore. The boat uannot be far distant froni this place, and an effort is being made to start another searching party. A iracas occurred in Albee township, Saginaw county, in which Alexander Kidd, a farmer, lost his Ufe. It seems that Kidd had some altercation with iix unknown men, one of whom hit him on the head with some blunt instrument and he died froin the effects af the blow. The coroner's jury said that Kidd brought it al) upon himself by his ungoverable temper. The four boilers in the Marine City Stave Co. 's salt block exploded with Lerrific report, completely demolishing the boiler house and a portion of the .nain and injuring two men severely. Chas. Essenberg was probably fatally hurt and Kosswell Heath received painful injuries. The explosión was caused by low water in one jf the marine boilers. The damage is ïstimated at $1.1,000. W"m. Parker, son of a farmer at Moore's settlement. near Standish, iru sent to drive tlie cows home, but ie did not return. Search was made ill nig-ht and all day. when he was tinally found unconseions. When he recovered he said that when coming lome he saw a bear cub in the road. l'icking up a stick he threw it at the mb just as the oíd boar come along-. he caug-ht him and gave him a severe nufrjring-. Ue remembered nothing nore till several hou:s after he ias 'ound. At the annual session of the Michigan Crand Lodge, Select Knights AnMent Order of üeited Wörkmen, which vaa lield at Crand Rapids, the followng- offleers were elected: P. U. C. Ugust Menge, of L'Anse; (i. C, J. F.' X HollingS, of Detroit; Y. C, K. 1; tuasell, oï Battle Creokj L. C, Fred ast, of Hay City; G. S.. J. K. Sh.-ldon, f Jiickson; (í. L.. James Pitcher of ;i-nnaw; C!. T.. William Dabbelan of irand Uapids; O. S. V.. W. II. Maoon -f Saeiimw; (. J. V., Ralph Treat, of Irand liapids.


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