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Trutli "Calumet" is true to the merchant. because it pleases his trade ; is true tó the housekeeper, because it speaks the truth in the oven ; is true to its name, because it is a true ''symbal of peace. " Truth crushed to earth will rise again, And will stay riz, you bet ; If you wish your bread to do the same, Why, use the "Calumet." Dr. tiartiii' INerviue OolTee Saye More than Hall' your CoflTce Elpi "■ and Doctor UMI. A pleasant table' 'drink composed of cereala, gluten and vegetables, and a positive cure for nervousness, dyspepsia, biliousness, constipation, heart disease, sick headache, sleeplessness and the many ailments caused from the use of ordinary coffee and tea. 1 Ib. equals 2 lbs. other coffee ; only 20c. Free sample at grocers. Eat Dr. Martin's Royal Breakfast Food. For sale by Stimson, State Street 26 When BaDy was slck, we gave her Castoria. When sha was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Chitdren. she gave them Castora Tadella Pens- They All Write. For sale at Mummery's Drug Store, Washington Block. George R. Kelly sells Wood. For si knex ■ i the Best. Old choice Wines from Speer's vineyards, Passaic. The rioh Port Grape, the Claret, vin. 1881 the Burgundy and Unfermented are unexcelled for intortainments, family use and invalida. ( toe bottle of Speor's is worth three of California winfc. o tli e of Kenioval. Mis. A. C. Richards, formerly f arrie TIurrell, dressmaker, has removed to No. 50 S. Divison-st. GEOEGE F. KELLY SELLS WOOD. WE FIGHT ! UHF.UMATISM, Gout and Neuralgia of all kiinU. "Schrage's $1,000,000.00 Kheumatic Cure" is guaranteed absolutely the best. Try it to-day. 30,000 persons oured. Special terms to agents this month. Swanson Rheumatic Cure Co., 167 Dearborn St. Chicago, II!. HTTTTTTr+TTTTTTTTTT Gunter's Announcement. We are pk'ased to announce that uur Ann Arbor Agency has been placod wttli A. E. Mummery, Washington Bloei, Who Is prepared to furnish onr choice ('ond'ctions. Bon Bon, vod Chocolates, packed In the most attractive mantier. Special orders for Dinners, Lnncheons and Parties. Everybody admits that Uunther's Confectionery is the flnest made. t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t .. This lady is buying Lace. She isable to purchase an abundant supply of OLD EN6LISH POINT LACE, the very finest to be had. and her good womaniy judgment enables her to select the choicest, and all because she has, of late, been buyjng her GROCERIES OF W.F. LODHOLZ. Have you ever figured up how much you pay for groceries during the course of a year? Try it and you will be astonished. This lady has a small family yet her grocery bill amounts to over $250.00 PER YEAR. By saving let us say 10 per cent. on that sum she has a nice little margin with which she can indulge her taste for some of the luxuries of life. This week her saving is being invested in a piece of BEAUTIFUL LACE. Lady readers, would you not like a little extra each week to invest in a bit of China, a piece of silverware, a pretty picture? You can have it just as well as not. All you need to do is U purohase your grooeriea of LODHOLZ NO. 4 BROADWAY. HE HANDLES NOTHINCr BUT THE BEST.


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Ann Arbor Register