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Purify And Enrich Your Blood By Taking AYER'S 8ni Sarsaparilla It was the Only Sarsaparilla admitted At World's Fair. AYER'S pills for the Liver. W1 POSITIVKLY CURES HEART DISEASE, EPILEPSY, Nervous Prostration, Sleeplessness and all öerangementi if the Unexcelled for Restless BaMes. Pnrelj VegeiaWU ,guaranted f ■ l'rom oI(t. HIO f 'uil ït.e iloi, 5O-. M li Bailev. Heceivlng Teil, Grand Eaplds.Mlch SüVili-s iiank. siyslm-al oueh in favor df "f. dironda. I i Heart and Nervc i [-r Sale By all UruitZl. W. H. BUTLER, 16 E. Knroi!-t., ANN AKJL'OH, JI1CII iryad Treatwtr Nat. Smtnip atm lot MONI.Y TO LOAN. "ssrar REVIVO 'M % RESTORES VITALITY. ir.thúyPfW of Me. THE GREAT 3Oth I)ay. ■ „iliH.stlicaboi.ri-iultsin 30 ihl.VS. It n. t nlly umi qnlokly. Cures wben all otBers i:r.i wlll regain thait losl mnli Min i V). It QUickly and surely r torea Ni , oBt Vitalüv, Impoti CostPoi ' lll -flirts 01 f '?; Vvincli unflts i il nerve totnlo and blooii bullder. , k the pink (flow to pale ■■ ■ ■ the flre of ymith. It trarrt oii In insumption. ' mg IV.. I'. I l.OOperpac ■ rithapo! live wrltten ; retund tbamoney. HOYAL MED!CIN2 CO., 63 (er St, CHICAGO !' For uli' at Ion Arbor, Miei., by Bberbacb Drug 'o. CURES i ALL I Meada che, Neuralgia. Insomnio, ,.V ALL Bheumatic JPains PK1CE Ü5 CBST9. About Knives, A cheap Pocket-knife can be bought at every Store, but it is not the kind you want. One dollar is the lowest price that a really good knife can be sold for. This jiloumn is placed in this paper to adveri e the very best Pocket-knife ever sold. It is J. C. Tidmarsh's Sheffleld steel Knife. - Never buy a knife only because it looks well. t blades are not the best Sheffield steel they will soon bend, no matter how they will look. Still, you want a fine-looking knife. The United States lavv provides that only samples to agents and to the trade will be admitted free of duty. You can, therefore, see the advantage that I have in sending samples to agents over those who deal in Sheffield goods in America. I am an advertising agent! I am entruated with a certain amour.t to spend advertising these knives (the best value ever seen in America at One Dollar each). Now, the Inife is its own best advertisement. Imagine a Pocket-knife (3i inches long) with the most beautifully-graineo vory handle - genuine African ivory mand with two blades of the very best Sheffield steel that will last a li'fetime and ent like a razor. The tips of the handles are heavily plated with sterling silver. And then a very nice ehamois leather case goos with each knife. NoW) .vould it not be easy work selling this knife at One Dollar each? I know it would, for it looks as if it were worth two dollars. # And so it is i f you compare it with the value offered in the ordinary Store. Is not thi.s knife its uvvn best adver tisement. Yoú can make $1 per day selling thase knives. This is a genuine and Btraiartforward statement, 'lhis is counting that you show it to only twelve buyers every day. And evory one that sees it will say it is a good value for $1. The knives are sold to you at $8 per dozen : you sell them at $1 each. I determined to use large sum of advertising nioney entrusted to me in sending out free samples to those who promise to act as agents for the sale of these knives I will send you a rree sample, but you must sign the promise at the foot of bis column, and make a deposit to bhow that in asking for the knife you are acting in good faith The deposit that I ask of you is 44 cents about half the wholesale cost Oi the knife, and less than one-thiri what you would have to pay for a knife lika it, if you bought one. Send the money by a Posti 1 Order or one-oent stamps for 44cts., and put a Bve-eent stam)) on the letter, which must not weigh more than one-half ounce. # The doposit of 44 cents will be placed to your credit, and will be dedueted from your lirst oidor at the dozen rate. ♦ I am an advertising agent, contractor and publislicr with one of the lar$rest Advertising businesses in the world.and absolutely guarantee to wnd, postage paid and duty free, the ki i bed labove free to anyone who signs the promisc below, and sendi it with, the deposit as stated. Let me advisc you not to part with your sample, even if you should lose a sale at $1 by refuBing, as it will take time to replace it. I oouli not send you another even if you snit the fullSl. sample thej c:m only be suppliedtoyouby the dozen as there ia duty on them to be paid. # M Any Engllsh Banker can 'ive you information about my high standing, or wiite to the publisher of this paper who knows that 1 do a large and Btraightforward advertising business. and that 1 do exactly as I [ have taken this pace in this paper f or three years I Theflrstone answering this advertisoraent alter this number of tho paper has come out will, if he likes. bi d'ln this space as agent for these knives. The Editor of the Spri hio) Si ir Era writes, in his paper of June 28, 1894: "I havi received a sample knlfe rrom Mr. Sears, and am very much pleased with it. He is the owner of a Terv large advertising business in London, and is. I believe, perfectly responsiblo and Btraightiorward. " Sigayour name and address to the cut it oui and send it with Order i for 44 cents, and you will reeeive by return of post ■ il ai ove. F. W. SEARS, Advertising nd CON'l i ADVERTISINi MT, 138 ii . London. I SlB, - I faithfu ' my ECnife : ni" to one or more of mj friends, tb will rade" as far thif pron (Of ntiful i nife sent enni'. . . F. W. SEARS, : Wholesale Kmte Atiiveriissmenf I28FLERT ST. LONDON i: G


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