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TOO MM II For a Healthy Existence.- That's Why the Kidneys 80 often Fail. Nature has provided a certain amount f work for every organ of the human body ; overtax them and disease eventully follows. There is not one porion of our organism that is so overworked s the kidneys; on them is placed the imjortant function of filtering the blood of he impurities which naturally form in the egular action of life and digestión. The kidneys are consequently termed the sewrage of the system; clog up this sewer, md the blood becomes tainted with poisonous uric acid, which brings on disease n many forms. The back is the first to how this stoppage. From there comes he warning note; it should be heedetl, md the kidneys receive prompt attention. Doan's Kidney Pilis will right the action f the kidneys quickly, relieve the back of jains and aches, and cure all troubles of ddne vs and bladder. Read the f ollow ing : Mr. Wm. Nelson is a well-known business man of Kalamazoo, he resides at 822 Portage Street, and his business is that of a grain buyer. He says : ' ' For five years I have suffered f rom an inability to urinate, which resulted from what was said tobe a stoppage of the bladder. During these years I have taken mineral and electric baths and used other means in expectancy of getting better, but they all proved unavailing. Some raonths ago I began using Doan's Kidney Pilis, which I liad heard highly recommended, and I can now say that the flattering reports were not greater than they deserved. I got letter right along, and I am f ree from any uouble now. I feel better than I have done for three years past. If Doan's Kidney Pilis were well known all over they would do an immense amount of good." Sold by all dealers - price, 50 cents. Mailed by Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole agents for the U. S. Remember the name, Doan's, "and take no other. ANDREW E. GIBSCN, ATTQRNEY AT UW. Ho. 10 . lltnoït SI. AN!S AitBOR MKH. I_CmCjAN CENTRAL. l'7'l( .Vi' '■ ;■" Flli's illi'i." VEyïliAL Sï.-ty. ':..: .!.', TJOA1N8 AT ANN AI5KOK. laking Effect May 19, 1S95. GOING FA&T. feaüft F.xincs ;i ;!üp.m. N.T. Boeton Special B 00 Fust Eastrrn 10 Atlantic Ex 11 Detroit Ni;-'lit Ex 5 I Grand Baplds V U 06 GOING WEST Hal) & Eipresa 8 4:! a. Boston, N. Y. - Chicago T 30 Nortfa Sliorc Ltd 9 96 Fiist Wesiorn Ex 2 00 p. J. Grand Kpds & Kal Ex í W Chicago Night Express 10 28 Pacific Ex '- 'ñ C.W. BUGGLE8. H. W [I 'VI.-, G. P & T. A., ahicajto. i-''t., .Min Ar' O' E. R. EGGLE5T0N, H. D. s. iunln-st., Cor. Huron-Kt. Gen era 7 Fractice. Hours: - 10:30 a. m. to 12 m. ; i to5 p.m. and 1 to 8 p. m. 'Plionp ''. 1LÜMBIN6 STEAM AKD GAS FITTING " SEWER CONNECTIONS Made promptly nnd at reasonablo ratos. All Work First = Class ! GIVE ME A TRIAL. JOHN O 'BUIEN, 30 E. WASHIMi'I'OlN VI. Invalid's IDEAL DrinkiDg Cap. A Jtci a ml I !eliil ArtlcleFor ■ lio (Hek. TIn Patiënt Need ZVtó Bt DfcturS Drink. Liquid Food or Medicine: administered to the sick or afflicted n a recumbent poeition with caso and BatíaH 'SUVJ isn nv smm simio gl I TPLinm 1 o Ibe Toiich. : comI U l MLU mui! symptom of Rheuma I LMULIl tic joints. Khcmatisni can he cured only by curng its cause, preventing the formation and ajcumulation within the syste.i of deleterioas sub.