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Turkey Is Doomed

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CoDstantinople: The greatest cxcitement reig-ns here. The grand vizier, Kiamil Pasha, has resigned, and liali Rifat Pasha has been uppointed to su - ceed him and a new miuistrv has been brmed. A Moslem uprisiug has been ireatened, but the sultans oiïicers ïave prevented it by subterfuges. 'he pólice raided the Turkish quarter f Sedik Pasha and a bloody fight enued in which a dozen were killed. A resh erop of revolutionary placards vus seattered broadcast. Even at the )ortes house a letter was fonnd giving be sultan the alternative of abdietion r assassination. Reports are reaching the embassies f the powers frona all direetions of wlmlesale massacres. The report is gaining ground, even in diplomatic ircles, that the sultan has ordered he exteruiination of the Armenian ace. The excitement is spreading to syria, ]5agdad and Moral. Murder and rapiñe are rampant throughout rmenia. The number of the killed nust not be reckoned by hundreds or by thousands, but by tens of thouands, and reports from Syria declare hat the Armenians have been massared under direct orders from the eminent. The joint aotion of the oreign ministers, and their individual and peremptory deiuands upon the orte is regarded as the most grave md significant dfinonstration of recent years. They told the porte lainly that foree would beused unless -he Turkish government took adequate action to prolect the Armenians. As each daj' passes, however, the situation recomes more and more alarining. The sultan seems to be defying the owers in bestowing orders for good service upon the Turkish officials who are held responsible for the recent outrages in Armenia. The Armenians are said to be receivng support from unexpected sources and the Turkish government may soon 3e face to face with an open and widespread revolt. The dissatisfaction igaiust the rule of the sultan has exiended to the Turkish army and navy. Kobody here would be surprised to hear of an outbreak in the palace itself. The newsreceived from the provinces continúes to be of the gravest nature; further disorders are ïvported from different sections, the mobilizing of the army reserves is progressing so slowly that they might just as well have been left at home, and the general impression prevails stronger tlum ever that European intervention in the aclministration of the affairs of the Turkish empire will very soon become absolutely necessary in order to avert further and much more serious bloodsbed. The porte seems insensible to what is going on or utterly incapable of appreciating the extent to vvhich anarchy has spread during' the last few weeks. The number oí victims of tlie üaiburi massaore is now reported to be 1,500, and it is estiraated that the total munber of Armenians, men, women and ehildren, killed during all the most recent mas aeres exceeds 10,000, and that total is constantly being added to. During the past two weeks over 350 Armenians have been exiled from Constantiuople without trial, and the pólice are stilï engaged in making arrests. A consul iust arrived from the interior and he describes the vvhole country froin Eiv.oum and Trebizond as completely devastated. Every Armenian town and village is in ruins. Heaps oí unburied bodios are found every where. Every indieation points to tlie íaet that the aft'airs oí Turkey are ;ipproachiug a crisis, and it is significant that oDly two Solutions of the diflieulty are discussed by the European press - the entire dismemberraent of Turkey or the deposition of the sultan. The owers are novv showinp that they w ill lo loner be hoodvvinked by the sulran's promises, which are never innded to be kept. It is known that ie sultan still refuses to believe that lat the powers are in accord in demandingf reforms. From Arabia comes reports of a coniet between Turkish troopsand Arabs ear Senna in which 30 were killed. íew disturbances are occurring at íoosh. So it poes throughout all 'urkey, revolt in almost every provnce and, with the threatened demontration by the powers, the porte may soon awake to the fact that the very Ufe of the Turkish empire is in danger. Now Let the Llon Koar. Constantinople: The English mission near Jerusalem has been attacked by a riotous mob. The missionaries escaped, but some of the servants of the mission were killed. President Cleveland has issued a proelamation Thursday, November 28, as Thanksgiving day."


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