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QnMHftnMe soiax uoinsr. - an instance of wtaat she is airead? capahle of trom a social "oint of view, now that she has been en her head, mav well I erish ee''" neBswithw ..the most highlv fultivated aii(V most Bubtly evolved Wriean omen of our large ciüe.s Vie with each otheï for intimar-y with ftrtistic foreign lions of their own sex. known to be linchaste. They seem to regard it as a privilege to play hostess to or at ieast, to be on familiar terms wíth actresses, opera singers, and other public oharacters quietly but notoriously erotic, the plea in each case being that they are ready to forgive, to forget and ignore for the sake of art and artist. Yes, ignore or forget, if you choose so far as seeing the artist act or hearing her siug in public is concerned, whcre there are no social ceremonies or intcrcourse; but let us please remember at the same time that even th ose effete nations who believe that the world would be a dull place without courtesans, insist on excluding such persons from their drawing rooms. -"The Case of Man," by Robert Grant, n Scribner's. PROOF IS_P08ITIVE THAT LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE t'OMPOUND Is Daily Curing Backache, Dizziness, Kaintncss, Irrcgularitjr, and all Female l'oinplaints. I [81'ECIAl. TO OI'R LADY RÏATEEB.] Intelligent womeii no longer doubt the value of Lydia E. Viukham's Vegetable Compounil. It speedily relieves irregularity, suppressed or painful tions, weakness of the stomach, indigestión, bloating, leucorrhoea, womb trouble, flooding, nervous prostration, headache, general debility, etc. Symptoms of "Womb Troubles are dizziness, faintness, extreme lassitude, "don't care," and "wantto be loif alnno" fpplinírs. excitabilitv, bility, nervousness, sleeplessness, flatulency, melancholy, or the " blues,"' and backache. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound will correct all this trouble as sure as the sun shincs. Tbat Bearing-Down Feeling, causing pain, weight, and backache, is instantlyrelieved and pennanently cured by its use. Under all oireuinstances ït acts in perfect harmony with the laws that govern the female systcm, is as harmless as water, lt is won.lntul for Kidney Complaints in eithcr sx. Lydia E. Pinkliain' Livor Pilis ivork in unisón with the Compound. and are a sure cure for eonstlp&tion and sickheadacbe. Mrs. Pinklwm'a Sanative Wasl is irequontly found of grcal value for local application. Corrcspondence is freely solicited by tlie L-ytua &■ ruham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass.. and the strictest contidence assured. All druggists sell tlie Piiikham remedies. The Vegetable Compound in three forms,- Liquld, Pilis, and Lozenges. A Magazine Always up To Date is the ono progressive wom 'ti waát To help to cdok, eat, sorvc and live well is the chief aira of Table Talk tho Amcrirati authority on culinary and bousehold topics. U treats of tho oi'onom'cs and necesaities of thfi tablc as wcll as i'ta iuxuriea and dainties. It glveé thó iatest recipes and fashions: raenus for wedding, röcoptions. dinaers, card pai-tios, and all special occftsiöna Wc have made arransoinents with the manufactures of the genuino and famous De I ongHookand Kye. by vrMch every one of ouj reader may obtain a ïiberai Supplj for their iise. The raanufaeturbs áesirinr te Introduce thisnewest invention for the dress into every rity aud tüwri in the United States, hav made it Doasible for us to mako the following Liberal Offer We wlll send as a premium, uur grom 112 dozen) ol these genuine and faiuous De Lonjr Hooks and Kyes(retail value, SOcenta) to evèry nèw subseriber to t-bis maü'aine. Positively you have the genuine DE LONG Patent Hook and Eve if you see on the face and back of every iard the words ■ 4 ,See that (Op hump ?