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reo. La emli.T has gone to Toledo on a business trip. Tne I. O. (í. T nirht cap social was a suceess especially linanciallv. Miss Rachael Campbell who has been spending thesummer with Mrs. Hanby returned to her home in Dixbro. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pray spent last week in Grand Kapids visiting their sons Jav and D. A. also taking in the State Fair. Maud Moss has been granted a week absence from the postottice and is visiting relativos and friends in Detroit- have a jolly time Maud. Mts, Masón and daughter Ruth are visiting her mother, Mrs. Silsby while her husbhnd Joseph Mason is attending the M. E. Conference at Ann Arbor. Frank Barker has been to Plint to see his mother who was veay sick and the next day after his return he received a telegram announcing his mother's doath. The remains were brought to for burial Monday, Sept 16. Yesterday was the 30th anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Stiles who were visiting G. W. McCormick and family. When they returned home last p. m. they found the house full of friends who gave them a genuine surprise engineered by their daughter Fidelia. Fr. Goldrick of St. Patrick parish in Xorthfield after nine years of faithful and satisfaetory service was given a five weeks vachtion visiting in New York and Philadelphia. He returned home on Wednesday evening last and was completely surprised at the grand reception awaiting him, there being 1000 of his friends and parishoners formed in line on each side of the road which he had to pass through. Visitors from Ypsilanti, Dexter, Chelsea, Brighton and South Lyon were amongst the throng to grasp the hand of friendship. An excellent program was rendered as follows : l8t. Song of welcome by Northfield church choir as Fr, Goldrick drove up to his home betwoen two lines of visitors. 2nd. Song by Ann Arbor Male Quartette. Address of welcome by Fr. Kelly of Ann Arbor. Violin solo by Prof. Bilbie of Ann Arbor accompanicd by Misa Minnie Davis on piano. Song by Male Quartette. Remarks by Fr. Kennedy of Ypsilanti. Comic song by the inimitable 'Jim Harkins which was heartily encored. President Phlllip Duffy addressed the audience in a stirring speech and referred in glowing terms to Fr. Goldrick and the hiyh esteem he is held in by his many friends and parishoners after which a sumpt'iiius lunch was served which everybody enjoyed. 'ioiin solo by Albert Long-, Ann Arbor. When Phillip Duffv in ;i aéat ipeöch prescnted Fr. Goldrick in behalf of his parishoners a large well lilled purse the amount of rhich will be made knovvn on Sunday next. Fr. Goldrick in a feelinp: speech responded. Sonr by Male Quartette. Jim Harklns sang-, "Home Sweet Home,'' and in response to the encoró sang, "Girl Wanted" which put them in an uproar. Never was there a morepieasant and enjoyable reoeption in this region. Win. Thora is building a new house. (Jus Vanwormer is a new house. Martin O'Brien has gono to Roumlus to finish upa house for a Mr. Kosenworth. Thomas (iott has the contract to build a new house for Fred Schwass, seotion boss, at Willis. Miss Minnie Dunesmore, of Milan, visited with Miss Marïha Alban and Miso Cora Darling last week. About seventy attended the Ladies' Aid Society of the Willis M. E. church last Wednesday at Mrs. Asa Darlings. Mrs. Jabin Strong, of Somerset Center, visited with her daughter, Mrs. George Kimball, of this place, last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Brown and Ed. Milleman, of Browns town, Wayne Co., visited at George N. Hammonds last week. George C. Moore and James B. Lord arrived safely home from Lupton, Mich., last week where they have been on a visit. The Misses Anna Campbell, Lottie Ambrose, Grace Kussell and Poster Hammond commenced school at the Ypsilanti seminary last Monday. Mrs. George N. Hammand and Dr. H. I. Post were elected delegates to attend the District Epworth League convention to be held in Detroit soon. We understand that Sheriff. Judson is making it pretty hot for some of the Hght tingered people in the town of York. Hope he will continue in the good wcirk. G. S. Bethell, station agent at Willis, ittended the encampment at Louisville last week and will attend the dedication at Chicamanga. He will go from there to Atlanta, Ga., to attend the exposition. JIILAN Mr. Chas. Steidle is Ohio friends. School opened Monday with a full attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Gripp are entertain? guests from Chicago. Miss Nellie Delaforce lcft last week for the Normal school at Ypsilanti. Mrs. A. B. Smith will open her house to the Presbyterian sewing circle luesday afternoon. The M. K. Aid Society held their tea social at Mrs. H. Feeleher's on Pirst-st. cdnesday afternoon. . Prof. and Mrs. C. H. Carrick entertianed the Milan teachers at their home Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hack were the guests of Prof. and Mrs. George Denmson at Dundec Sunday. Iis Poryethe, of Lodi, arrived in Milan Saturday ready for her school work in the Milan schools. Mr. and Mrs. ürownell. of Moorvillc iiivcsImI qutte extensively in household' (toods at