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The supervisors will eat d inner today at the county house. The Regents met in regular session yesterday forenoon. A bazar is being held eaeh evening this week at the A. M. E. ohuroh. Miss Maud Michael is very 111. Her mothsr has been sent for frora Niles. Dieterle Bros. have a telephone in their new furniture store on East Liberty-st. E. V. Hangsterfer has decided to open a branch confectionery store in Ypsilanti. Go and hear the Laura Dainty entertainment at the Presdyterian churoh this evening. The Street Railway people have deeided not to lay the N. State street track until spring. The board of supervisor swill elect a school examiner to succeed Geo. H. Pond on uext Tuesday. The board of fair managers will meet tomorrow, when it is desired that all the board be present. Miss Mattie Tieknor gave an elocution recital at Webster Congregational church last Monday night. A teacher's examination of teachers for 2nd and 3rd grade certificates is being held at the court house to-day. Mis. Fanny Drake, of Lodi, died at her home last Saturday morning, of consumption at the age of 56years. The flre department was called out twice last Friday evening. Luckily neither alarm amounted to anything. The board of supervisors will take $2f,000,000 as the basis for assessment this year. Th is is the same as last year. New telephones iu the city are those of Dr. 1!. S. Copeland. W. G. Palmer, the State street druggist, and W. E. Pardon. ' Chris. Brown gave bis family a delightfully pleasant surprise by sendinji tbem a fine new Cliflord piano last Thursday. The Adventista have purohased the (ii'rman M. E. chvirch, cornei' of Liberty and División streets. t.")000 was paid for the lot. It issaid that E. T. McClure.proprietor of the Cook House, will be here soon to make a number of improvements in the Cook Hotel. Goodspeods, the hustling Ann Arbor shoe men, have an ad on page four that will interest Register readers. It will pay you to read it. Mr. Eugene Williams, of the fire department, was wedded last Wednesday evening to Miss Emma Hiller. Rev. E. D, Kelley officiated. Mr. E. S. Gilmore, of this city, was married last Thursday to Miss Lottie Clark, of Chicago. They will return soon aud settle down at 71 E. Ann-st. A paper trust is in process of formation. It is understood that ordinary print paper such as The Rkgistek is printed upon, will be doubled in price. ' The Postmaster-General has granted the request of Michigan people for a better eastern mail service. Steps will be taken at once to improve the same. The home of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Whiting, in Pittsfield, just beyond the town limits was considerably damaged by fire last Wednesday. vjause, defecUve flue. Miss Everhardt. of the medical department, will speak at the Young Women's Christian Association rooms Saturday evenina; at 11 o'clock. Subject: "How to keep well. Mre. Harriet A. Monroe,_ who resided in the Unity Block. died lastSunday morning of dropsy. Deceased was 57 years old. The remains were taken to Komeo for interment. Mrs. Clara Doty Bates, sister of Miss H. P. Finley, of 46 S.Ingalls street, died in Chicago last Sunday. Funeral services were held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Finley yesterday afternoon. Geo. R. Spalding, a son of Congressman Spalding, met wlth apainful accident on Monroe street last Wednesday He caught his foot in a defective sidewalk and feil, fracturing his hip. Sixteen raembers of the Y. M. C. A. went to Northville to attend the Y. M. C. A. meeting there last Sunday. ïwo very interesting meetings were held in which several of the Ann Arbor boys took part. A High School student by the name of Albert Yale, of Waco, Neb., died last Monday night of typhoid fever. He had been ill but tvo weeks. A brother who is in the law department took the remains home. The board of supervisors met in regular session Monday a. m. With ene exoeption cvery member was present. John L. Hunter was elected chairman pro tem. In the afternoon supervisor Lighthall was chosen permanent chairman. Frank D. Hammei, the sixteen year oíd son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Hammei of Pittsfield, died last Sunday from blood poisoning, the result of a slight accident at the county fair. Funeral services were held Tuesday at the home. Miss Anna B. Schneider died Sunday morning at the home of her sister, Mrs. John Haupt, of 23 Miller-ave. The deceased wasill but a week with malarial fever. Funeral services were