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Colds Coughs and Bronchitis Cured by Taking AYERS BnB Cherry Pectoral Awarded Medal and Diploma At World's Fair. Use Ayer's Hair Vigor for Color. AdikonüÏ macen TRmQE MARK bh Wíl e el er's iOJ iieaLtfj AND ■ - vV POSITIVELY CURES HEART DISEASE, EPILEPSY, Nervous Prostration, Bleeplessness and all dorangements of tlie iSystem. ünexcelled for Restless Babies. Puroly Ves.rtabl.Kiuir!intrel f. co (rol opintoK. 100 full .ize (loses 50f. M. Ti. Bálley, Eteceiving Teller, Grand Rapas. Mlch Savlngfs Bank, says he cannoi oo much in favor uf "Adironda." w heeler' ieart and NerveCure. For Salo By all DraggiBt, W. H. BUTLER, 16 E. Iliiron-sl., ANN AKBOR, HICH Stcrelary and Treasurer Xat. Saxings ana Loo AêioeUUin, MONEY TO LOAN. THE MJeeyïauiS T MAÍÍ e.TíKP' Jlrlj" ff crAAÏtvMrrfv y? m !''- " g . W 27e new Stencil I'ronss Printer wil mote ",0ö0 copies o o u-rüten or typeinritt' n original. Amjone can use it. Priee Ï1Q up. The Lawson Simplex Printer simple, rhfni, i tj, (■)',,■■ - v-ill make 100 copies frmn pen-inritten original, or 75 copies from typewriting. No uxtshingrequired. Price, M to tlO. S náforareub '',-■. LAWTON & CO., 20 V.-M-y Kt., cv York, CU)'. AYOID OUR SEVERE WINTERS ! BT sim:miin( a v: months at INTERLACHEN, FLORIDA HOTEL, NICELY FURNISHED ■ Al. SO SEVEHAL. COTTAGES- Fnriiislicil or lulurulwlicd- For Sale r Itont ut Low Itatc. Also Some Fine Growing Orange Groves FOB SALE, High Rolling Land, Very Healthful. QOOD SOCIETY. ' yumerous Beautifui JJakea In the I m medíate I 'irin i ti. SKVF.IÏAI, ANN A.BBOB PEOPLE SPFM) THEIR i.N'l'KKS Al' INIKKI.A(II1':N. John R. Miner and fnmily own two cottages and spend their winter at tbil place. Rent and living: expenses far cheaper than in Ann Arbor. You can spend your winter in the dellghtful clicnate of Interlachen at less expense than you can stay at home, by renting; a furnished cottage and Iceeping; house. For full information address LOTT ALLKX. iNTEBliACHEN, FLA. I mhMm!i3Ui3mhU1mH CURES ALL KINDS OF Headache, Neuralgia, In&onvnia, RELIEVES QDICKLY ALL Mheiunatt'c Pains 1'ltU'K 25 CENTS. About Knives. A cheap Pocket-knife can be bought at every Store, bat it is not the kind you want. One dollar is the lowest price that a really good knife can be sold for. This ïiloumn is placed in this paper to adver■ i e the very best Poeket-knife ever sold. Itis.l.f. TimiARSH's Sheffield Steel Knife. Xiiver buy a knife only because it lookswell. Jfbladesare not the best Sheffield steel they wil] soon bend, no matter how they will look. c Still, you want a fine-looking knife. The United States lavv provides that only samples to agente and to the trade will be admittril free of dut}'. You can, therefore, see the advantage that I have in saop'es to a-ents over Üjose who deal in sheffield goods in America. # I am an advertising agent! I am entrusted with a certain amouct to spend advertiising the3e knives (the best value ever seen in America at One Dollar oach). Now, ttie knife is ita own best advertisement. Imagine a Poeket-knifo (3i inche long) with the most beautifully-grainea vory handle- {reiniiiie African ivory mand with two blades of the very best Shef) ' i si t will laat a lifetime and cut like a razor. The tips of the handles are heavily plated with sterling silver. And then a very nice chamois leather cas goea with each knife. Now, .ïould it not be easy work selling tliis knife at One Dollar each? I know it would, for it looks as if it were worth two dollars. And so it is if yon compare it with the value offered in the ordinaiy Store. not this knife its own bost adver tisement. V V Yon can make $4 per day selling these knives. This is a geiiuine and straigrtforward statement 'Ihis is counting that you show it to only twelvebuyers every day. And every one that sees it will say it is a good value for $1. The knives are sold to you at $8 per dozen ; you sel] them at $1 each. I determined to use large sum of advertising money entrusted to me in sending out free samples to those who promise to act as agents for the sale of these knives I will send you a froo sample, but you must sign the promise at the foot of this column, and make a deposit to show that in asking for the knife you are acting in good faith The deposit that 1 ask of you is 44 cents about half the wholesafe cost oi the knife. and less than one-third what you would have to pay for a knife like it, if you bought one. Send the raoncy by a Posts.1 Order or one-cent stamps for 44ote., and put a fi ve-cent stamp on the letter, which must not weigh more than one-half ounce. The deposit of -14 cents will be placed to your credit, and will be deducted , from your first order at the dozen rate. 1 am an advertising agent, contractor and publisher with one of the largest Advertising businesses in the world.and absolutely guaran tee to send, posta re paid and duty free, the knife described Iabove freo to anyone who signs the )romise below, and sends it with the deposit as stated. rae advise you not to part with your sample, even if you should lose a sale at $1 by refusing, as it will take time to replace it. I coulc1 not send you another even if you sent the f uil $1. After the sample fchey can onlv be supplied to you by the dozen as" there is duty on thern to be paid. Any Enfflish Banker can give you information about my high standing, or write to the publisher of this paper, who knows that I do a large and Btraightforward advertising business, and that I do exactly as 1 eav I have taken this pace in this paper for three years! The first ono ansvvering this advertisement after this number of the paper has come out will, if he likes, hava his name printed ia this space as agent for these knives. The Editor of the Sprinaftehl (Ohio) New Km writes, in his jiaper of June 29, ■! have received a sample knife from Mc. Seare, and am very much pleaaed with it. He is the owner of a verv laTge advertising l)usiness in London, and is, I belleve, ))erfectly responsible and straightforward. " # Sign your name and address to the following, cut it out and send it with Postal Order or stompe for 44 cents, and you will receive by return of post the beautiful knife as deseribed above. F. W. SEARS, Adtebtisinq Agent and CONTRAiTOI!, Wildl.KSAr.E K.VIFK Advektisinc Depabtmjent, 'i.eet stkkkt, london. Dear Sik,- I faithfully promiee on my and honour to show the Sample Knife you have promised to send me to one or more of niy friends, thereby constituting myself an agent This will make me "in the trade" as far as Pocket-cutlery is concerned. By tbif promise I am entitled to a sa-nple ot ytJUP beautiful Dollar PocKct-knife with chamois leather case, to be sent me postrpaid and duty free. I also enclose 44 cents Postal Order or 8tamp8, whieh please hold for me until I send you an order at the dozen rato. Name Address Address all etters to F. W. 5EARS, Wholesale Knile Adivertisement Dept. 128 PLEET ST.; LONDON ENG.


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