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Nervous Prostration Cured by Dr. Miles' Nervine. Prolonged derangement of the nervous system not only affects the brain and mental powers, but develops disease in some of the vital organs. The most dangerous of these indirect resulta is when the heart is affected. Thi3 was the case of the Eev. N. F. Surface, Fawn Eiver, Mich., who writes under date of Peb. 14, 1895: "Fourteen years ago I had a sllght stroke of paralysis. Overwork brought on nervous prostration. I was exeeedingly nervous and the exertton of public speaking caused heart palpitation that threatened my life. I used two bottles of Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure for my heart trouble, and two of Dr. Miles" Kestorative Nervine for my nervousness and feei botter thau 1 ever expected to feel again. 1 can speak for hours without tiring or having my heart iiutter as it formerly did, and I have you to thank that I amalive today." On sale by all druggists. Dr. Miles' Book on Heart and Nervous Disorders FKEE by mail. Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, lnd. Dr. Miles' Remedies Restore Health. A i n . Is scarcely leas attracrialllOrnifl. tivethan the. Winter I i season there .... You 11 v Siiniïïipr ma' doubt Ii; is UUllillllU explained and verified in our illustrated book - "To California and Back." Por f ree copy address, O. T. MIIIOl.MIN. G. P. .., 85 lomiiliiii, k Blds;., Oiirago. ANDREW E. G1BS0N, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ao. 10 E. Muron St. A ARBOR 'IK II. nlCHfGAN CENTRAL. "The Moy.m ldh lionte." VAW'JiAL BTAWDAMB TIME, TKAiMa AT ANN ARBOR. 'tuking E f eet 31nj 19, 1895. GOINGEAST. Hall & Expres ::;(ip.M. N. Y. & Boston Special B oo FastEastern 10 AtlanticEx 7 4? M Detroit Night Ex 5 4 Grand Kapids Ex 11 05 GOING WEST Mail & Express 8 43 a. m Boston, N. Y. A Chicago "30 North Shore Ltd 9 25 Fast Western Ex 2 00 P. H. Grand Rpds & Kal Ex 5 57 Chicago Nlght Express 10 28 Pacific Ex ■ 12 16 O. W. RUGGLEf, H. W HAYErf, G. P & T, A., Chicago. Ag't., Ano Arboi E. R. EGGLESTON, 11. D. 2 S. OTaln-St., Tor. Hlirou-M. Gen era l 1 a c tice. Hours:- 10:30 a. m. to 12 m. ; 2 to5 p.m. and 7 to 8 p. m. 'Ptioue . IlümbïnT STEAM A8D GAS FITTING " SE1ER COHMECTIONS Made promptly and at reasonable rates. AH Work First - Class ! GIVE ME A TRIAL. JOHN O'BRIEN, 30 E. "WASHINGTON M. Invalid's IDEAL DrinkiDg Cup. 1 New aud irmeful Artlolo l'or the Kick. Tl, Patiënt ffeed Kot i: THsturbed. Drink, Liquid Food or Medicine 1 miniitered to the sick or attlicted lna recumbent position with and satis faetion. j'iuci:, r .vv. l,v siv by uil Druggtsts TfMnrn To the Toucli, saoomI rlMIIrK mdtisyniptunHiJrlipnmaI LIlULIt tlcjolute. Rhematlsm can be corad only liy curlng lts cause, pre renting tlie formatlon an3 accumulatlon wlthln thesystea oí deleteriOtU BUl)&tftllC68. Tu ! TliN. use Dr. Whitehall s Rheumatic Cure. It relieves inflammatory rheumatlsm in ;i few lumrs, tlie pain cearing and swi-Hingdlminlshlng front the beglnnlng of the treutment. Free Sample sent on mention of this paper. 