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Epilepsy 20Jears. Cured ty Dr. Miles' Nervine. A.iewyeareago,Mr. L. W. Gallaher, was. an extensivo, successtul expert manuirer of lumber product. fc.tta.cked with was obligad togiveup hls busiTheattack in" rtunely. Oi ■■''■ fromacarrtat aöothor down stairs, und often in the , 0e ho fi U áown a shafl in the mili, bis injuries nearly proving fatal. Mr. üailahcr wrltes from JiUwaukee, Fcb. 16, '95. "There are none more miserable than epileptiCB. For 20 yars I suffercel with epllepUc fit, having as high as flvc In one night. I tricd any numher of pliysicians, paying to one alone, a lee of Í500.00 and hTB done lit .lic for years but search for somelhing to help rué, ana have cfuua u me ium, p-medk-s, bu received no bcm-iit. A yearajo tr.y son. Chas. 8. GalWjei, drnggUt at 191 Becd Bt., Milwaukoo, pave me Dr. Miles' j Krstorative Nurviue, auil I trierf il witli sratifying reu)is. Have luid but two lö bídcí I bogan fcaldng u I am better iww iu i-vcry -,vay than I lu;ve been in30ye:irs ." Miles' BcmeiUes aro sold by drugglsta on ; posilive guaninioe tlial, the tirst botlle 111 lx;neflt or prico rt'íun.ied. I!:oU on ihe Heartand Serres, tree. Acklress, ür. Miles Medical CO., Elkhart, Ind. I)r. Miles' Remedies Restore Health. OWEN JÜ I ELECTRIC p iJlL I Tnde Mark-Dr. A. Owen FOR MEN AND WON1EN The lateat and on'.y cientific and practical Slectric Belt made, íor general use, producinK aecnulne current of Electrlcity, for the cure U d"reaBe, that can be readlly feit and regulated both in quantity and power, and applied to ny part of the body . It can be wora at ny time during working hours or eleep, and WILL POSITIVELY CURE .jiaaMiaA. HHEUMATISM 9 PnekvotV Siseases IMPOTENCÏ ■fflS KIDNE' DISEASES WITHOUT MEDICINE Electrlcity, properiy applied, ia f.t tking the place of druga for all NerTOUB, Rheumstic, Kidney and Urinal Troublee, nd wül effect rures In eeemlngly hopeleee cases -where every other known means has f ailed. Any Bluggieh, weak or dieMd orgn my by this means be rouBed to healtby activity ■before lt Is too late. Leadini? medical men use and recommend the Owen Belt in their practice. OUR LAR6E IlLUSTRATCD CATALOGUE Contatos f ullest Information regatding the cute of acute, chronic and nervous dieeases, prlces, I nd how to order, in English, Germán, SwediBh and Norwegian language?, wi!l be r-ailed, upon I appllcation, to any adárees for 6 cents poetage. The Owen Electric Belt and Appliance Go. MAIN OFFICE ASD CiI.Y FACTORT, The Owen Electric Belt Bldg., 201 to 211 State Street, CHICAGO. IUL. Ihe Urqest Electric Belt Estafcithmontin the WorW BAS KETS! WllA.O n BASKETS ofaU ktnds. BfSCÍÁL SÏZtiQ AJfD 8HJ.PES MADE ÍRDER. ïtEASONA.BLE BATSS. run i, ir i;vi.i;k. 45 Wall Street. DR. A. KENT HALE, Physician and Surgeon. . . ■ . . I.KMHAI. PKA4TH1Í. aii''"iis' '""'"""" "' lOfftce, Hamilton Blk„ 'A.?i'X:'ñ'.Otoi 2nd Floor. &Y0ID OUR SEÏERS WINTERS KV 8PBSÍMSG A liw unni it INTERUCHEN, FLORIDA HOTEL, NICELY FÜRNISHED - -A I-SC1 KVKK.IL CÖTTA.GB8 Fui-iiislitMl or l uluriiixlioil s.ilc or Beat at l.ov Uatr. Also Some Fine Groiiné Orange Groves FOB SALE. High Rolliuï Land, Very HealtWul. GOOD SOCIETY. Ah iiicioti s BeavUful lakei hi the ImmedUtte Flelnttff. -I vn;l. NN Aülioli PKOPLE BPEN'D THEIR WINTERS Al' IXTKKLACUBN. John K. Mincr and lamily own two ottages and spend thoir winter at this lilare. Kont and living expsnses lar eheaper Ihan in Ann Avbor. You cftn spend your winter in tl delisjhtful climatc of Intevlachen expense than yon can Btay at hum by renting a [urnished cottage ai keeping houee. For (uil Information address l.oTT ALLEN. [NTERLAI HEN, "I. V. Ka Beat Cougb ijrup. Tl '"'M ■Mi r 'i " 'in' 'i' i - ""P


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