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For THIRTY-FIVE YEARS have jnaintained their tuperiority íor Quality of Metal, Workmatiship, Uniformity, Durabiíity. Sample caid, 12 PENS, different numbers, íor all styles of writíng, sent on receipt of 4 CENTS in postage stamps. SPENCERIAN PEN CO., 45O Broome St., New York. ÉTsrar REVIVO fpljk RESTORES VITAL1TY. lst lay. '7 1 ' jfe'' Man i.-..., i)!iy. :fpf) Of Me. THE GREAT S0th T)ay. PRENCH H.ÍZ33VEEI3-X' produces the sbove resolta i :; ihiys. It a ts powerf ully and qulckly. 1 1 til ottaers tel] Young men will regato their lost manliood. and old iiii'i] will recover th.-ir youtbíui vigor by oslng REVIVO. It quickly and Burely reatorea Nervouoees. 1-oh.t Vitality, [mpotency, Nigbtly liiuissions, Lost Power, Failing Memory, Wast 1 na Diaeuea and all eflects ot self-abuse o whiofa unfits fin tor Brudy. ss or nQtrrlaffe. Jt not only cnreg by itarttng at tb( mal ol duel isaitivat nerve ionio and blood bnllder. bringing back thr pink i;lov t palé ch''kí andre Btoring tbe fire r ynnth. It irardK ofl insanity and Consumption. iñeist on haring Hi;MVO, do other. It eau be carnt d in vrsi pocket. By mail, JSl.OO perpaclia', or kix forSS.OO. witb a posi tivo written noarantfle io -ure c" refunci thenioiiey. Circular free. Addre6a ROYAL MEDICINE CO., 53 River St.. CHICAGO, It'. For sale at Anu Arbor, .TIU-Ii., by líberbacil Drng Co. If You Are Qoing .Anywhere South This Winter You should write and get correct Information in regard to the facilities offered bythe Louisville & Nashville R.R. THI8 CAN BC OSTAINCD OF IACKS0N SMITïï, dít. Pass. kgi, CinciimaU.O. C. P. ATMORE, Gen'i Pass. Ast., LonlsTiiie, ïj. HOMES IN THE SOUTH Can be secured on most liberal terms and at low ratcs. Write for County Map of the South to either of the above named gentlemen, or to P. SID JONES, Pas. Agent. In charge of Immigratiou, BIRMINGHAM, AI.A. III ARE ifLfl ■heelerU1 ■ff & 1 f ■ lllSOOll V SEWING MACHINES POPULAR? BECAUSE LADIES BUY THEM LIRE THEM AND TELL ÍRTE'NRDS. Many ladies have used our machines twenty to thirty years in theirfamily work and are still using the original machines we furnished tliem a generation ago. Many of our machines run more Uian twenty years without repairs other Aan needies. With proper care they never wearout, and sefdom need repair We have built sewing machines for more than forty years and have constantly hnproved them. We buik! our machines on honor, and they are recognized everywfaere as the most accurately fitted and nnely firushed sewing machines in the world. Our latest, the "No. 9 " is the result of our long experiencê. In competí ion with the leading machines of the world it reqeiyed the Grand Prize at the lans hxposition of 1889, as the other machines receiving only compliawntarymedalsofgold.sirverandbronze rhe Grand Prize was what all sought for and our machine was awarded it. Send for our illustrated catalogue We want dealers 111 all unoccupied territory WHEELER 4 WILSON MFG. CO. 185 i. 187 WAUSH VE.. CHÍCAGO. I EWIS 98 % LYE ■ are alway ready for u? w ñ MBB ,niake th6 """' I'-rfuniMl Hard 8.,aü waalJnR bottlMJ iSlnti tíie 3S Ml H PENHA. BALT H'PO CO. ■ Uea. Agts., PliU., ■, 7 BUSINESS CARDS. r R. WILLIAMs! Attorney at Lair, .Tillan, .Wc-li. Money loaned for outside parties.All legal business (fiven prompt attention. W. 8. MOORE, DENTI57 ! Work i'one In all forma nf modern iientistrv. Crown ai i Bridge work a specialty. Saiisfaetio'n Guaraateed. (U. of M. Gradúate.) 26 South Main St„ - - - Ann Arbor WM. W. NICHOLS, Dental Patlois ! OVEli 8A Visas BANK 0PPO8ITE COÜBT HOUSE 8QTJABE. A1ÏTHUB J KITSO1T, Coniractor and Bu Ider ! Estimates furnished on all kinds of Architec ture. Kesidence and Shop, 21 Geddes-ave. Choice Meats Oor. Waablmyton-st., and Firtli-ave. Our ftim is to pleflfc our eustomersby alwaya handliug the tery Choicebt Meats thatthe maiket atlords. J. J. FURGUSON, Jobber and Builder. Etimutrs Givun on Bhort Notlce, Bepavring, Bébuildiug and Jóbbing a Specialty. ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO SHOP, AND BBSIDKNCK, 16 W. Summit St., Ann Arbor, MichOil and Gasoline Brought 10 Your Door Without bothering to crder every time you are out. Drop a Postal Card, Or es II upon me at S. W. Corner of E. Washington and S Filih-ave. and h ave your order and I will keep you supplied at lowtst raies. JÖHIV BÁUMQARDÑER, Dealer in American and1 Imported QRANITES ! and all kinds of BUILDING STONE! Cemetery Work A SFCCIAliTI Corner of Detroit and Catherine sts. ANN ARBOR, MIOH. TFirMYÏNGTARLÖRS AND BATH UOO'ls Ladies' Artistic Kair Dressing and Bath Rocms UP STA1IÍS. SO S. State St., Kext to Skeéhan'ê. MK. & MKS. J. H. TKOJNOSK1 PANTS. & Pljuioutli Vl I JOHN BYERS,Agt. V )MW Ann Arbor, Mich, 5tr RINSEY & SEABOLT NO. 6 and 8 Washington St. Have always on hand a complete Stock of Bvetything in the GROCERYLINE Teas, Coffees and Sugar All prime articlcs bought for cash and can sell at low figures. Our frequent 'arge invoices of Teas is a sure sign we ive bargains in Quality and Prices. We roast our own coffees every week ahvays fresh and good. Our bakerv tuj-ns out the very best of Bread, Cakes and Crackers. Cali ana see us. HASK1NS' LIVERY Feed and Boarding Stable. 6 W. ANN STREET. Carrtagti to let. Borees boardtd at reatonablt ratt nnlfr '"'"''''"' '""'' ""''"' '" Ui' """"'' 'i good COME AND SEE VS s V_iy"10 w"-cox ave. y Bce, w. I . JLWLiL, PrM't. t. B. SrKNOEB, Sm,


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