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Real Estate Exchanges

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The following is a list of the reaj estáte transfers in this Oounty for the weekending September 21, as reported by the Washtenaw Abstract Co., office in Lawrence building, corner of Fourth and Ann-sts., Ann Arbor, Michigan. M. Straight to Charlotte Straight, Ypsilanti 8 1 R. Mills and wifeto II. It. Mills. Saline ] Patrlck Kcarney to Anna K. Danner, Northfleld 1500 .1. F. Eschelbach by helrs to W. F. Escbelbach, Freedom 3000 .1. e. GfoodTlck to Rob1 Scott, ïpsilanti 150 Emma AVnykuptoMaryA. YVynfcup, Ann Arbor 1 Libbie Beahan to L. Hindelang, Chelaea 100 s. s. Barker to 1-'. !. Bordman, Ypsilanti 625 .1. 1). Duncan by executor to V. II. Dancer, Ana Arber 2200 F. II. Thompson toJohn K. Min(■]■. A ii ii Arbor "hi Chas. Spoor to Titua I'. 1 1 ut .el, Ann Arbor T500 George W. Parker ti .1. L. Parkerel al. Sein 100 Hnnnah Lilley to Russell Parker et al. Sein 200 M. K. Davison toG. F.Peterson, Chelsea 700 S. M. Gay to Edward Gay, York 60 e. L. McQuire to B. F. Grow, Ann Arbor 500 M. Ktanllr(!Krt' to F. M. &. C. J. White, Pittsfleld 197.")