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For THIRTY-F1VE YEARS have maintained thoir supcriority for Quality of Metal, Workmanship, Uniïormity, Durability. Sample card. 12 PEN8, different munters, for all tylos'ot Witting, sent on rpcuipt of CENTS in postagc státhpeí SPENCERIAN PEN CO., 450 Broome St., New York. ..■■■ H ■■■ _- .7! iïïa :,■;■ -..■!. Por sale at Hanerstepfer's. If You Are Going .Anywhere South This Winter ' Voü should write and get correct InforMatfotHn regard t the facilitieti offered bytbe Louisville & ■ Nashville R. R. TMI CN BE OBTAINCD OP 1ACKS8S SMITH, Kt, Pass. Agí., Ciícunaii, 0. 6. P..1TMÖEE, öei'l Pass. Agt, LïntsVllli, Ij. HOMES IN THE SOUTH Can be sec uredon most liberal tennsaiul at low rates. Write foi; County Map of the South tó either of thc'above Jiamed geötlcmeu, or to P. SID JONES, Pass. Agent, In charge of Imraigratiou, BHUJjIN(,llAM, AT,A. k li ui are inri IIlLSONS 11 V SEWING MACHINES POPULAR? BECAUSE LADIES BUY TH CM LIRE THEM ANDTELLKgJÏDa M.iny ladies have lised our machines twenty to thirty years 11 llien-family work, and are still using the original machines we furnished theni ia gvtK-ration agó. Mar.y of opr macliiiK-s run more ■aventy years ithont rt-paiis. oth Jian (liedles. With proper, t-jre tiii-y qever uear out, and seldon] iucd teair. have lniilt sewg ïiüiciiiijes for fhán iorty years and rdvi; ( onstanlly improved thim. We lmild pur nw on honor, and ihey are recogniisefl here as the most accunilely fitfed ..tid finely finished sewing n:achi:n . Lu world. Our lalcst, the. ",u. 1 It of our long pxpwipqa ion with the leadingmaci:' i. it receiyëd the (.Wand i Exposition ói r machines receiving oiil , ai ntíiry med.ilsofyold, silvtiraiul 1 1 Grand Prjze was all 1 and oijr machine u. .u.ani.d it. Send for our illustratvd Catelegivéi Ws v.ant dealers ia.all unocciipied tenr WKEELER & WiLSON MFG. CO. 'S418TWUSH MVE.. CHICAGO I EWIS' 98 % LYE wwsisd uro pistoud nÜtf (riTEMTED) ■A U Una iviwilcr and packud In om g re lwayt ready lor uso. win ■ make the beit ivrfumnd Hard Soan In 20 minutos wlllionl bulllnc. m It 1 the brst fur clcansluK waela H I'llt. dlslafi-ctlliR lnk, clowtT VBltUlng boules, j'alnts, trees, etc Sflhk miA. SALT M'Fö CO. ■BBQI tet., rtui., ft, , UI) & p R. WILLIAMS; - at tu w, Olilán, IVIicli. Mdiicv lpaned outside pai-t it-.. 1 1 - ul; f i ven prompt aUvntion. W. S. MQOIil . DENTIST ! Work done in all fortnflof modern deutistry. Crown ar d Bridge würk a speciftïty. StüisfAcÜon Guaranteed. (U. of ld. Gkaduatk.) 26 South Main SI., - - - Ano Arbor . 5! r. 1 -r-r, Tl - m"! ü.:; :t- WM. W. M 'JiOLS. oviiu .s.nv.w.s.; i..i i':: Ijjl: i "' . ipiractor and Buite ! Keèideafé and ilim pi i;(;.!,.. -!.■ ■ Cor,. .Washington,-!., himI tiltil -a . Our Sm is to pieátc our customers by always handMng ttie ery Choicest Iets ihatthe martet Bord-.. - ' - . - - - - . 1. - J. J. FURGUSON, Jobber and Builder. EtimateS Glvcn on Short Notice, Bepairing, Kcluildiug and Jobbivg a ijpecialty. ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO SI. OP AND ItlSlillMI, 16 W. Summit St„ km Arbor, Mich. Oil and Gasoline Brought to Your Door Without bothering to crder every time jou are out. Drop a Postal Card, Or cali upon me at S. W. Corner of E Wash'ng ton ttUd ti Finb-ave. and ltaTe your order áiid I will keep you t upplied at luwtst rates. .11. (.MMI.YLK. JOHÑéAUMQARbNÉR Dealèi1 in AroèWcitn'éAid' Imjjüi'teil,', üRAÑTES ! ÍÍ ■ '- n;8or;:; L BUILDING STONE! Cemetery Work A SPECIAI-Tï Corner of Detroit nd Catherine st. ANN ARBOR, MICH. u. of m. shayinTparlors m in rii itooiis Ladies' Artistic Hair Dressing and Bath Rooms UI' STA1HS. SO S. StairSf.;ytit to SÈéMké. .JfitB. 4f mS. 4. K. TKOJÍNOUSH1 Wijl t ■ . Ë ï] :. j3 ww _j Jm tiara . YJ Lvck X m ZJJ TheTOaMWfmi'ánƒ ,p e9rV J 'P J''li' wowsy I ■ ■ A =__ .bu.v Ñe I vJtt-5-1 - ■ Öf flÜ.2;, ImV H portod "l:iv Wiv-IT . 1 Pants from 83 up . The PLYlíOííta ft .R0.CK.C0'., [ :' Successors to the I'lymouth Rook M ï I'antsüo.,, ,,-■ n! ] JOHN bVERS, RIÑSEY & SEABOLT K0. 6 and 8 Washington St. ■ . ■ Have always on, hand ,a complete Stock uf evevythiug n thj;iGBOCERY LINE Teas, Coffeés and Sugar All pi'iiiK! avtu'lus lxmp-ht foi'casli and etí sel) at low tioinvs. Out tr,.,,urnt ■arge invóicës of fegi ra .1" Burë síi&We bafafiw in ' '■ Qualïty and Prices. AVe roast öuv dwn lóftc c .veiv weck shviiys fresh aritfgoöff. Öurliak.i-v lurns out tho best of livéad, 'Cakes and Craokei-s. Cali átfÜ;Éféé uh. ÏÏASKINS' LIVERY Feed and Boarding Stable. 6 W. A XX STIÏEJET. Carrimjef to let. or-'fK bmuútd at reaxonablf rate tptdai care taken to keep bounlere in good COME AND SEE U5


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Ann Arbor Register