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Mr. H. Parsons is very ill. Jake Lutz, of Ann Arbor, was in tovra Friday. vliss Alice Pierce, of Ypsilanti, is lome on a visit. Mrs. H. Warner has returned f rom íer Bay City visit. Mr. and Mrs.J. Avery, of Aun Arbor, pent Sunday with friends. G. J. Nissly shipped a car load of joultry from Byron last week. M. Hunt, of Norvell, was the guest of H. W. Bassett and family, Friday. Eugene Fowler and family, of Clinton' íave been spending a few days here. Editor and Mrs. Warren are spending a wee k with friends at Morrioe, Wüliam - ston and Owosso. CHELSEA. Dr. Conlon is spending a few days n Chicago. Bert Girard, of Ann Arbor, was in town over Sunday. Etïa Armstrong-, of Ann Arbor, was in town over Sunday. Annie Bacon, of Ypsilanti, spent Sunday with her parenta. Seborn Tichenor, of Jackson, was in town the first of the week. Rev. A. B. Storms, of Detroit, was a Chelsea visitor the first of the week. J. Gilbert and daughter, Mrs. A. R. Welch spent Monday in Ann Arbor. Miss Edith D. Noyes is spending a few weeks with her sister in Niles. Traman Ponn, of Jackson, was visiting in (. helsea the lirst of the week. Miss Maude Congdon, of Ypsilanti, spent Sunday with her parents here. Roy Hill and Henery Stimson, of Ann Arbor, were the guests of their parents over Sunday. Mrs. Myers, of Jackson, and Frank Myers, of Chicago, were the gruests of (.'. H. Kempf and family the latter part of last week. SALBB Mr. and Mrs. Torn Kane visited relatives at Plymouth the fore part of the week. Mr. Thomas Heeney is gradually declining with but little hope of his rebovery. Rov. Conrad is entertaining1 his brothor and family, f rom Kinderkook, Juekson Co. The Ladies Aid Society will meet with Mr. Jamos Woodworth this week Wednesday. r. EUsvvorth Rider and family, of Ionia, are visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Kider. Alexis Renwiek who has been suffering from a stroke of paralysis the past two weeks is slowly improving. The ladies of the Congregational chureh gave a missionary concert last week Sunday which was largely attended. Rev. Benton was called to Davisburg Sunday to preaeh . a funeral sermón. Rev. Conrad filled the pulpit at Laphams church. Mr. George Wilson, an oíd resident of Salom, died at his home in the village Thursday morning after a lingering illnesswith paralysis. The semi-annual meeting of the Jackson Association of the Congregational churches was held at Peebles church last week Tuesday and Wednesday. HUÍAN. Wm. Xeedham and son are enlargingr their stock. Mrs. Clark has returned from her Toledo visit. Mrs. W. H. Gay is visiting friends in Wisconson. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilson a son Oot. 16th. Ilev. and Mrs. Shior entertaLned guests over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Kinear have returned from their Adrián visit. Mr. O. P. Newcomb, of Garitón, is vi-itinu; Milán friends. The D's ol R. wil] have an oyster supper at the Temple Wednesday evening. Mrs. C. Chapin and her father, Mr. Reinington, left last week for Weston, Mich. Miss Forsythe was quite illlast week, but is able to be in her school again tliis week. The L. O. T. M: social was a success in every way, program, supper and the social part. Proceods $16.00. William E. Howard, of the silgar reHnery fame, retunred to Michigan Wednesday oveninff from New York. Bev. J. P. llutchinson, of Ann Arbor, will give an entertainlng Steroptican leoture at the Presbvterian ceurch Oct. 28th. Mrried, Oct. 20, by Rev. .1. Ward Stone, Mr. Gilbert ani Mrs. Cora Kellogg at the brido's residence on Tolen-8t. Prof. and Mrs. C. M. Tubbs, of Mooreville, weró the guests of Atty. and Mrs. G. R Williams from Friday until Sunday. The ladies of the M. E. church will indulge in an old fashioned Thanksgivingdinner. Oysters, turkey, minee pie, cranberry sauce etc. Mr. Sam Egner, the night opo-ator at the Wabash depot, has had a cali as day operator at Delray. He leaves in a few days for his new place.


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