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A GRAND TRIÜMPH. Bafflcd Many Times bnt Success Comes at Last. Trom the (h-and Rapids Press.) The following incident would be hard to believe if it liad not occurred right here in Grand Rapids, and investigaron by our representativo has placed it beyond the reach of doubt. These are the facts iu detail : Mr. J. H. White of No. 25 Haifley Place, has been an instructor in penmanship in different business colleges for the past fourteen years. He says : "Last October I was suddenly taken IU. I consulted a physician, who said the pain was from 'gravel' stones ; gradually grew worse ; the pain was in my back and side. My back swelled up in a great ridge, an] I finally grew so bad that I was taken to bed, as helpless as a child. I passed blood, and when the pain was at its worst I was like one crazy. The doctor injected morphine to give me relief, but furthei than that he said lie was powerless, and nothing would do me any good but a surgical operation. I believe my flesh was literally cooked in the attempts to relieve my agony, everything was used, mustard piasters, turpeutine, hot cloths and all such tliings. I was in this condition, glven up by the doctor, and almost out of my mind with suffering. I commencedtakiii" Doan's Kidney Pilis, and really I felteasiei in 20 minutes. After about two hours I had a passage of urine, and passed blood and some ' gravel' stones which great ly relieved me. I rapidly improved. I took in all six boxes, and I feeltoday entirely well. Mine has been a wonderful case. I feel that I cannot say anything strong enough for Doan's Kidney Pilis. My great wish is that they may become well known. They will prove a boon to mankind. For sale by all dealera, price 50 cents. Mailed by Poster-Milburn Co., Buffalo N. Y., sole agents for theU. S. Remem' oerthe name, Doan's, and take no other. ANDREW E. GIBSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ao. 10 L. Muron &t. ANBi AltliOIC iTIKJI. fJICHIGAN CENTRAL, "The Niapra Faüs Route." VENÏRAL STAND A BD TIM2 TKAÍNS AT ANN UIBOR, laking Effect May 19, 1895. GOINGEAST. &ail & Express' 'J 'Mr.u, N.Y.& Boston Special 5 00 Fast Eastern jo Atlantic Ex 747 u Detroit Night Ex 54 Grand Eaplds Ex n 05 GOING WEST Mali & Express 8 43 a. v Boston, N. Y. Chicago 7 30 North Shore Ltd 9T25 Fast Western Ex 2 00 p. 11. Grand Epds & Kal Ex 557 Chicago Night Express 10 28 Pacific Ex , jo 15 O. W. EÜGGLES, IJ . W flAYÏï), G. P &T.A., Chicago. Ag't., JnnArbo E. R. EQGLE5T0N, n. D. 2 S. Main-M., Cor. lEniou-St. General Praclice. Hours:- 10:30 a. ro. to 12 m. ; 2 to5 p.m. and 7 to 8 p. m. 'Phonc 22. PLÜMBING STEAM ABP GflS FITTING SEWER COMCTIONS Made promptly and at reasonable rates. All Work First - Class ! GIVE ME A TRIAL. JOHNO'BRIEN, 30 E. WASHINGTON ST. Inyalid's IDEAL DrinkiDg Cnp. A New and l'sefnl Artlcle For the Siek. The Patiënt Keed Kot Be Disturbed. Drink, Liquid Food or Medicine admini8tered to the sick er afflicted in a recumbent position with ease and satisfaction. I'IUCE, CENTS. Jtt !