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Peninsular State News

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Olivet is to have a sytern of waterworks. Tvphoid fever is raffing at an alarming- extent at Shelby. Matthew O'Brien, a longshorcsman. was drowncd at Hay City. Marión has decided aguinst the saloon and rejected every bond. 0 The Ypsilanti normal school had 830 students enrolled the tirst week. Albert Raak, aged 17, was accident ally shot in the left eye by hunters. Mrs. R. E. Case died at Three Rivers (rom injuries received in a runaway. Everett Churchill, of Imlay City, lost his farm house by tire. No insurance. James Hrekor, of Mancelona, shot himself below the heart in a nt ot despondency. ü. Atwood. ag-ed ."0, of I'alo. was instantly killed by a C. W. M. tvain near tirand Itapids. Four Sajfinaw mail carriers have been hauled over the coals for visiting saloons while on duty. Win. Heyn deserted f rom tlic l'. S. irmy at San Antonio. Tex. , and was irrested at his home at tiaginaw. Geo. Peppit, the eng-lneor wlio was injured in the wreek of the North Shore limited at Marshall, is dead. St. José 11 h offleers raided cuestionable joints and arrested seven woinen and 13 men. Otherraids will follow. Moorland and Eggleston tovvnships, Mmitegon county. liave this yeár produeed $;0,000 wortli of peppermint oil. Albert Richardaon was thrown from a. cart near Mitfinaw and received I jures from whioli his reeovcry soema doubtful. Chas. Willett, a Lake Shore brakeiiKin. of Monroe. was run over by an engine at the Air Line junction. He will lose botli anus. Manchester inen-liants are trying to induce a large manufacturing concern jf a neighborinff tmvn, '.'00 grirls, to lócate there. Claude 1. Johnson and Clara Vortiees, of Coldwater, routed .lustice White out of bed and had him marry them at ' o eloek a. m. .lames Uecker. a Manoelona man whose domesüo relations were not pleasant, killed himself by sendinj a bullet throug-h his body. The residenee and barns of Thomas Parker, at Bronson lake, I.apeer ;ounty, were burned. but Y4,000 insurïnce almost covers the loss. Carleton came near havinga bigfeonilagration. 'l'he M. E. chureh and sev;ral other buildings caughton tire, but i )nly one house was burned. The school teachers of the state are lieking because oí the extremely dittiult and and ungermane questions isked in their examiuations. While Kvern Mohney, Ned Hartón ind t'laud Grinder were huntinj; near . icksburg Karton accidentally shot jind Lnstantly killed Mohney. The Nineteenth Michigan infantry net at St. Joseph, talked over old iines and elected officers. witli F. 1). Iliftldwin, 1'. 8. A.. as president. Runaway horses threw Mrs. Levi Vilson out of her carriage at Warren. Ier skull was and she susained serious Interaal injuries. Samuel (í. C'lay. veteran theatriial iianager oí Ssffinaw, and his vvifo, ged respectivi'ly ?H and 73, eelebrated ïeir golden wedding anniversary. Ciand Traverse apple orehards were tripped of winter apples by the recent tonus. Several farmhouses aliut IVa verse City were badly daniaged. .Michigan battalion. Merrill s horse, leld thetr tvrelftfa annual reunión at attle Creek. Josiah M. Cold water, oí attle Creek, was elected president. Byron entertained theTwenty-ninth [ichigao infantry. Owowto was 11 for ''.' riMininii and i.iout. V. t Cusí'. í Hyron, elected president. Mr. aad Mrs. David. Van Wert. of omstouk, died witliin a fev; houis of ach other aml were buried in tlie uiuc tave. iii .veití tü y..;.. v. T)r A. V. Linton, treasurer of War ren township. Midland county, wal arrested on the charge of embezzlinc ncarly SI. 000 f rom school district W o. 1 Old ace and business reversals causee Dr Martin, aged 75. to suicide at Herrien Spring. He thrust a lancet inte his left hing once and into the righl twiee. Vrcd nenby. a O. U. & Hneman had both leas taken off by beingstrucli bv a locomotivc hilo going to repan a'brokcn telegraph wirj. Hfl 0W0 twe daya later. lág-htninff struck the residence of L. ÜPtmiilev. killinsr tvvo kittens which lay beneuth the stove. None of the fa'mily was injured and no other damagc was done. Onraad ís rejoieing over her prosperity. A citizens' committee reporti that'27 new houses will be built al once. A big elevator and flour mül will also be erected. John Pierce, aged 68, had a hand cu ofF by cog wheels at the F. & P. M. boiler shop at Saginaw and would have been killed had not another employé heiped him to get free. Hugh (.'lark had a nice potato erop at Piaekuey and someone pulled up all the vines and stacked the tubers in piles, preparing to carrying them off. Clark gathered them in himself. Crushed granite is being used