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Catarrti Oured, health and sweet breath secured, by Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Frice 50o Nasal Injector free. For sale by all druggists. HARRIET HÜBBARD AYER'S Recamier Toilet Preparations. Julián Recamier. Tlie Original ol tlils Plctnre Retalued Hor Bxqatelte Complexión Throuiili tlie Use ol' Keui)ii'i- ri':iui, l.ntll Her Ueatli at KlKlily. No woman c-;ui be beautlful öreTen Cleanly in appearance whose face is marred by pimples, blackheads. blotches, Creckles orother iBopörfeci Dits. These are the only skin remedies lndorsed hysiclans. tiiey ahí: rruE. Wliere Iil Vur Bver See Sutli Inlirfiiicnt! Belore uri.i ,v I' iTii-Nimi.iNi, Craig-Y-Nos Oastle. OCt. 18. "Mv Deab Mus. Ateb There ncv. r has been mythlng equal in merit to the Recamier Lrations; my skin is so (mmensely imroved by thelr use. I need mu dread old ige whüe these magicinventionsof yoursex-t. l i Balm and Lotion every das )fmy lifc Kecatnier Soap ilsois perfect, i hall nevar use auy other. I hear ilmi the rincess of Wales is delighted witti the li'1ms. ! ain convinced they irethegi iates1 boon ever Invented. AJIeciOtllli' li:i I N l'A Tl 'I-N'I1)MNI. ■'! consider thezn a l n u rv ;i tid n6cessity to ivery woman." Cora Dbquhabt Pottbe. ■ (Ios1 rel ' shlng and beneficia ! and '. li superior to any ol aera." ['a.nny Davtímpokt. "The perfectlon of toilet artlcles." Sarah Bernhardt. ■ The Rec&mier Preparatlons are absoluteyPeerless. 1 shall aiways use them. Heleu i Mod.ikska. ■■! use the Recamiers iTüirinusiy and Urteve them Essentia] to the toilet of every roman whodesirersa fair skin." I.II.ME LANGTRY. '■] unquaJlfledly recoipmend them ;i the vcrv i'-i in existence." CLABA LOÜISI KEUMOQ. Recamler Cream, for tan. sunburn, ptmr pies, etc. Pricetl.50. Recamier Balm, ;i beautlfler, pure and Bimple. l'rice SI..MI. Recamier Almond Lotion, for freckles, motli uid discolorations. Prlce R.SO. Recamier Powder, for the toilet and nursi-ry. WUlstaj i ni and does nol make the face shlne. Priceq- Large boxea ti, small bo.xt's 50 CtB. Recamier Soap, the besl ín thejworld, l'i-ices SeentedHOc., unceoted 26c. SPECIJlL IKOTICR. Kel'UKe Substltutt-N. Henil - cent stamp for sample of Toilet Powder, Pamphlei and Bargafn offer. Mail orders prompt Iv fllled. HARRIET HUBBARD AYER, III West Sist St.. NKW 1O1IK ITV. " to dlstribute tllllllM""lltllf'l'l1t OUr :il'M Ul1 ' '" mpnts in nart rr.ymcnt icrahigh KTado Acmc bScvoIe wïlcli wo scnd t'aem on approval. No Ko7kdnentll tne bicyclo arrivos andprovss saiibfactory. Young Ladies ïSSTSS?' If boys orgiris apply they nrast bo well recommeudoU. Wrtte ior partloolars. ACMÉ CYCLE COriPANY, ELKHART, IND. imniiumtiiliiMiniiiiin iiiiimm li ucery Sale. In pursuance and by virtue of a deci-ee of tlio Gii-cuit Court for the County of Washtcnaw, In Chancery, Statu of Michigan, made and entered on the ötn kiy cf June 1895, in a certain cause iherein pending wherein Capítol In vestment Building and Loan Association is oomplainant and Lizzie McClenahan, Jacob C. Mi'Olonahan and Henry P. Glover are defendants. notice is heredy given that I shall sell at public auction to the highest biddei1 at the east entrance to the Court House, in the City of Ann Arbor (that being the building in which the iircuit Conrt for the ( !ounty of Washtenaw is held) on V, . kay the fourth day of December 1885, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, the following described property situated in tho City of YpsiJanti, in the County of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, to-wit: Commeneing at a point seventy-fi vo feet north of the intersection of Summit street and Chicago Avenue, thence east eight rods, thence north two hundred feet, thence west eight rods to east line of Summit street, thence south on east line of said street two hundred feet to place of beginning. Dated, October 5th, 1895. O. E. BUTTERFIELD, Circuit Court Commissioner, Washtenaw County, Mich. CAHILL & OSTRANDER, Solicitors for Complainant.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register