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An Ordinance Relative To The Use Of Streets And Other Public Places

An Ordinance Relative To The Use Of Streets And Other Public Places image
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Section 1. That whenever any sidewalk in any street, alley. or ether public place of this city, shall be obetructed or encumbered by reason of any snow, ice, water, slush, mud. dirt, lilth', rubbish, leaves, sand, briok, stones, mortar, lumbei-, building material, cual, wood, boxes, barrels, orates, paekages, posts, stands, show cases, advertising deviees, storm doors, stairwa s railings, signs, awnings, or any other thing, artiele or substance whieh m y have fallen, formcd.aocumulated or been placed, dropped, delivered, erected or suspended upon or over the said sidewalk, it shall ue the duty of the owner or oocupant of the premiaos adjacent to and abutting upon the said sidewalk, and the said owner or occupant is hereby required, to remove the said encumbrance or obstruction, or cause the samo to be removed, or effect such other disposal thereoí as shall be hereinafter set, forth : and the said owner or an1 shail keep and maintain the said sidewalk free and clear of all encumbrances and obs'.ractions and at all ti mes safe and conveuient for the use of the public except as hereinafter provided. Section 2. That vvhonever any snow shall fall or drift on or across any sidewalk in any street or other public place of this city, the owner or occupant of the lot, building or other premises adjacent to or abutting upon the said sidewalk, shall remove the said snow or cause the same to be removed within the periods of time herein limited, towlt: Snow that has accumulated in or during the night time sball be removed ly eight o'clock a. m. next morning; snow falling or drifting during the day time shall be removed within two hours after the same shall have ceased to accumulate ; and in case of a protracted snow or wind storm, the snow shall be cieared away from time to time during the day so that a convenient passage shall be kept and maintained open for travel, the said remováis being effected as often as once in every four hours. Section 3. That whenever any ice sball form on any sidewalk in any ! or other public place in this city, the owner or occupant of the lot, building or other premises adjacent to and abuttingupon the said aidewjlk shall, if practicable, immediately remove the said ice, or cause the same to be re : provided that when immedíate removal is impracticable, the said owner or ocoupant shall immediately ■alt or sand to be strewn upon the said : Buch a man nor and in euch quanbities as to prevent the said sidewalk fronjfbelng slippery and dangerous to pedestriaaa using the same, and the said ice shall be removed at the earliest possible moment thereafter. The use of sawdust or ashes for and instead of the said saltorsand is hereby expressly prohíbited. Section -I. That whenever le accumulate upon any sidewalk in any Street, or other public place of this eíty, in sufficient quantities to tmpede or obstruct1 public travel across or along sidewalk, the owner or occupant of the premises adjacent tonnd abuttingupon the said sidewalk shall ove the said leaves or cause the same to be removed: and it is herebj permitió} that the said Leaves may be crathered in small heapa along the of the street, or upon the said premises, and burned : provided that nothinoherein contained shall be construed to i ii a;iy degree modify, repeal or amend the provisiona of an ordinance of this city entitled 'n Ordinance Relativo to Pire Limite and tires." Section 5. lt shall be the duty of tne Board of Public Works to take cognizance of any violution of the pn - fisiona of this ordinance, relative to the removal of obstructions from streets, alleys, anü sidewalks. And whonever the said Board shall leurn of any sidewalk in any street, alley or other public place in this city bein structed or encumbred contrary to the regulations herein contained, the said Board shall immodiately causo a written or printed notice to be served upon íhe person charged under this ordinance with the rsmoval of the said obstruction or encumbrance. The said notice shall set forth the location of the sidewalk, the nature of the obstruction or encumbrance, and the premises by street and number or other sufficient di s ünatinn, adjacent to and abutting upon the said sidowalk, and Bhall also prescribe the time after service within which the said sidewalk shall be cleared and made convenient ! for public