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A. E. Muminery has just received a new assortment of those 25 and 50 cent knives. If you are not satisfied you can havo your money baok. Ir. IHartiii" Nervwe ofleo Sures More tlian Hall your Coffee Expense And llooto Bills A pleasant table drink composed of cereal, gluten and vegetables, and a positive cure for nervousness, dyspepsia, biliousness, constipation, heart disease, siok headache, sleeplessness and the many ailments caused from the use of ordinary coffee and tea. 1 Ib. equals 2 lbs. other coffee ; only 20c. Free sample at procera. Eat. Dr. Martin 's Koyal Breakfast Food. For sale by Stimson, State Street. ' 26 Ten cent brooms at Mummery's Drug Store. You will find a very good assortment of manicure goods at A. E. Mummery's Drug store. GEORGE K. KELLY SELLS WOOD. I i The { i i i Result ! ] i i Of ourpolicy ofreoommending ouly sood artlcles is sctMi ly what JIr. H said in our store tb6 í)therd:iy: 'I want Diic of those seamless liot-wator bottleB ttuit you warrant. 1 bouebi t vo at 's and tíiey ir:ie out in a very short tinn1. Our of vours has Btood six months constant use." They will last most people twoor three years. i CALKINS' PHARMACY.' OUR 25 CENÍ COLUMN. WAKTBB, WANTKU -Centleman wisïïes a horst' forafewhours drlring a dayforthe next ixmonths. Would be wllling lo keephorse or use i.l' it and use oí buggy. AddressJ. L. rawer I), City. 89 -Cellars and yards to clean Kubblsh removed. Leave order.s with Wni A e ( ie 1 1 .-.'_' I 'o ntiac-st. 77tf To hear f rom some one wlio is KOlng tO the ËJfpOSitiOD ut Alhintu. WC ■:in teil you liow to Bare ten dollars. AdLre,ss Johnson Care Drawer D. City. 90 FOK S.UE. . H'OK House on Oherry st. 4 rooms Sclosets lst floor, large cupooard in kit■lu'n. S rooms and i closets nd door. also itore room. Good clstern and citj water. l'or tering -inquiro at corner Spring and Oherry sis. m.ï if Ï1OK X l,Ii- : acres of land sïïitable for fruit, or vegetable farm. aear tlie north Une of the city. Enqulre at this office. 87 FiOR SA1,E-Good location for wood and coal yard. Wiil sell clieap. Wm. Actlon, 22 Ponliac-st. 77tf FOÏt SA1.I5- New Safe. Will be sold at a bargaiu. Eniiuire of S. A. Moran, Register Office. astif iAKM fr'OK S.3.K:- The Bullock or Everett r farm, 3 miles west of Salem station and 11 miles fnorn Ann Arbor, contaiioii g 109 acres, houseand barus, stock and well water in abundanc 'imber; schooi and ehurch within a mile; laua naturally the best; all seeded down. Price and term reasoname. (all on or addres: Andrew E, Oibson 30 Maynard 8t., Ann Arboi, Mlch. 45tf li-OR 8AE.I5 VBY CHEAJP-Good house r 10 rooms, bain and two city Iota n southwesi corner, west Iluron-st. and Jewett Ave. No. 99 the late reeldenceof Lorenzo M Lyon. Enquire of Daniel Lyon of Dexter or J. Q. A. Besalons, uv. No. 5 X. Main Street, Ann Arbor. 70tf Í7OK BAIaE- 3 miles west of city on Dexter road, B0 acres good farm land especial ly Suitable for fruit farm, lo acres tlnbcr. Enquire of A. B. Lyoo oñ the prenüsea. 79tf HOI SKS FOK SALli UU Real Estáte bought and sold. Kire Lnsorance in flrst-claBBCOmpanles, i all anfl consult me bef ore decidlng. I believ 1 v:m accoxnmodate jou. Mary L. Hamllton, room 11, Bamilton Block. OTtf F OU. SAÜB - Mrs. Perkin'e i 80 acres, 2 miles east of Saline. T miles South of Ami Arbor, known as the Ki-Ilo farm. Six acres rood bearing peach orchara, honse, bain. stock and wel] water in abundancei schoo] wjthln '- nñlc. Prlce reasonabte, terms easy, cali on premlses or 44 B. [ngallsst., Ann Arbor. 94tf FOK KENT. joit s.lLK i eoal stove base burner, i small wood stove, and 1 cook stove. Adln'. w? Washtenaw ave. r;ui see them ftöyevening. 87 OUSEsT'ÍÜTitENX- tieveml HouseswTfïï nio(U'i'n improTeznents, unfurnisluMl rooms toramall Families, al reasonableprlces. Oall on J. Q. A. Sesslons, Eteal Estáte Kgent, Office No. 6N. Maln-st. 2nd floor, Restdence 3t) E. Wllliam-Bt. :tjtf lllAMTm Gtoood reliable men to Bell UlflN I HIJ imrl'IioiiT and llurdy NurI ■■"'■ ' - scry Stoelt, mh'Ii as frull trees, rosesi Bhruba and ornamentáis. Ladlea m;ilx' ttiis business a Buccess. Easy work, pLeasant. iiííiit and profltable. Ouiiit Free. Apply ut once, wltn reíerences, and secure cholee of terrltory. V. N. May CompauT Nurserymen and Beeüsmen. Efochester,N. V 89


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