-jtances. Tn 1j thls, use Dr. Whitehalls Rheumatic Cure. It leliovcs inflammatory rliöumatlsm in a ew liours, tbc pain ccrisinir and swellinR at miniïhing from the beginning of the treatment. Fríe Sample sent on mention of this paper. 50 cents a box; 6 bxes, $2.50. Dr. Wliitrliall Jleg. Co., South Bend, Int! THE POPULAR ROUTE TO GRAND RAPIDS AND WESTERN MICHIGAN. IS THE D. L. & N. DETROIT, LANSING & NORTHERN. STATIONS. QODfQ WEST. Detroit Lv. 7 40 llOpm 6 00 p m Plymouth.... " 8 25 148 6 43 South Lyon . . ' 8 48 2 07 7 04 Howell June. " 9 14 7 29 Howell " 9 20 2 36 7 36 Lanslng " 10 24 8 88 8 37 Grand Ledge. " 10 55 3 Sfi 9 00 Grand Kapids " 12 30 p m 5 20 10 45 Ionia " 11 48 a m 4 45 pin 10 00 Howardcity..Ar. 1 20 p m 11 45 p m STATIONS. GOING EAST. Howard city Lv. 5 50 a m 4 10 p m Ionia " 7 30 1 35 p m 6 09 Grand Rápida " T 00 1 i 5 25 (,1-and I.i-clge. ' 8 3' 2 43 7 02 Lansing " 8 54 3 06 7 25 Howell " 9 53 3 59 8 25 Howell June " 9 56 South Lyon..." 10 26 4 8 56! l'lymoth " 10 51 4 47 9 20 Detroit Ar. 11 40 a m 5 3 p ia 10 10 p m Connecuons at Grand Rapids with the Chicago &nd West Michigan üy. tor Petoskey, Bav View, Traverse City, Manistee. Muskegon, Grand Haven, Benton Harbor, and St. Joseph T. A. A. C N. M. Agenta Sell ThTOUgh Tickets. Geo. D. Haven, G. Y. A , Granel Rapids. WURSTER & KIRN. tt'ant yon (o cali ixhen yon are m need oj a CARRIAGE OR BÜGGY Or any othtr sort of a veiicle. Tkeir work M'IAKIS FOR ITSELF. BEPAJBING KEATLY BON E AT MODEEATE RATES. . Horse Shoeing . B Y EXPERIENCJCD HANDS. WE TARANTEE ALL OÏFR HOIIR 21, 23 and 25 N. 4th Ave., Ann Arbor, Mie h OHIO CENTRAL LINES. T. i O. C. Bv-K. f M. Ry, Solid through trains betwee i Toedo, Ohio and Charleston, W. Va., i Columbua, the short and only direct route between Toledo, O., and Mt. Pleasant, W. Va. Pindlay, O., " Kiohmond, Vii-ima. Kenton, O.. " Petersburg-, " C'ohimbus, O. " Old Point Comfort, a Athens, O. " Williamsburg, Va. MiddleportJO " Newport, News, Va. Pomeroy, O. '■ Norfolk, Virginia, And all south-eastern points. Elegant drawing room cara on all through trains. For further Information cali on your local ticket or write, W A Peters, Modx-ton Houk, Mioh. Pass. Agt. Geu'l. Pass., Agt. Detroit, Mich. Toledo. O. EMERY WHEELS AND SAW GUMMING MACHINES. TANITE- the safest and best. KALM01D- first-classed aul low pirced. MORGAN- for rest use only. THE TANITE COMPANY, Stroudsburg, Pa. (1 Waslilnstou SI, New Vork. 189 I?. Fearl St., Ciiirlnuatl, O. i l. Klmbark, CUiai;o, 111. THE BEST UNE T0 TUE SOUTH f? THE DIRECT LINE TO 1 Cincinnati and the South, j 3 THROUGH TRAINS DAILY from DETBOI 4THR0UGH TRAINS DAILY from TOLEDO, TO DAYTON, CINCINNATI and the SOUTH. The Best Line From MICHIGAN flND NORTrON OHiO -xo FLORIDA and all the Sofitiiarn Staies. D. B. TRCY N. P. A.. Detroit. Mich. {,OHGNEBOARBDLSEVDP P-LACa


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