travel, the said time in each being fixed by the said Board : providing that one liour shall be time fixed for the removal of snow, Bluah or ice, and that in no other case shall a longer period of time be allowed than twenty-four hours. The said notice may be served by handing a copythereof totheowner or occupant of the premises therein ed, by leaving a copy at his or her last place of residence, or osting a copy in a conspicuous place upon the premiaee. The i r or servant of the ea of Public Works, serving the said notice. shall endorse the day and hout-vire, and the manncr thereof, upon the said notice; and shall return a copy of the said notice to the office of ity Clerk with the said day, hour and marmer of service duly certifled thereon. Ln case the said sidewalk be oot olearod within the time limited in aid notice, the said Board shall proceed forth with to innovo the said uctionor encumbrance ftt the expense of this city, and a statement of suchxpense shall be filed in the office of the City Clerk along with the return copy of said notice. For the removal of snow the suid Board are hereby permitted to pay not to exceed the föllowingpri.-es: Prom before premises having a f i-on lage on the street of four rods or less, twenty-five cents; from before premises having a greator frontage tian four rois, twenty-five cer.ts and ave cents for each additional rod or i ract ion thereof above four rods. The iwner or occupant of any lot, building or premisee adjacent to or abutting upon any sidewalk that shall have been ilaared of obsti-uctions er encumbranc■s by the said Board of Public Works in the manner herein prescribed, shall be entitled to pay the said expenses of aid clearance, with ten per cent. added thereto for ooUe'etion, at the office of ihe City Clerk, who is hereby author1 1 receive the same and to receipt herefor in the name of the city. at any f i me prior to the tirst Monday in June next 8UR(?eeding the date of the notice served in the case. Upon said tirst Monday in June of each" year the City Clerk shall certifiy to the City Assessor a list of all sueïi charges remain i g unpaid for the ourrent year, and the City Assessor shall enter the s...,, charges upoa the tax ro!l of the pro; er district as a speciaj ussessmeni agaics' fie respective lots or pan els of land speeified in said list, and the said charges shall be added to the total of I city taxetj levied npon the said lots or , pareéis oí land for the same year, and Iiall be a lien upon the same, aecording lo the provisions of Soctioa l. 2 of the charter of tnis city. And Buch further proceedinjrs shall bi1 I; are f urther set forth and permitted b the suid Section 132, Section 6. IS'o pérson, flrm or corporation shall plovv, shovel, brush oi heap up uuy snow, ico, s:nd. gravel oi other material, in or upon any sireet, alley or other public place of fchis city, into ridges or piies. except along the sides of the said Street pending the itnmediate vemoval of the saic material, unlet,s the Board oi Public Works shall have prevlouslj given formal permission therefor. In all cases when it becotnea necessarj that snow iae, sand, gravel or othei materials bo shoveled, brushed, plowe or moved about in or upon any street, alley or other public place in this city it shall be done in such a manier as to leave a smooth and level surface. anc so that public travel shall not be impeded or obstructed thereby. Section 7. Merchauts and other persons doing business in peim ment looations in fchis city that are adjacent to and abut upou sidewalks of a greatei width than ton fo t, are hereby permitted to use ,the inner portion of the i s'dewa'k the front, rear or sidt of the premises owned or oc.-upied by them, for the purp ise of displaying o"r advertising their goods, wares or merehandise, or fo ■ su h other purposes as Bhall bo ho!cina,t;r specified, but no stand, thovveaw, sign or other device ■ r iele or thing used or intended for said purpjse gl ai1 be buili, placed set out, or s ispemied on or over the said side.valk o as lo extend int) the st ■ ■ t or eneroach upon the sidewalk, for a irie dis'a ce fian three feet, m jusur. d fro n tiie line of the street. ,-vnd no balcony or balustrade shall be built or attached to any building so that any part of the same or of the suppjrts therato shall extend into tlustreet a groater distanee than three feet. Ana no stairway leadiug upwards f ( m any sidewalk in any street orothfei p ibtic place ot this city shall be built placed or permitted to remain so oach upoa tha width of the said si U walk for more than three feet meas ured from the line of the street. l'hi sdui merchante and others occupying permanent business locations shal'l bl uit cd to construct openings in side h s front, rear or siJo ol t leir said locations of a great r width taan ten feet, to admit of the delivery of fuel into basement areas under said sidewalks, for the admission of light and air to sucl or to the ments of store buildings, or for ;; way leading dow nward into s.