held Tuesday atternoon at the Bethlehem church. During the month of September the membership committee of the Y. M. C. A. was diVided into tvvo seetions and each sought to secure the most new members. J. A. C. Hiklner was at the head of one sectiou and Frank [.. I'arker of the other. The Ilildner seetionbrought in 48 names and the Parker side ". The latter will now fursish the : Association a supper. ■ i The board of supervisors will elect a successor to Geo. H. Pond whose term as a memberof the board of school examiners expires. There are four crndidates, Herbert Dancer, of Lima; T. E. Leiand, of Northfleld; J. B. Harris, of Augusta, and A. P. Rockwell of Sylvan. Last Friday was Ross Granger's 36th birthday. His wife planned a surprise for him, and then those invited surprised both Mr. and Mrs. Granger by the present of au elegant reolining chair. Hon. A. ,T. Sawyer made a neat oresentation speech. Some thirty persons were present. Jacob Hoft'stetter died at his home Xo. 48 E. Washington street last Sunday evening. The deceased had been afflicted with consumption for a long i time but was about and as well as usual until very shortly beforc his death. Funeral services were held at the home Tuesday at 2 p. ra. Dr. V. Sallume, a native of Turkey, and an eye witness of several of the Turkish outrages against Christians, and vvho has recently been banished from that country, will give a full account of these Turkish outrages in a lecture at the Presbyterian church tomorrow night, at 8 o"clock. Reports to the state board of health show that diarrhea, rheumatism, neuralgia, dysentery and tonsilitis, in order named, caused most sickness in Michigan during the week ending October 5. Consumption reported at 179 places ; typhoid fever 99, diphtheria 30, scarlet fever 27, whooping cough 9, small-pox i, and rneasles at 2 places. Mr. E. J. Ottaway, who has been doing the local work upon the Argus for the past few weeks, and who has made agood reputation asa newspaper man by his work here in the city and upon the Petoskey Daily Resorter has been called up higher. He is now upon the Free Press staff in Detroit. Mr. Ottaway has a bright future before him. In another column will be found an ordinance in regard to tire limits and flres passed by the common council at its last regular session and approved by Mayor Walker. Every property owner should read this ordinance carefully. Some of the restrictions may seem a little severe but they are none the less necessary. Franklin C. Parker purchased the type, maehinery and stock of The Register Publishing Co. last Monday and will try his hand at running a printintr office. It is not true, as some suppose, that Mr. Parker's purchase ineludod The Ann Arbor Register. This paper will continue to be run as heretofore without any change whatever in the management. The Ann Arbor Conrier under date of October 25, 1895, is before us. We know the Courier had discontinued its daily addition but was not aware how thoroughly determined it was to push its weekly. - Adrain Press. J.ust wait until the Weekly Courier discovers that the Daily Courier is defunct and quits advertising the Daily in its columns and then look out for the "push.'" It takes time to compasa great deeds. Regular classes fer the systematic study of tho bible have been organized under the auspices of the Bible chairs. Classes will meet Friday and Saturday. The classes will meet in room 1 at Newberry Hall. The lecture courses given by Prof. G. P. Coler and Kev. Chas. A. Young are intended not only for University students but for all who are interested in the study of the Bible anc its literature. Prof. Coler will giv lecture courses on the "Life of Christ, "The Life and Letters of Paul," etc. A large audience greeted the Ypi tanti Orchestral Society and Lady Quartette at the Unitarian ehurch Monday evening. It was the opening entertainment of Unity Clul) Course. 1 litv Club lms become one of the institutions of the town. lts course is nonpartisan and unsectarian. Democrats and Republieans, Catholies and Protest mts all have i fair and oqual show on iis platform. This feature in its management accounts in large measure tor Gteorge R, Kelly aells fVood. its sucüess. The next lecture in the course aecurs next Monday evening by Rev. J. B. Whitford upon Dante. Mr. Whitford comes highly recommended by the presa and those who have heard him. He is a natural orator and nis lecture glows with enthusiasm for his great subject.


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Ann Arbor Register