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America's Great Scheme

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The Denver Times of recent date sent a special correspondent to the famous Pecos Valley to prepare an articie ior that paper upon the v nd 3rf ui growth of this great enterprise. The substance of the article ; s as follows : ■i 'Se ven years ago R-. W. ' diisill, whose tnake of cigars are know the world over, was obliged to give up his business, on account of overwork, and go west. He first went to Colardo. Among the numerous subjects which here claimed his interest, the first and most important place was given to that vast reelamation enterprise which during late years has made the Pecos Valley known throughout the United States and in many parts of the old world. Visiting southeastern New Mexico in the fall of 1888, and traveling hundreds ol mile3 by wagon through the valley where as yet were only the beginnings of development, he was fascinated by the possibilities which lay in those vast stretches of fertile land and in the abundant supplies of water for its irrigation then flowing unused to the sea. From that time till the present day his interest in the Pecos Valley has been an active and aggressive one. These eeven years have sufficed to establish in this valley- through the splendid leadershiD of Mr. J. J. Haget-man, who early became interested in the undertaking, and has since been at its head - the largest irrigation enterprise in America, and one of the greatest in the world. Upward of $4,000,000 havo been expended in vast irrigation works, with reservoirs impounding a total of 50,000,000,000 gallons of water and a netwerk of main canals and laterals aggregating 1.200 miles in length; in 164 miles of standard-gauge railway extending through the valle6 entire length ; in the establishment of numerous towns and villages; in the setting in motion of the multitude of forces and agencies there are engaged in bringing civilzation into the desert. Here 400,000 acres of land will ultimately bereclaimed,and 10,000 families will be provided with homes and an opportunity to achieve industrial independence. Pully 80,000 acres have already been settled upon, and the settlers are proütabïy engaged in raising the Standard crops of the températe and semi-tropical zones together with fruits which are disputing ior the pre-eminence with those grown in the most favored sections of our land. The valley, which seven years ago was an unbroken. barren plain, practically uninhabited, is to-day dotted with farms, orchards and vineyards, while towns and villages are springing up in many places, in which, the foundations of prosperous communites are being securely laid. The Pecos Valley is likewise destined to become one of the most prominent sanitarium centers of the Rocky Mountain reigon, for it com; bines pre-eminently favorable climatic condidtions with opportunities for profitable occupation not elsewhere to be found. But Mr. Tansill's active business habits forbade his being a mere on lookcr, however intereste.d a one, 4n this great work of davelopment. Among his extensive holdings in the valley was a traet of 640 acres of land in a solid body, and about four years ago he entered upon the improvement of this property with the 9ole object of demonsti-ating what could be accomplished in farming and stock raising in the Pecos Valley by the use of the most approved methods. A brief description of the model stock farm, for Buoh it is, will be of in te rest. It is situated near the center of the Pecos Valley. The altitude of this part of the valley is 3,200 feet, an altitude which, combined with its southern laitude, gives it a most delightful all-year-round climate, adapted to the cure or alleviation of a wide range of chronic ills, particularly of that dread foe of the human race, consumption. The land liesbeautifully for irrigation and is all under uultivatian. About 400 aares are n alfa lia, oí wnicn irora uve to six tona per acre are raised yearly and which can be ,put in stock at a cost of $1.00 per ton. Tvvonty aerea are in orchard. aet principlly to apples, which are a superb crop in tho valloy and ti ve acres re in vineyard, the remaindcr being iu grencral crops, principlly rom. In thf arrangemeut of producís, as well as in the planning of the entire establishment, the main purpose Of the farm is had in veiw. which in the raising of cattlc, horses and hoge. Hog raising is a very profitable industry in the Pecos Valley, and the Tansill tarm IS fully equippedto conduct it on an extensive scale. With the abundant alfalfa and cheap corn of the Peoos Vallej ran bc raised and fattened at a costnot to f - per pound. Since cholera is unknown the Btockraiser does not need to le assured that hogs at'eahighiy profitable erop in the val ley. The water system of the farm is worthy of extended noticc. From a well !" feet deep is obtained an inexhaustible supply of most excellent water. ïhis is pumpéd by a fourteen foot windmill to a lar?e tank in a tower, whence it is piped to all the buildings, pens and corráis. In addition there has reeently been completed a 200-barrel cisiern, to vvhich pipes extended fi-om the barr roof, so that the farm need never be without an ampia supply of pure rainwater. I have dwelt at length upon this Pecos Valley farm because it has seemed well worthy of careful description. It is a notable piece of work, a worthy achievement of a man with whom success has become a habit. Unless I greatly mistake, this model stock farm, while an inspiration and an example to the Valley farmers, will bring its owner ampie material returns for his labor and investment, as it has already brought to him the blessing of restored health.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register