üd ai basement: provided that openings foi the delivery of fuel, when mademon than three feet from the inner iine of the said gidewalk, shall be not greatei than eighteen inches indiameter,circular in form and be effe'ctually 1 when not in actual use by an ron e, set flush with the surface of the s:K walk, level therewith, and sccurelj .! ia place; all oúaer openin&s in; so constructed as not to eacroacl upon ttie width of the sidewalk for a distanee of more than threfe feet, d ured from the inner line of the sidewalk. Openings for stuirways shall be .protected by iron raüings not less than three feet in height, with a gate to close the entrance to the stairs, which shali be kept closed at all hours of the dav or night when tiie plan; of business connected therewith shall bs closed, but all sneh stairways kept open at nighi shall be well lighted at the top. All other openings in sidewalks shall bc closed and protected eithe by subsiantial iron gratinifa or üluminated pavement so placed as to be fiush with the surfaooof the sidewalk, and level therewith. The said inerehants and o! In ishall further be permitted to set np aa maintain storm doorsupon the sidewalkof the width aforesaid from November to March inclusive the winter: provided that' no storm door shall be placed so as to encroach upon the width of the sidewalk for more than three feet. The suid merchants and others shall also be permitted to suspend movahle awninga from the front of their wtive places of business sothat the said awnings wh n lowered extend out into the street for any oonvenient dlstance dot to exceed sis foet; provided that no such awnlg shall be so susj)ended that any par; or atteehment thereof shall ever be less than soven feet in a vertical line above the surface of the sidewalk. No person, firm or corporation shall bo hereaf.ter peranitted to puctá permanent awning, pórtico, to any building or place of business in this city. of wood iron or any other material, that shalt extend into the streel for r distance than three feet. Section 8. No person shall cause or permit any horse, cow. sheep, mule, or other similar animal, or any cart, carriage, dray, hack. outter, or other vehiele under his or her care or control) to go upon any sidewalk in any street, ftlley or other public place in this city, except for the pui-pose of leavingor entering yards or buildings at such places as are regularly intandéd fir such ]u!-iosc. No person shall permit any horse, cow, sheep, hog, mule, ■ r other similar .animal, or wagon, cart. dray, carriage, cutter.sled or other vehie'.e to halt or remain upon anv sidewalk or orosBwalk so as to obstructor impede public travel thereon. Nor shall any person make use of any sidewalk in any street, alley or Other public place in this city for skating, or for coasting with sli ds, or for riding or goIng from place to plaeewith bicycles or velocipedes: provided that nothing herein contained shall be construed to prevent the customary usa of baby earriages upon sidewalks, and children under the age of six years are hereby especially excepted from the operation of the provisión concerning bieyeles , and velocipedes. Section 9. Any person owning or , ocoupying any permanent business , catión adjacent to and abutting upon ] any sidowalk in any street, aíley or 1 other public place in this city, of a width not less than ten feet, is'hereby ( permitted to construct and maintain an s area or other excavation under the said '( sidewalk: provided that the said f cavation shall not be of a grealer width i than the said sidewalk, shall not exceed c twelve feet in depth' and shall be ' { closed by a good and sufficient stone vvall so built as to firmly support the said sidewalk and to prevent any caving oi' settling of the street. Section 10. No horse, cow, mule, goat, sheep, hog or other similar animal, eithersingly or in heru's ordroves shall be permitted to go at large in any street, alley or other public plaoe ín fchis city, by the owner or person havirg the care or control of said animal, or animáis, nor to stand in any snch public place without heing securely hit