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HARRIET HÜBBARD AYER'S Recamier Toilet Preparations. Ju lia n Meca m ie r. The Original ot tliiK Picture Ki-taincil Her l'.iiii.itc Complexión Tliroiijtli the Use of Ilecamier i aui, t uttl Hor leath at Klglity. No woman can be beautifu] Or even Cleanly iti appearance wh tace marred by pimplos, blackheadi. blotches. freckles orother Ceci lona. These are the oiily skin remedies Indorsed by physlciáBS. tiiey ame ruin:. WJiere DId Vour Ever Seo Siul Indorscmcut Beforeí Trom Mácame Adki.ina Pjura-NlCOMKl, Oralg-Y-Noa Oastle. Oct, 13. "My DearMrs. Ateb Thero nev r has been anything equal in merlf ti the Kecamier Preparations; mfj skln Ís so Immenselj improredby tlieir use. 1 need nol dread oíd age while these maKlcinTentionsoíyoui lst. I ase üream Balm and Lot n ever of my Ufe. Becamier Soap ;ti" i perfect, l Bhallnever use any other. I bear tliat the Princesa of Wales is dellghted with the Recamier Preparations. l :im ooBTinced tlicy are the greatest boon ever invented. Affectionately yours." Adklixa Patti-NiComní. "I conslaer them ;i lumry and necessity to every woman." COBA 1'kqiiiakt I'oiti:ii. 'Most refreshing and beneficia] and I'AK .superior to any otlu'rs. " I'axny DAVKNPOBT. "The perfection of toilet art iel es." Sarah Besnbabdt. The Kecamier Preparatlona are absoiutely Peerless. 1 shallalways use them. ÜKI.KNA MdIMK.SK V. "I use the Recamiers reliiiiously and betlevethem Essential to the toilet of every woman who deslrers a fair skin." Lasgtry. "I unqualiticilly recommend tliem as the verv best in exl8tence." ( ï.AitA Louise Kmxooo. Kecamier Cream, for tan. sunburn, pimples, cl e. l'liceil.óO. Recamler Balm, a beautifler, pure and simple, PrlcetLSO. Kecamier Almond Lotion, for freckles, rnoih and discolorat ions. l'riee s..V). Becamier Powder, for the toilet and nursery. Wil] sla v on and does nol niake the face shine. Priceq - Large boxea tl, smal! boxes ;")0 ets. Becamier Soap, the best in thejworld. Prlces Bcented "i'.. anoented 'Sn 8PBCIJX NOTICK. Refuse SubstituteH. Bend 9 cent sturnp for sample of Toilet Powder, Pamphlei and Bargaui offer. Mail orders promptly filled. HARRIET HU8BARD AYER, 1] West 31t St., NEW Olih I I V. FRANKLIN HOUSE ! DETROjT MICH. It is wcll before leaving home, whether tor usincss or plwísure, to decide upon a hotel ,.n therehy avoid confusión. ' Whei. ;-ou visit Detroit we wouid bfl nleaaed lo bve you stop at iho old t'Prai.klln House," cor. Lamed end Batea tits , where you willnaveat ooa meal and u cleau bed at moderate rates. be house has i-en renovated from top to bottom, aud lenow In flrst-clasB condiuon. Respectiully, H. H. JAMES. Meals, 35c. I.odgingB, 60. Per Iay, SI. 30. BA5KET5! WILLOff BASKETS of all kinds. SPECIAL SIZKS AND SHAPE3 KADE TO OSDEE. REASONABLE BATES. PIIILLIP EXINCEB, Mali Strett. .i to dtstríbnte iiiiiiiiiittnii ntiHM'i our advertisosatisfactory. ! Young Ladies -aSrass?" ACMÉ CYCLE COrtPANY, ELKHART, IND. j Chnoery Sale. In put-suance and by virtue of a doeree of the Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw, In Chancery, State 01 Michigan, made and entered on the óth day of June 1895, in a certain causo thorein pending waerein Capítol Investraent Building and Loan Assocíation is complainant and Lizzie McClenahan, Jacob C. MoClenahan and Henry 1'Glover are defendants. notice is heredy givn that I shall sell at public auotion to the hifihest bidder at the past cntrance to the Court House, in the City of Ann Arbor (that being the building in which the Circuit Court for the County of Wiishtenaw is hrld) on Wedneskay the fourth day of December mi;,, al ten oVlock in the forenoon of said lay, the following desoril ed propertj .-ituated in the City of Ypsilanti, in the County of Washtenuw, and State ol Michigan, to rit: Commencing at a poiut siVfiitv-five feetnorthofthe li soction of Sutnmit street and Ch Avenue, thence '-ast eijfht rocls, th north two hundred feet, thence west eio-ht rods to east line of Summit street, thT'nce aouth on east line of said Street two hundred feet to place of beginning. Dated, October 5th. 1895, O. E. 1ÏUTTKRFIELD, Circuit Court Coratnissioner, Washtenaw County, Mich. CAHILL & OSTRANDTSR, Solicitors for Complainant. 92


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Ann Arbor Register