Real Estate Exchanges
The following is a list of the rea estáte transfers in this ('ounty for tbe week ending November 2nd, as reported by the Washtenaw Abstract Co., office in Lawrence building, corner of Fourth and Ann-sts., Ann Arbor, Michigan. Wit. H. Ostrander to Ypsilanti Lumber Co. Augusta $ 100 Geo. A. Canfield to Thos.Fletcher, Chelsea 1000 Eliza A. Croffoot to Willis V. Parmelee, Ann Arbor 2000 Willis V. Parmelee to Samuel P. Town,í[Ann Arbor 2000 Samuel P. Town to A. C. Turpln, Ann Arbor 2500 Jane Heeney to Archie Miller, Ann Arbor 500 Eliza E. Walker to Richard Hopson, Augusta 20 M.C. Lewis by admin. to Mar-, garet R. Clancy, Ann Arbor. . . 400 Elizabeth Dettling to Geo. Dettling, Preedom 1000 Marshall Field to L. D. James, Ann Arbor 10000 Chas. E. Richmond to John G. Jeager, Dexter 300 H. L. Deuges to Ben Culey, Scio. 320 Eugene B Hall to Henry H. Cutting, Ann Arbor 2200 AV. J. Buerle toSt. Johns church, Freedom 1500 Chas. F. Staebler to Tobias Laubengayer, Ann Arbor 4500
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Ypsilanti Lumber Co.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register
William H. Ostrander
George A. Canfield
Thomas Fletcher
Eliza A. Crofoot
Willis V. Parmelee
Samuel P. Town
A. C. Turpin
Jane Heeney
Archie Miller
Eliza E. Walker
Richard Hopson
M. C. Lewis
Margaret R. Clancy
Elizabeth Dettling
George Dettling
Marshall Field
L. D. James
Charles E. Richmond
John G. Jaeger
H. L. Deuges
Ben Culey
Eugene B. Hall
Henry H. Cutting
W. J. Buerle
Charles F. Stabler
Tobias Laubengayer