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Miss Katherine Hooker spent the flrst of the week in Detroit. H. L. Wood & Co. are shipping peaches f rom Stoekbridge. Mr. Wm. Dancer, of Stockbridge, was a Chelsea visitor Sunday. Miss Eftie Armst rong, of Ann Arbor, spent Sunddy witli her parent.s here. Mrs. S. ,i. f ves left Saturday for the east, wliere she intends to s))end sonie time. Dr. George Hathaway, of Saline, spent Sunday at the home of Willlam Martin. Miss Myrta Kenipf has returned from a couple of inonths visit with friends in the east. Miss Rosa Ertz, of Detroit, who has been the gtiests ut' Dr. Averyand family returned to her home Monday. DIXBORO. Thé L. A, S. meets today at Mrs. Mary Willetts. Miss Carrie 'Wrignt spent Saturday and Sunday in Dixboro. Miss Agnes Finnell spent Sunday wrth her parents liere. Miss Heil Martin has gone to Ypsilant i to spend the winter. Mrs. Freeman Shuart returned home from Ann Arbor Monday. Miss Nettie Hanby lea ves in few days to visit her aunt at Whitmore. Miss Cora Foster. of Ann Arbor. visited Miss Nettie Kobinson, Sunday. There will be a ten cent social at Mrs. Frank Busbes one week trom tomorrow evening. Misses Davis and Wortley, of Slony ('reek, tpent a few days with Miss Allie Shuart, last week. Albert Mayer and Frank Coon took a run into Detroit on their wheels last Saturday. returning Monday. YORK Fltch Forsythe was not able toattend the fair with the school. Mr. Mitchell, of the V. of M., spent Sunday visitingJ. Miiler and t'ainily, The infaut sou of Mr. and Mrs. Edd Hathaway died Sunday of cholera infantum. Mrs. Ella lia rr. of Ann Arbor. spent Suiiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Miller. The three-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Elnier Conde, died last Wednesday morning Sept. 28, oí cholera infantum. The Mooreville and Ntony ('reek M. E. churches have been reunited as one charge, with Rev. Mr. Gibson asthelr new pastor. Mr. S. líale atid daughter Mary, have been spendlng a few days al Adrain visltlng the fair and some of t heir frienda tliere. A part of the Mooreville school attended the fair school day and had a ven enjoyable lime. Tliey think 11 school day is observed every year. it will soon Je the most intre8tlng day al the fair. nnitAii Mrs. K. Barnea went to Detroit Monday on business. Prof. and Mis. Carrick are entertainiriK' }íll'srs 'rom abroad. A lecture couree is in progressive Mllan Is the nexi tb ing in order. Boni. to Mr. and Mrs. Win. Woolcott, September 2sth. a daughter. Mrs. E. A. lUívnoliK. of Detroit, is with her motlier. .Mrs. Win. Taylor, on ('ciimty-st. The Baptist fair will be held by the ladies' in Mr. Collis block on Main-st. Saturday p. m. Mr. Richard Leonard and fanüly have moved into Mr. ]L. Hitchcock's house on Hurd-st. Atty. and Mrs. (Í. li. Williams entertained guests from out of town Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Blodgett, of Webster, are the guests of their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bill. Mrs. .1. Sprague left for lier home in Ann Arbor, Priday p. ni. after a six weeks visit with her daughter, Mrs. G. R. Williams. Rev. M. H. McMahon and fainily, left for their Pinkney cliarge Friday, A large circle of friends deeply regret their leaving. The Tuesday before their departure over 150calledto bid them adieu and God speed. The parsonage during their stay in Milan was a pleasant resortforthe oldand young alike. One was always greeted witTi a pleasant smile and a word of clieer. AUNE. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Wallace spent Sunday at Manchester. The Ann Arbor fair was well patrón i zed by Saline people. (r. j. Nissly sliipped a carload of poultry from Manchester Friday. Misses Julia Gorrión and Minóla Cook, of the Normal, spent Sunday al home. Hev. Seymore Noble, of Richmond, Inri., is a guest ot' Rev. Yager and famlly. Special traías are running to llillsdale this week on account of the llillsdale fair. Miss Mytrle Bordine wlio bas been vlsltingal Rawsonvllle returned home Saturday. Mr. and Mre. Kunt. of Howell. were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. II. VV. Bassett Thursday. The Presbyterian society holri their annual May Festival at tbe Opera House Friday nigbt. Misses Blackmer and Woolcott. of Milán, wc re the guests ot Miss lrlalene Wcbb, Saturday. Rev. TSoble, of Richnflond. Ind.. preached i n tlie M. E. church Sunday morning and even ing. A little child OÍ Mr. and Mis. A. Baker, oí Ypsilanti: died Friday and was brought here Sunday for interment. Miases Itner and Englehardt, of Nebraska. who are attending tlie I', of M. spent Friday und Saturday with Mis. Larzilere. líll.lll MILLS. Mr. Neeman, of Ypsilanti. visited Mi-s. K. Davis last Saturday. Rev. H. A. McC'onnell, of Dexter. eaüed on his ehurch members last Tuesday. Mamie Cowdon, of Jackson, carne last Friday, to visit relativas and oíd neighbors. Mrs. Strehle's brother, Mr. Pred. Leutz.of Freedom.with his family visit, ed here recen tly. Nelson Marsh and wife have returned from their vacation trip and he has rosumed work nightsagain. ïhe new depot and freight house is completed. The company moved into their new quarters Monday noon. WUBSTKlí. Sohool district No. 2 has a new flag. Mr. Albei-t Valentine passed away a brief illness of typhoid fever last Monday, Last Sunday morning and eveinngRev. Mr. Sanderson preached in the Congregational church. He is a forcible speaker. Last Monday nig-ht a few young folks sui-priseri Miss Jennie Me' olí, in the shape of a birthday party. An enjoyab'.e time was had.


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