50 cents a box; 6 boxen, Si. 50. Dr. Whltehall MeL. Co., South Benil. Inl THE POPULAR ROUTE TO GRAND RAPIDS AND WESTERN MICHIGAN. IS THE D. L. & N. DETROIT, LANSING & NORTHERN. STATIONS. OOIJÍG WEST. Detroit Lv. 740 lliipm soopm Plymouth.... 8 25 1 48 6 43 South Lyon.. " 8 48 %Ut 7 04 Howell June. " 9 14 7 2 Howell " 9 20 2 88 7 36 Lanslng " 10 24 8 88 8 37 Grand Ledge. " 10 55 8 M', 9 08 Grand Rapids " 12 3" p m 5 20 10 45 Ionla " 11 48 i m 4 45 pin 10 00 Howardclty..Ar. 1 20 p m 11 45 p ra STATIONS. GOINO EAST. Howard city .Lv. 5 50 a ui 4 10 p m Ionia " 7 3 1 35 p m C 00 Grand Haijids " 7 ('0 120 5 35 Grand Ledro. ' 8 2 4: T 0Ï Lansing 8 54 3 Ofl 7 25 Howell " 8 53 3 59 ■■:, Howell June. " 9 56 South Lyon... " 10 28 4 88 8 56 Plymoth " 10 51 4 47 9 20 Detroit Ar. 11 40 a m 5 30 p m 10 10 p m Connecuonsat Grand Rapidswith the Chicago &nc West Michigan Hij. for Petoskey, Bav View, Traverse City, Manistee. Muskegon, Grand Haven, Benton Harbor, and St. Joseph T. A. A. d: JV. M. Agenta SeU Throiwh Tickets. Geo. D. Haven, G. P. A , Grand Rapids. CO AA CLEVELAND Ëfü BUFFALO VIA "O. éi ir. LINE." ( ommen elngwith opfningof navigat mi bont Aprl lsi . MdKiiifloeDt side-Kheel steel steimer "State ..I : lm. nn.lMalr nlrn lurk." DA1I.Y TIME TABLt SINDAY ISCLCÏÏD. Lv. Cleveland. 6:80 p. M. Lv. Buffa)o, 6:S0r.M. Ar. Bufflo, 7:30 A. M. Lv. i Uveland 7 SO. H. CENTRAL. STANDAR TIME. Take rhe ' C. & B. Line" steamt r8 i r] ptiJot refreBhing nieht's left wher eDrouleto Hiill'aío, Masara Falls, Toroiiro, New VTk, KoNton. Albauy, l.tKKi Ivlantl, ur u; other Eashrn or Caiiadiau point. Cheap Excursions Weekly to Niágara Filis. Send 4 cents postage for tourls ;pamph)et. W. F. Herman, T. F. Newmau, Gen'1. Pass. Agt. Gen.l. Manager. Cleveland, Ohio. WURSTER & KIRN. Want you (o cali wken tjou are in neetl oj a CARRIAGE OR BÜGGY Or ui.ij other sort of a vehicle. Their uork M'llhis FOR ITSE1.F. BEl'AIlïING KEATI.Y DONS AT MODERATE RATES. . Horse Shoein . HY EXPERIENCED HANDS. WE i.i itwria; i.i. i it wiihk 21. 23 and 25 N. 4th Ave.. Ann Arbor. Mie h OHIO CENTRAL LINES. T. & O. C. Ky-K. d M. Bj, Solid through trains between Toledo, Ohio und Charleston, V. Va., via Columbus, the short and on'y direct route between Toledo, O., and Mt. Pleasant. W. Vs. Findlay, O., " Richmond, Virginia. Kenton, O., " Fetersbursf. " Columbus, O. " Old Point Comfort, Vat Athene, O. " Williamaburg, Va. Middlepott,O " Xewport. News. Va. Pomeroy, O. '■ Norfolk, Virginia, And all south-eastern point?. Elegant drawing room cars on all through xains. Por further information cali on your ocal ticket or write. W. A. Peters, Moclton Hoi'K, Mlch. Pass. Agt. Geu'l. Pass.. Agt. Detroit, Mich. Toledo. O. THE BEST LINE TO THE SOUTH ? THE DIRECT LINE TO " 1 Cincinnati and the South. J 3 THROUGH TRAINS DAILY from DETROI 4 THROUGH TRAINS DAILY from TOLEDO, TO DAYTON, CINCINNATI and the SOUTH. The Best Line From MICHIGAN flND NORTHERN OHïO TO FLORIDA and all the Southern States. D B. TRACY N. P. A., Detroit. Mich. ■ JOHN BASTADLE. D. P. A , Toledo, O. , 0. G. EDWARDS. G. P. A., Carew Bid. CinclnnaU


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Ann Arbor Register