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Clerk Dansingburg iesued five iinari-iage licenses Monday. Sewer Contraetor Collins had a small strike on his hands one day last week. The Presbyterian people have put in electric light fixtures in tho auditorium of their church. The Germán M. E. church services for Sunday will be [held in the second ward school building. Goorge R. Cady, of Ypsilanti, the iather of Mre. G. W. Snow, died at his home last Priday morning. Paris Banfield has decided to go back to the bench again. He will locate on Liberty-st near State. The Political Equality Club met Monday afternoon and celebrated the birthday of Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Charles Balfanz, of Northfield, died at his home last Wednesday night f rom dropsy. Deceased was 67 years old. Mrs. Walker entertained the Collegiate Alumnae at her home, No. 43 Waahtenaw-ave., last Monday evening. The magnificent rain last Priday night and Saturday is just what was badly needed before the ground froze up. The next lecturo before the Unity Club will be given Monday evening next upon Engineersaand Engineering JpBchools. October seems to have been an e6pecially good month for weddings. County Clerk Dansingburg issucd 38 licenses. Mr. A. A. Pearson is filling the editorial chair on The Register in the absence of S. A. Moran who is out of city for a week. The last serai-annual appropriation öf the primary school fund by the state averages 83 cents per capita. Th is aracuiits to $577,000. Headquarters for this county have boon opened in this city by the Granito State Provident Assoeiation, a New Kngland building and loan association. Quite a number of Ann Arbor people went to Detroit last Thuraday and Priday to view the wreek of tho Journal office. Tliey all say it was a horrible .sight. James B, 'J homas, formerly of this city, and who was killed in the Journal office wreek last week was the last one of the missing men found by the rescures. ersc K. Kelly geil Wood REGISTER OFF1I K: 30 E. Huron-.l. The ladies of the Presbyterian ehurch will give an oyster Bupper in the parlors of the church tonight from 7 to 10. All are invited. J. George Graf, of Wild's tailoring establishment, died Sunday tnorning of pneumonía, after a sicknoss of only two days. He leaves a wife and two children. The committee, appointed by the supervisors to settle either with Paul G. Suekey, or his bondsmen, report that they are ready to talk business when the cash is in sight. Dr. Cash C. Mantz, the newly appointed assistatant to Dr. M. H. Parmalee, professor of the diseases of women in the homoeopathic college, died last Fri day at his home in Toledo. The approaching wedding of Dr. Fred M. Prettyman, brother of Alderman H. G. Prettyman, cof this city, to Miss Gertrude von der Slies, of Campiñas, Brazil, is announced. "The Ministry of Song" (musically illustrated) in the M. E. church next Sunday evening. Dr. Cobern will speak in the morning on "The Saint Paul of the Nineteenth Century." A movement is on foot looking to the early closing of the hardware stores of the city. It is at. present blocked by a few dealers who do not .see the desircbility, but it will probably succeed soon. Saturday night appears Leiand T. Powers, the well known impersonator, at University Hall in the Students' Lecture Associationcourse. Sheridan's celebrated play "The Rivals," will be glven. The Germán M. E. church membership have purchased a lot at the corner of S. Fourth-st. and W. Jefferson-8t., and will at once proceed to the erection of a neat little church and parsonage thereon. W. W. Wederaeyer, Commissioner of Schools, has issued in pamphlet form a complete list of all teachers in the county who hold certificates. It also contains the name and P. O. address of the directora in every district. This ia the special week of prayer observed by the Y. M. C. A. organization all over the country. The local Y. M. C. A. are holding special meetings each evening this week between 8 and 9 p. m. in their rooms on Main-st. Hypnotism reigns supreme at the Opera House this week. There is a large crowd every night. Santanelli is certainiy a master in his profession. The students are trying to get up a class to learn how to hypnotize. Judge C. B. Grant, of the Michigan Supreme Court, gave an able address before the Union meeting of the Young People's Societies at the Presbyterian church last Sunday night. The auditorium was crowded to its utmost capacity. Rev. Mr. Newnan, pastor of the First Christian church, of Detroit, will preach at the Church of Chrisv next Sunday morning and evening. Rev. Newnan is one of the ablost preachers in Detroit and wil] please all who go to hear him. Messrs. Wood Allen and Hubbard, of the Unlversity, carne in f rom Portage Lake last Saturday night bringing as a trophy a monster wild goose. It weighed eight and one-fourth pounds- on the scales. We kmw it for the writer did the weighing. The Inland League will give a social to its members and friends in the parlors of the Church of Christ tomorrow pight. A line musical program has been arranged for the evening. You are cordlally Invitcd to come, get ac quainted and enjoy yourself. Mrs. Harriet E. Terry, wife of A. A. Tcrry, of