[ Richardson plv & De Long Bros., . V' Philadelphia. f-' Subscription Price, $1.00 Per Year. Address, -TABLI! TUK IM B1.ISIVIXÍ (O. 13 lioMtnnt stiect. IUllwlcHa, I'a FSH Y6SJR OUTINw 6ü TÖ PICTöBESQlTc BlflöRINdC ISLfiND. ONE THOUSAND MILES OF LAKE RIDe AT SMALL EXPENSE. Visit this Histovical Island, which is tbc sraudest eummer resort on the Great Lakes It only costs about $13 f rom Detroit; $15 from Toledo; $18 froni Cleveland, for the round trip, including meals and bcrths. Avoid the heat and .lust hv traveline on the D. & C. floating palaees. The attractions of a trip to the Mackinac regicn are unsurpassed. The islaud itself is a grand romantic spot, its clhnate most invigorating. Two new steel passenger steamers have just been built for the upper lake route, costing $300,000 each. They are equipped with every modern convenience, annunciators, bath rooms, etc, illuminated throughout by electricity, and are guaranteed to be the grandest, largest and safest steamers on f resh water. These steamers favorably compare with the great ocean liners in construction and speed. Pour trips per week bet ween Toledo, Detroit, Alpena, Mackiuac, 8t. Ignace, Petoskey, Chicago, " Soo, Marquette and Duluth. Daily between Cleveland and Detroit, and Cleveland and Put-in-Bay. The palatial equipment raakes tra veling on these steamers thorouRhly enjoyable. Send for illustrated iescriptive pamphlet. Address A. A. ffiVz. Q.P. A, D.&C, Detroit, Micb SPIN A ■ Dr. Milos1 Nerve Piasters. All ïruRgists uarantee Ur. Miles' Pain MMUtioif murtHK JF -- r- orGHDipucAimsBi W A A M oaoajtLs JjmS 11 UU migfWMTrH ORetMALiml The ir)irl Pnvess Printer ieü ',.",■' r;öOö ',''.-■ ' iii-:iti)i ór typeïmriuen origiiuil. Ariyone aan wa S, i Price ÍÍ0 p. Ttie Lawson Simplex Printer imple, rliinj. effeetive-n-Hl make ion copies from pcn-writtr a original, or 7í copies from typewriMng. No warning renuired. Prlée, teto $10. Scndfor circular. LAWTON & CO.. O Vckc) t., New YorU, City. Lumber ! Lumber! Lumber I lt ypü cuntemjilate building cali at FERDON 1 nmWVppl uuiiiuui luiu COR. FOURTH AND DEPOT STS And got your Sjfures foi' all kinds of LUMBER! We manufacturo our own Lumber anc guarantoe VERY LOW PRICES! Give us a cali we will make it to your Interest, as our large and woll gradeo stook fully.sustains our assertion. JAMES TOLBERT, Prop. T. J. KEECH, Supt. FRANKLIN HOUSE] DETROIT MICH. It is woll before leaving home, vbrtil f or business or pleasure, to decide upo" hotel .,n ' thereby avold concisión. Wheu you vMt Detroit we woijW pVased lo have you stop at the " Housf," cor. La" and Bates Sts., where you will veY. meal and a clean bed at moderate rai=The house hus been renovated trom "JJ bottoDi, and is now in first-class conoiu""Respectfully, H. H. JAMES. Ienl, 35c. Lodging, 50. Per Baj, SI. 50. "HÜMPHBBTff D.. lliitnpl-rev' gpeelia. are -Mm a carefully ijrepanu Remedie, usel for ' M private prsottoe m íor mei tlilrty f"!"1 Lm peopic wlth fiitirp snecmt. Evcry üig " a special eurc for the ülscase iiamfd. rica, Ï-Fever, CoBgesUi&s, Jnflaromatkn '-j a-Worm. Worm Ftvor. Worm l ''"t'„s. .} 3-Teethiue; (Míe, CrjrlaB. Wikcíu ,,{ 4-DIarrlica, of ChUdie or j 7- Couiths. ('olds, Eroochltis " _,, 8-Xeuralario, Toothacbc. FttCfacb;i" jí 9-Headachc. Slok Headachc, ' 10-DypepN:a. BlHoaneBi. ' $ 11- Sapprcuitcti orPmnJnl g líi-Whiíe, Too Profuso Pert ' .j} Í3-Croup, l.nryugiti, Eoamene 14-Salt Klicum, Irysipelas. Eropt'0;; ;& 15-Rhcumniiom, r.i"'s ,ji 16-Malarin, Chills, i4j I 19-Cularrh, Influenza, Col.! i" ■ "" ,.í ; 20 Wliooiping CmiKh ái ir- Kidney Disenncs 1.0 a8-Servous Di-bilily .-' SO-Crinary VVeaknesü 34-tol-.-Tli.-oul, i.'inn.v.i l.iv...„ li ■■■ ÍS. HUMPHREYS1 Rfilri J ' WVSPECIFIOfORO" Piu u--;.. --mi " (xittles of pteasjn' Va -...i ■. .■■[ n.'i-l.' Sold ! ei. Db. UtmpBftKTr Haxoii ' -.irt10" UliriIKITÏS 1 Hl. ((.. 1 11 t lMlWIli""1 _ _


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