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When Prince Bismarck, Germany's great leader, said, "The world is not ruled by parliaments and political meetings, but by blood and iron." ho uttered a truth, theextentof which few eomprehend. The world is ruled by race - race is ruled by blood - pure blood. All genius and all talent, in war and in peace, is dependent on thé eonditions of the blood. It is the main spring of individual forcé and power It vitalizes or enervates the physica and mental strongth. We speak o bloodod stock in the animal kingdom it wül apply with cqual force to the human race. Whon Greeoe was full of vital enerfjy, whon she oultivated her physioal hoalth shc bccamo mistress of the vvorld, and her great Alexander wept for other words to conquer: but when she became effeminate a horde of barbaians overran and destroyed her, leaving behind them a path of mournfu ruins. In tainted blood, impure anc weak, was writton that nation's sac epitaph. So queenly Rome and many another nation has suftered in the loss of physieal prowess and been destroyed or hurt. We need, both as a nation and as individuals, to take this important lesson to ourselves. Be well and keep so; mend up the waste places; strengthen the nerves and purify the blood. Then, long Ufe is assured ; good work in the world will come, and you will know the blessing of sound bodyand happy mind. Nothing has yet been discovered to accoraplish this like Dr Greene's Nervurablood and nerve remedy. The great Bismarek did no more for Germany in discovering her elements of unity and enfórcing them, than has this distinguishcd specialist done for mankind in discovering his wonderful remedy for all blood ailmentsand nerve weakness, giving health and strength and happiness to all who will take it and be cured of thcir suffering. Do not fail to improve this fortúnate opportunity. Pake Dr. Greene's "Nervura blood and norvo remedy and you can be well and strong, strong to conquer what end you undertake in life. Mr. F. A. Arnold, of Woodsville, N. H., says: "Three months ago I was in a vcry de'oilitated state. My stomach rcfused to act, and aftcr eating I suffered pain from indigestión. My blood was in a very low stato, and I was in no condition to work. I did keep around, but suffered continually. My kidneys bothercd me considerably, and I had continual pain in the small of my back. "I was considerably discouraged about my condition, and foared that 1 should be obliged to give up work. I heard of Dr. GreeDe's Nervura blood and nerve rcmedy and its wondcrful rosults upon others, and I determined to try it. "I had no faith in the virtues of the remedy when I began the uso, but now I ara rejoiced to say that I cannot hel]) havinjr faith, for it complotely cured me, and I work with comfort oveiy day. My business is railroading. whieh 1 could not do if it had not been for liv. Greene's Nervura blood and nervc rcmedy ond I gadlly rccommed it to all." VVhy waste time in trying uncortain and untried remedies, when here is a physiclan's prescription, a discovery made my the greatest livinjr specialist in curlng nervous and chronic discases, Dr. Greene, of 35 West Hth St., New Yoi-k City. If you take the medicine you cnn eonsider yourself Dr. Groene's direct professional care, and yon can consult him or write to him about your case, fi-ecly and without charge. This is a guarantee that his remedy will cure, posse9sed by no other medicine in the world.


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