this city, died very suddenly Sunday forenoon, aged 67 years. Sh'e was a very estimable lady and her loss causes sorrow i n a large clrcle of , f rionds. Funeral at the house Tuesday afternoon. Rev. Henry Tatlock, orticiating. Georse K. Kelly teil Wood B. Frank Bower, whohas been at the bedelde of his gieter durinp the past , week, returned on Mondsy morning to lis home at Cincinnati, leaving his gister on the fair road to recovery. Mr. Bower is at present business manager of the popular Cincinnati Tribune. The reception given last Priday evenLng; at Granger's academy, by Mr. and Mrs. John Burg and Mr. Clinton Hardy Woodruff, was a very elabórate affair. The rooms were beautifully decorated and the ref reshMents the most elegant. An exceedingly enjoyable time was had by all. Mrs. Florence Kelley, of the celebrated Huil House mitsion, Chicago, and state inspector of factories, spoke Wednesday afternoon before the Woman's League and invited friends on "Child Labor and the Sweatinp System." It was a most interesting and practical talk and greatly enjoyed by those present. During the past week through the agency of Fred. McOmber four losses byfire have been adjusted and paid. W. W. Wallace received $500 on conten ts of his livery barn; C. A. Maynard, $150 for his loss by the same fire; Mrs. Emmeline Cheever for loss of barn, $200, and Add Collum for his club house at Zukey Lake, $2.35. Washtenaw Chapter, R. A. M., conferred the Royal Arch degree upon L. C. Weinmann, W. C. Butler and Mr. Rhoads, of Saline, last evening. Upwards of 15 companions from Excelsior Chapter, of Ypsilanti, were present, also other visitors. After the work was over a supper was served to over 50 who remained to partake of it.- Tuesdaj's Evening Times. Mr. Frank Legg and Miss Francés Dorr, both of the Ann Arbor Organ Co., were married last Wednesday night. After the ceremony a reception was given to the young people at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Clement. Both the yong folks are well and favorably known. Their many friends wish them much joy all through life. Pauline Oesterle, by her next friend, Christlan Oesterle, has sued the village of Chelsea for $1000 damages. Last winter she stepped into a hole in a defecüve sidewalk. A rusty nail was run into her foot and six weeks of sickness followed. The doctor is to pay and the wherewithal must come from the village with a small amount additional as a forcible reminder. We wish to again cali the attention of our friends, and Jpatrons to the fact that The Register has removed its office to No. 30 E. Huron-st., (H. Randall's former stand) where it is permanently located. We invite our friends to cali and see us in our new quarters. We are not entirely settled yet but will be in a few days. Come and see us - we will not explode a boiler while you are calling. This city lost another of its most worthy citizens Tuesday night in the sudden death of James Clements. His death was probably the result of an apoplectic stroke. Mr. Clements came to this country from England when but a young man, and as a reeult of a long life of business activity amassed a comfortable fortune. His tnain business has been with gas works and he was considered one of the beet gas experts in the state; Elliott K. Herdman, the 18 year old son of Dr. W. J. Herdman, took a clandestine trip to New York city, a week or two since, and did not leave his address with his parents. Previous to bis departure he had seemed very despondent over his studies, and his eontinued absence soon greatly alarmed the Doctor and his estimable wife. However the boy turned up all right; though Dr. Herdman was obliged to make the trip to New York to look him up. The New York papers conceived the idea that the boy was on his way to Cuba or some other rebellious locality. The ladies of the English Lutheran burch are holding a fair in the parlors of the church on Thursday and Friday evenings. The arrangement is to represent the different days of the week by separate booths in each of : which will be for sale articles i ate for the domestic duties of the day , repreaented. A large number and variety of articles will be. offered for sale. Oyster supper and iee cream and cake will be served from 5 to 9 o'clock. Entertainment of various kinds will be afforded. The proceeds are for the furnishing of the auditorium whieh will be completed soon. It is a worthy object and they should have a large patronage. The regular meeting of the school board Tucsday of this week attended to several matters of general interest. In view of the terrible Detroit Journal boiler explosión it was thought best to authorize the high school janitor to hire an assistant, in order that at no time the boilers soon tobe put in should be uncared for. Mr. Gruners resigna - tion was not accepted the board still hoping that it may be withdrawn and that Mr. Gruner will continue a member of the board. Superintendent Ferry was authorized to dismiss school if the weather should becomo so eold as to becomenecessary, the understandin- being that the new boilers will not be ready for use inside cf two months. UKGISTËH O1FU li: -30 E. Huron-st.


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Ann Arbor Register