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The Historie Route. The Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis Railway, the model railroad of the South in equipment, roadway and service, is also the greateBt in historical interest, more than fifty famous battlefields and five national cemeteries being located on the various lineB of this gystem. This is the preferred route to Atlanta tor the Cotton States and International Exposition, open f rom September 18, to December 31, 1895, for which very low excursión rates have been made. Through sleeping car service from St. Louis to Atlanta via Evansville, Nashville and Chattanooga. This is the route of the famous "Dixie Plyer" through sleeping car line which runs the year round between Nashville and Jacksonville, Fla. For futher information, address Briard F. Hill. 328 Marquette Building, Chicago, 111., or R. C Cowardin, Western Passenger Affent, Railway Exchange Building, St. Louis, Missouri, or D. J. Mullaney, Pass. Agt. 59 Weet Fourth St. , Cincmnati, Ohio. W. L. Danley, G. P. & T. A., 95 Nashville, Tenn. GEORGE R. KELLY SELLS WOOD. Do you scratch and scratch, and wonder what's the matter? Doan's Ointment will instantly relieve and permanently cure any itchy disease of the skin no matter of how long standing. A. E. Mummery has just received a new assortment of those 25 and 50 cent knives. If you are not satisfled you can have your money back. Fifteen cents buys a 25 cent package of Turkish Tooth leaste at Mummery's Drug Store. : i L Scissors. ! = i i We havejust recoived a lot of finoly lliiishiMl i scissors, f rom 3'2 lo Wt i luches long. We bouht (hem at a bargatn and , t.liey are yours, if you , wuut them, at 25 ets. a Pair. 1 If you see them you will buy a pair. -CALKINS' PHARMACY.hJ OUR 25 CENÍ COLUMN. WASTE. rPO Money to Luau on Michigan _L Mutual Life Insurance Company's Endownment Policies in sunis to suit. B. J. Conrad, 9C_ W Sulesmen to sell a complete line of lubricating olls and groases. Liberal terms to good salesman. Oarland Renning Co., Cleveland, O. 95 ANTE- Kevcral trustworthy gentlemen orladles to travel in Michigan for estahlished, rellabh' house. Salary S7KO and expenses. Steady positlon. Enclosereferenee and self addressed stamped envelope. The Dominion Company, Tlilrd Floor, Omaha Bldg., Chicago. Til. ' 03 W -Cellars and yards to clean Rubbtsh removed. Leave orders wlth Win. Action, 22 l'ontlac-st. 77tf FOB JjVARW FOK SÏi.E:- thëBullook or tverêtt r farm, 3 miles wwt of Salem staiiou aud 11 miles fRim Ann Arbor, contahiirg 109 acres, house and barss, stock and well water in abundanc Hmber; school and churchwitbin a mlle; lauQ naturally the besi; all Reeded down. Prlce and terms reasonable. Cali on or addres: Andrew K. Uibaou.80 Maynard at., Ann Arboi, Mlch. 45tf t?OK RENT- House on Chèrry st . 4 rooms r 2 closet Ist Boor, large copboard In kito.hen. i rooms and 2 closets :nd Hoor. ilso store room. Good ctstern and city water. Kor terms inquire ai corner Spring and Oherry sta. 85 tf LÖK SA1.E- Cood locatlon for wood and F ooalyard. WUlsellcheap. Wm. Action, 2J Pontlac-et. 7-tf FOK SAtB- New Safe. WU1 be sold at a bargain. Enqulru of S. A. Moran, Register OfBcg; 39T f LOK SALE- 3 miles west of city on Dex1 ter rond, W acres good farm land especially suitable for fruit farm, lu acres timber F.nqulre of A. 8. Lyon 011 the premlses. 7i)tf OÜS15S FOit KAIK K ItENT-Real Estáte bougbt and Bold. Fire Insurance in flrst-claascompanies, ( all and consult me bef ore decid'.ng. I belleve I can accommodate ynu. Mary L. Haniiltoii, room 11, Httmllton Block. o"tf flOl SALE - Mrsi Perkin'f farm, 80 acres, 2 miles easi of Saline T miles south of Anti Arbor, known as thé Kellogg farm. Si acres good bearlng peacb on-hard house, barn, stock and well water in aliundance, school wjtliln H mile. l'ii.-e reasonable terms easy, cali on premises or U S. Ingallsst., Ann Arbor. 94tf KOB HBIV'r, TOBKKT fwö elegant rooms o u,d Boorof the Hamil ton block corner Huron and Fourth Avenue. Bteam heatlng Water furnlshed. [nqlreof J.Q. V. Sessions, Agent, :;t; E. Huron street.orilr. Edrty, Janltorof the block. 33tf L'OK RENT- Four unfurnished rooms, 1 fieshly palnted and papered. conven lent f ir lijilit house kecping. Enqulre at 47 South I 'u iMn streot. u UMIlUCnnïvniiariaK


Old News
Ann Arbor Register