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L? IN HALFU To the South The Loulsville & Nashvllle Rallroad will sell tickets on dates and under conditions as below mentioned, at One Singi.k Fase for the Round Thip, and one-way tickets at about one-half the usual rate. QATCC for the sale of tickets will be June " &" íi, July 5, August 7, September 4 and October 2, 1895. Tickets -will be sold for fhe Regular Trains starting from Cincinnati, luisí-ille, Evansville and St. Louis, and from Stations of our Connecting l.ines in the North to connect with those trains. Tickets good to return within 20 days. PflIMTC t( which tickets will be sold are rUEH I O the prncipai cities, Towns and Villages in the States of Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, North and South Carolina, Georgia and Florida. Full information cheerfully furnished upon application to JACKSON SMITH , Dít. Pass. Agt., Cincinnati, 0. C. P. ATMORE, Gen'l Pass. Agt., Louisville, Ky, ■ iTHE ■ ■ ELDREDGE "B" A strlctly high-grade Family Sewing jUacbine, poseeBAing all modem iniprovements. GUARANTEED EQUAL TO THE BEST Prlcea very reasonable. Obtain tlicm írom your local dealer and make coniparisons. ELDREDGE MANUFAOTURING 00. BELVIDERE, ILL. PW SEWING MACHINES POPULAR? BECAUSE LADIES BUY THtM LIKE THEM AND TELL DS. Many ladies have used our machines twenty to thirty years in their family work, and are still using the original niachines we furnished them a generation ago. Many of our machines have run more than twenty years without repairs, other ihan needies. With woner care thev never wear out, and seldom need repair. We have built sewing machines for more than forty years and have constantly mproved them. We build our machines on honor, and they are recognized eerywhere as the most accurately fitted and finely finishtd sewing machines in the world. Our latest, the "No. 9," is the result of our long experience. In competition with the leading machines of the world, it received the Grand Prize at the Paris Exposition of J889, as the lust, other machines receiving only conipli mentary medals of gold,ilver and bronze. The Grand Prize was what all soughl for, and our machine was awarded it. Send for our illustrated catalogue. We want dealers in all unoccupied terrilory, WHEELER & WILSON MFG. COBS II 187 w a t ash Ave, Chicago. W WfICOX C0MP0UNO Ê RKWABE OF COI'NTEBFKITS. ■ Tlip i.nly afo anil slways rclIaMe Keiler B for I.adfes. Accept no wurthlpss and lanH gerims lmitatlons. Save nioney an'l Riianl H lu-altl: bj takliisjnotliiiiKlmt tlip onij genu■ lm anrt oriKlna. WUooi Compoond Tansy ■ l'Hls, In metal Ixixev lnarlii(( sliield trade m mark. prlcn 2.C0. all dmzgtPU. Senil 4 ets. CorWoman'8 8feGuard, secnrely malled. WIM'OX PECIPIC CO., 328 Boutli KlKbtli Slreet, lMiila., Va. I EWIS' 98 % LYE k i pcwitsni Airs FismuD 0 (PATSMTED) Wtjk TMUroinMtindpnrwtlja ■rfl made. Lniike othor, It twlnc ■A U a nue pt'ïicr and pack,a in a can ■U wHh tvmovalilu llil tlio ouutents ■V are always rcady for ue. Win make the best [-rdmiMl Hard 8ap ■V lu 20 minuto wltbout bolllni. B It !■ the beat fur clt-anslug wawto flVB rU1. dlslnfectlng sltiks, cloeet4L waslüng bottltA palDU. treee, etc, J FEU HA. BALT M'F'G CO. ■■BB Creu. Aíw., rui., Fa, BUSINESS CABDS. íi K. WILLIAMS. ".ttoriicy at L.av, JlilaH, Jlicli. Money loaned for outside partleB.AH legal business given prompt attention. W. 8. MOOJRE, DENTIST ! Work (ione In all fonns of modern dentistry. Crown ftirt Bridge vork a specialiy. Satisfacilon Guara:, teed. (U. of M. Gradúate.) 26 South Main St„ - - - Ann Arhor WM. W. N1CJBO.LS, Dental Parlors ! OVER SAVIXGS BANK ÜPFO8ITE COIBT HOUSE SQUARE. ARTHVR J KITSON, Contractor and Bu Ider ! Estimates furnished on all kinds of Archltec ture. Residence and Shop, 21 Geddes-ave. Choice Meats Cor. sip-liiimtoii-!., and Firih-ave Our aim is to pleatc out eustomers by always haudling the ten' Choicest MeU thatthe maiket affords. J. J. FL'RGUSON, Jobber and Builder. Etimates Given on Short Notire. Repairing, Ihbuihliug and Johhunj a Spccinlty. ALL ORDERS TROMPTLY AÏTEXDED TO SHOP AND HESIDEIM K, 16 W. Summit St„ Ann Arhor, MichOil and Gasoline Brought to Your Door Withuutbothering to crder every time jou are out. Drop a Postal Card, Or cnll upon me at S. W. Corner of E. Washing ton and S Fifth-ave. and leave your order and I will keep you tupplled at lowest rates. in. i.iioiiu.i, JOHN BAUMGARDNER, Dealer in American and' Imported GRANITES! and all kinds of BUILDING STONE! Cemetery Work A SPECI AlTV Corner of Detroit and Catherlne Ets. ANX ARBOR, MICH. ü. OF M. SHAYING PARLORS AND BATII KOO.flS. Ladies" Artistic Hair Dressing and Bath Rooms UP STA1RS. so S. statt Ni., X(.ït to Skeehan's. nu. & mus. j. k. tkojwowski EJh All J3 Hard fOLuck I f ZVl The man who i'iinI A lS7sÁ S enough txj buy one l "A- uiour il!ï.!t5 Imfr ported Cl.iy Worstr I ed Cataway Coat M ƒ U and Vest. Made to VlI) 1 youroider. V 1 Pants from 83 up The PLYMOUTH 1 I ROCK CO., ' II II Successors to the Plymouth Rock tíl! Pants Co., ÍÁ AnnArbor,mirh. TD'Uj JOHN BYKRS, Agent. RINSEY & SEABOLT O. 6 and 8 Washington St. Have always on hand a complete Stock of everything in the GROCERY LINE Teas, Coííees and Sugar All prime articles bought for cash and can eell at low figures. Our frequent 'arge invoices of Teas is a sure sign ve ive bargaine in Quality and Prices. We roast our own cofTees every week always fresh and good. Our bakerj turns out the very best of Bread, Cakes and Crackers. Cali and see us. HASKINS' LIVERY Feed and Boarding Stable, 6 W. ANN STREET. Carriti'ii i to lt . Bortet boardtd at rtaëcmable rate. EipeeUüean ttin to ktfv boardcrt in aood order. COME AND SEE VS.


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