■) by all Jru((jists Tïj CURES HíÜe ALL ELSE FAILiJ. Ta U Ilost Cough Syrup. Tastos Go'xl. Use 9 rgl In time. Sold by drugtfistfl. g TTMÜPfl 1' ïe Touch, is a comI F ÏM II P K """' symptom of lilieunia■ UllUl.ll Hcjolnts. Rhematiam can be cured only by curIng lts cause, presenting the formation and accumulatlon wlthln the syste i of dele terious su batanees. Todo Uals, Dr. Whffehali s Rheumatic Cure. It relieves in fin m.natory rbeumatlsm In a ewhpurs, the pain ceaslng and i-wt-Hin d I minUhingfrom the beginnlug of tUe treatment. Free Sample sent on mentlon of this paper. 50 oeuls a box; 6 boxen, L2.50. Dr. Whicehall 3lc. Co., South Bend, Ind THE POPULAR ROUTE TO GRAND RAPIOS AXD WESTERN MICHIGAN. IS THE i D. L. & N. DETROIT, LANSING & NORTHERN. STATIONS. GOING WEST. Detroit....... tv. T4B l m p m 00 p m Plymouth.... " 8 25 148 6 43 l.yon.. ' 8 48 317 7 04 llnwcll June. " i) 14 .. 7 39 Howell " 2 38 7 36 Lanslng " 10 24 3 36 8 37 grand Ledee. " IC 58 3 55; 9 (# Grana Kaplds" I2ipm 5 20 1045 Jpnia... " 1148am 4 45pml000 Hqwardcity..Ar.l 1 20 p m ... 11 tópm stations. eonra east. Howard cltyTLv. 5 SiUnTTT. i 10 D m' Io.mi .... . . 730 1 á 6 n0 " Qrand Eaplds ' T 1 o 1 20 525 Grand Ledge. ■' 8 3"i 2 43 7 02 ijanslng 8 54 7 25 gowell.. 8 53 3 6 8 25 I June. " 9 58 South LyoB..." 10 ai 4 28 'è'sè'' f'lymoth " 10 61 4 47 9 io' nptrolt Ar. 11 40am 5 W p m 11 10 p m (Jonnectionsat Grand Rapids with the Chicagoanú West Michigan liy. for Petoskey, Bav View. Traverse City, Manistee. Mnskegon, Grand Haven, Benton Harbor, and St. Joseph T. A. A. & 2V. M. Ayents SeU TJirotuih Tickets. Geo. D. Haven, G. P. A., Grand Rapids. WURSTER & KIRN. Want you to cali wAen you are ui neeet oj a CARRIAGE OR BÜGGÏ Or any other sort of a vehicle. Their uork SPEAKES FOK ITtEIiP. BEPAIR1XG NEATLY DONE AT MODERATE RATES. . Horse Shoeing . BY EXPEKIEXCED HANDS. WE GVAKANTEE ALL OCR WORK 21, 23 and 25 N. 4th Ave., Ann ArborT Mleb OHIO CENTRAL LINES. T. & O. C. By-K. C M. Ry, Solid through trains betwee To.edo, Ohio nd Charleston, W. Va., Columbus, the short and only direct route between Toledo, O., and Mt. Pleasant, W. Va. Findlay, O., " Richmond, Virginia. Kenton, O., " Petersburtr, " C'ohimbus, O. " Old Point Comfort, Vat At hens, O. " Williamsburg, Va. Middleport.O " Newport, News, Va. Pomeroy, O. ' Norfolk, Virginia, And all south-eastern points. Elegant drawing room ears on all through trains. Por furtber information cali on your local ticket or write, W. A. Peters, MorLTON HouKr Mich. Pass. Agt. Gen'l Pass.. Agt. Detroit, Mich. Toledo. O. MERY WHEELS AND SAW GUMMING MACHINES, TANITE- the safest and best. KALMOID - first-classed and low pirced. MOROAN - for rest use only. THE TANITE COMPANY, Stroudsburg, Pa. 61 Washington St., New York. 139 E. Fcarl SC , Cinclnnatt, O. 8. D. Klmbark, Cbicago, III. THE BEST LINE 10 THE SOUTH ÍA. vi i Pij 1 Jri THE DIRECT LINE TO % l Cincinnali and the South. 1 3 THROUGH TRAINS DAILY from DETROI 4 THROUGH TRAINS DAILY from TOLEDO, TO DAYTON, CINCÍNNATI and the SOUTH. The Best Line From MICHIGAN flND NORTHERN OHIO TO FLORIDA and all ths Southern States. D. B. TR5CY N. P. A.. Detroit. Mlch. t JOHN 8ASTABLE, D. P. A . Toledo. O. 0. G. EDWARDS, 9. P. A., Carcw Bid. Clncfiuu J


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