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Edited by Mr. A. E. Van Valkenburg. Press Superintendent. The next regular meeting of the "W. G. T. U. will be held two weeks from today in the Yoting Womaa's Christian Association rooms over the post-oftiee. These rooms have been offered for the use of the society during the coming year, and one will be held in them, that a decisión may be reached as to their desirability the purpose compared with those previously occupicd. THE UNIVERSITY Y'S. Miss Otis of the University Y's gave a very interesting talk last Thursday on "ïho relation of the Y's to the W. C. T. IL" She said this relation was a very close one, that of a child to a parent, and in view of this relationship she wished to talk over and consult in reference to some new lines of temperance work which their society hoped to take up the coming year. She gave a brief account of their branch of the society and expressed regret that their college work debarred them from attending W. C. T. U. meetings of ten and getting better acquaintcd and more in sympathy and touch with the lines of work pursued. Miss Richards, the president of Univorsity Y's was invited to be present at the next W. C. T. U. meeting and give a talk on some phase of their work. y's or youmg woman's christian tempéranos union. This department of the W. C. T. U. aims to enlist young women to form seperate societies (Y's) for the purpose of making total abstinenec a fashionable social custom, to the end that young men may be held to a higfher standard of personal habits, and thus by a power, analogons to that which has effectually restraincd their sisters, be shielded rouicontaniination: also toteach young 'omen the scientific and cthieal reaonsfoi- total abstinence. and to develop new army of trained temperance voikers towhom the care of the ehildcn's vvork may at once be instructed, nd who will evcntually replace the eterenee of the W. C. T. U. The University Y's, although not large in number, are to bc cDngratulated on the jjood work aceomplishcd, notwithstanding their busy college life. SCIENTIKIC TEMPERANCE INSTRUCTION. Mrs. Lucy D. S. Parker, superintendent of "Scientitic Temperance Instruc■ tion," gave at the last W. C. T. U. moeting a very complete and eomprehensive history of the organization and workings of this very important ment, which aims to secure sueh legislation, local and state, as shall nyike tho study and teaching of the laws of health, with special referenee to the effect of stimulants and narcotics upon the human body, obligatory throughout the entice system of public education. Froui the tirst eompulsory tempei-ance edueational law enacted in Vennoot in 1882 she went through the work year by year, until in 18!)5 when only three statos remain in which temperance instruction has not becoms eompulsory ; over twenty million children receive by law the benotit of these struction, and there are twonty-hvo revised and endorsad text-books. Foor of the Canadian l'rovinees by legislativo onaetment, and others by order of the Boards ot Education require this study in their publie schools as do Finland, Sweden and other eountries show more or less interest aroused in making Physiologieal or Scientilio instruction a part of the requlred education of the young. Araong these eountries are Knfrland, Franee, Germany. Rumia, UenmarK, Buigaru, lumj, India, Siara, China, Japan. Hawaiian Islands, New Zealand, South África and Australia. After readinj; the histot-y of her department, Mrs. Parker i-ecommended the purohasing of a large number of pamphlota, publlshed monthly on this subject, tor the ase i toche.rt, by the W C U, These pampleta she wished placed Ln the hands uf Aim. Arbor teacher, truítíng thereby to answer greater Interest in the work. Thaao ciety voted the neoeasary meanB to oarry rocommendation.


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