on tne new roads in Alpena county to the depth of half a foot. Svvamps are ing graded up and bilis leveled as the result of the new county systera. The eommittee'appointedto examine the books of ex Treasurcr John 1. i Doherty, of Nortb Muskegon, found j them all right. He had six cents coming to him vhJn they had finished. Nearly 1,000 old solaiers belonging to the Ui-anct Traverse oomien? " Bailors' assoeiaticm, wore in camp on the oounty fair grounds at Travtfrse , 'ity. The toivii was gaily decorated ■ vitli bunting. The national convention of the Xational Protective League was held at Allegan. There were numerous good addresses, a splendid bauquet anl an exemplifioatton of the workings and benetit of the on Ier. imf H. L. Wiltrns, of the Ohio State l'niversity law school at Columbas has been cliosen as prof essor oi the law department of the l'niversity oí Michigan. Prof. Wilgus comes hifrhly recommended. Owosso is in a quandary as to what i to do about hor watervvoi-ks, the reservoir of which is located on the margin of a swamp and the walls are constantly caving in andnovv threatens to ruin the pumping plant the same way. The central union of the Germán CatHolie societies of Michigan helU tne annual meetinjr at Detroit. Many im.portant matter ere diseushed ami the old ofticers re-elected. The next convention will bo. held at Grand Kapds. The first man released from a state penal institution under the new parole law is Mina H. lnffalls, servinpr öve vears in the lonia house of correction for forg-ery at (rand Rapids-. His release was i-ecommentled by every otticer of the institution. The little town of Krie, Munroe countv. is punishinaf saloonkeepers who viólate the law. Sam LaHointe paid a fine of &;- for his earelessnrss. Now the saloon men say they will __-. ■ ■■■■■■ ViL--5inj'fcfc.' m Q r A h l üeeps open on Sunday. Articles of incorporation of the Anñ Ai'bor ltailway Co. , the successor of the Toledo. Ann Albor t Northern Michig-an Railway Co., has been led with Secretary of State Hardner. The new eompany is eapitalized at 87,250,000 and paid a franchise fee of (3,835. Arrangement are now making for a joint meeting of the ehamber of commerce of Port Hui on and the board of trade of Sarnia, at whieh the matter of better railroad facilities will be conlidered. Active steps will be taken to induce the Canada Southern to extend its road to Port Hurón to compete with the (rand Trunk. Detroit is havin;,' another season of ieadly street car accidenta. 8. JStockman, aged 75, was knocked from nis buggy while erossing the Grand Iliver avenue eleetrie car line and was Eatiillv injured bef ore the car was itoppèd. One car on the l't. Wayne & Helle Isle line ran into another whieh vas turning a corner and Jos. ScliarTiefki. aged i0. was fatally and Chas. Micbaela severely injured. Donald Volt, ftged 40. received serious euts i)oiit the liead froin being knoeked lown by a l't. VV. & I!, t. car. Minor iccidentsare very numerous. Deputy Sherift's McXamara and (■"leming rounded up several dives at Kenton and I'ori in Houghton county ind broiight in 10 prisoLcrs. Hough;on county oftiriais are wagingi vigorous war on the dens nul pt-opoee eleaning them out Vigoious acti m toward purifying tha : -illage of its notorious dance halls and riunblint' rooms has recen tly been 'aken at Evven. In Ontonagon county ! ,he dives along the South Shore, bej ween Nestoria and Lake Gogebic, ïave been notorkms and without j uestion among'the worst in the ïorthwest. Mrs. Enos Larkins is in jail at Monoe. charg-eit with (fililty knowledge of he death of Mrs. Meirill. which is beieved to have occurred at the Larkins lome near l'elersimrg. It will be rencmbered that .Mrs. Merrill eared and l,aikins itispia.veu papers eeding her pro per tv to him. The apers proved to be forgeries and Mrs. errill'a eharred reniaiaa vyere found i a heap "f alies on the farm and arUins was charged with morder. ;iter I.arkins has coutesBed that his ñte killed Mrs. Merrill with a club luring a quarrel and he burned the )odv. All concerned are colored. The United Friends, of Michigan. u pre me oommandery.biennüil sesion. vas held at Grand Rapids. TInenorts rendered ihow !'l aandries in the state and i total memlership of 7,353. The reeaipta last ear were $147973, and disbursements ,147,690. New ofllcers chosen: ISuireme commandar, W. II. Andrews, of rand Rapids; assistant commander, s. ailv Jones, "f Mnskegrao; ce-com□ander, H.C. Bendon, ofMt Glemens; tary, E. I.amb. of Flint: treasi-.t. Wüliam Myers, of Detroit: legal dviser, Jtidge W. R. Kendrieh, of laginaw: medical director, U. A. v.. - LeUoit


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