Dr. ,1. C. Harper's auction Saturda] afternoon. The Chautauqua Cirole met with Mis. (,. R, Uhams on County-st. Saturday afternoon, and elected the following offloara: President. Miss FAla, Murrv; vlce-ores., Mrs. G. U. Williams: Claia ÁÍkn. LUCy CUrtÍS: MÍSS Mui-ried: Blftckmer-Burnham. Mr. Webb Blackmer, of Milan, and Lennie Burnham, of Toner City. X.D., at the residence of the brido's aunt, Mrs. 1. Warner, Qear Moorville, Wed nesday afternoon, Rev. J. Ward Stono otlioiating-, SALINE. Orange blo.ssoms. M, Wobb is very ill. Mrs. E. Hill is on the sick list. Mrs. Oscar Briggs and family have moved to Ypsilanti. Quite a number attended conference at Ann Arbor last week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pouerbacker are the happy parents of a boy. G. J. Nissly is in New York thi week with a car of poultry. Earl Slayten. of Tecumseh, called on friends here Sunday, while enroute to Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. C. Blackmer, of Milan visited Mrs. B.'s parents, Mr. and Mrs M. Webb, Sunday. Mrs. G. A. Lindenschmidt and son Herman, returned Thursday from a two weeks visit at Cleveland. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Bassett and Mrs Marshall, of Detroit, returned home Tuesday after a weeks' visit with rola tives. Mrs. H. D. Heller, who sprained hei ankle quite severely while visiting in Ypsilanti several weeks ago, was able to return home Saturday. 'I VM III MIK Sport day at Clinton next Saturday. Harry Kies returned to Orchard Lake yesterday. School meeting: last Monday night. Nothing decided as yet. Lynch & Co. have shipped quite a littlc of their Perfect Baking Powder this week. David Kern went to Detroit last Saturday. Giss Kuhl is taking his place in Fred Steinkholes. A gentleman from Ohio has been here to look the hotel over out made no particular arrangement. Havo you seen that Current History of Ed. Wolff'8? If you have not, eall at Lynches' Drug store and see them. Harvey Blasdel was very low Monday night. He took an overdose of laudanum by mistake. Drs. Conklin and Olingher were ualled in who finally restored him, leaving him very woak. The best game of this season was played here last Thursday afternoon between Clinton and Manchester whieh resulted in a victoi-y for the home team. The score- SJ to 5. Umpire, George Kemp. ïmtK Kev Mr. Osburn occupied the Baptist pulpit last Sunday. Mr& Eugeno Ford has been on the sick list for a few days. Alfred Havenport is raising and repairing the old storo formerly occupied by James Gauntlett. of Milan. There is a rumor that our school will go to the County Fair in a Dody, but we liope -the fair trustees will have manhood enough to say "no", to those st loon bums who want to have an opon bar on the fairgrounds and we belfeve that our principal will not take his school on School Day if the open bar is permitted. Donna MoLachlan, daughter of Dr. McLachlan, is attending school at the High School in nn Arbor. Donna is one of the graduates from oui' school and wo understand that she is entered in the llth grade, Prof. Perry being satislied that the work done in omschool is equal to the work in the English course in the Ann Arbor Eiigh School so far as our school course goes. lllil.lll IIII.I.S. Steve Marsh has been making home and friends a short visit. Miss Rosa Marsh is attending the High School at Ann Arbor. Mrs. Slimmer returned Sunday from visiting her father who is ill at Whitmore Lake. Mr. Wing, of Scio township, gave a party in honor of his 75th birthday, Saturday, the 14th inst. Mr. and Mrs. Litchfield, of Delhi, also Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Litchfeld's mother, wero among the guests. Mrs. James, of Adrián, a deputy commander of the L. O. T. M., was at Delhi last week to see what oould be done about osganizing a "Hive" in this place. Mr. Gilmore's stepson, Mr. Stringer, of Plymouth, surprised him with a cali one day last week, and his brother William, of Gaines, Genesee Co., come to make a visit last Saturday. He was one of the delegates to the M. E. conference at Ann Arbor. VOKK Mrs. Aioend, Reese is very sick. Rev. A. R. Mead and family are moving to Ann Arbor. Sam Draper has returned from a weeks' sojourn in Detroit. Miss Cora Ráese, of Ann Arbor, is visiting relatives at this place. Mrs. Rogers, of Bay City, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Mary M. Clark. Mrs. frank Haynes, of Ypsilanti, is visiting relatives and friends here. Mrs. Alfred Davenport and daughter, Lucy, willspend the winter in Clifton S. Y. Mr. Web. Blackmer, of Milan, dfcd Miss Linnie Burnham, of ïower City, North Dakota, were marriod at the residenoe of the bride 'a aunt, Mrs. Lit. Warner last Wednesday, Sept. llth. Rev. Ward Stono orticiatinyf. WKBNTKK. Farmers in this vicinity are sowing wheat. Mary Backus holds forth in "Grub Hill" school district. Next Sunday is Rev. Mr. Hlomñeld's hist Sunday. He then iroes to Vale. Rev. Mr. Sanderson, of Lansing, preachea In the Conregational chureh Sunday, Sept. 29th. UtSt Wednesday Miss Rebecca Tubbs and Mr. Ben Sutherland were quietly marrled at the homo of the bride's párente.


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