shedi ; nor shall any such animáis be herded together or fed in any street or public place, nor shall any trough, feed box or any other device for "feeding such anímala be set up in any of the public streets or places; nor shall any of said mimáis or any team or wagoii or camage, hack dray, delivory wagon, cutter, sled, or other vehlcle, be halted or permitted to stand so as to obstruct or impede public travel across or along any street, alley or other pub! ir p unnecessarily, and the person having the rare or control of any animal or anmals, team or vehile, shall always halt the same so as to impede or obstruct rmblic travel aslittle as possible. Vo stallion, jackass, buil or other similar animal shall be exhibited in any street, alloy or other public plaoe in this city, nor kept with the limits of rhis sity for the purpose of generation, except in an enclosed and covered building, and in such a manner as not to cause a nuisance. Section 11. No porson shall, by raeans of a rope, pulley, tackle, windass or other device, appliance or mehanism, causa any box, bale, eask, orate, building materials or any other ihilLg, article or substance, to be raised or lovrered between any store, loft, uom, or building, and any street, or other public place, of this city, special permission of the Board of Public A'orks. Section 12, No person shall permit [■ cause any stones. brick. sand, gravel, lumbar, building materials, coal, wood. loxes, barrels, bundies, ice, paper, .vire, glass, tacks, rubbish or any other h i ng, article or substance, to be dropped, lelivered, lelt, scattered, or piled u;j in jny street, alley or other public piace m this city, except in such quan' ïnd in such a manner as may be pernitted by the Board of Public Works .'or building purposes, and any person trivlng any delivery wagon, dray, cart, íled, or otber vehicle shall be rosponsiblts for his load that no part tlieroof. ir any article or substance hauled or :onveyed by hiua, shall fail or remain n or be scattered about upon anv treet, aüey or other public place of his city. Section 13. No pers5n,(irm or corporition shall use or oecupy any portion of iny street, aliey, lane or other public place ol liiis city for building purposes, without previously obtiining a premi ■lor trom the Board of Public ka. To obtain said premit the said person, firnj or corporation, shall lile :n application in writing with the said Joard, setting fortn the premisos upon ïhich the said building is to be perormed, the extjnt of the work to be lone, at;d the probable longth of time bat the street will need to ba obstruet■ ore icumbered, and if required by he said Board, the said applicant sliafl i bond in any sum, not to exeéd two thouaand dollars, as shall be xed by the said Board, with two or rore resident suivties. conditionèd hat t e said a])plicaat shall faithfully ■ve all requirements of this city ■elfttive to the care and handliug of juilding materials in tho street, snall indemmfy and sa .e harmless the said sity from any and all damages or acions at la.v that may arise or be brought on account of the presence of s.iid building materials in the street, and the said bond shall cöntain -jch futther cenditions as shall seem roper to the Baid Board and the City .Vttorney. And any person using or ocupying any portion of any street. aüey, ans or other publ c place of this city or bui'ding purposes shall restore and enew tny pavement, crosswalk, sidewalk, curbuig or street Burface, disr.urbed, injured or destroyed by reason lid building, toa first-class condiu isfactory to the saul Board of Public Works, within ten days after the said building shall have been com.ileter'. The permit of the said Board iblic Works shall desígnate the imount of space to be oecupiod, and the lengtli of time, and whether the walk is to be obstructed, provided thut no such premit shall allovv more than half the width of the street to be ob I " or encumbered bv the said building materials and the said building matei i ils shall be placed in the street wlthin the limits prescribed by the said opremit, and removed within the period of time therein e and when the said premit aüows the sidewalc ta be obstiuc ed, the perron obtaininy the same shall cause a orary sidewalk to be built mil mainta'ned aronnd the space set forth to be ( c :upied by the sak] ra 10I lessthan three feet in width and afe and convenient for public travitisfactory to the gaid Board. But 10 such rcateriala shall be so placed a to obstruct the free flow of surface along the gatter of the si i Section 14. No person, flrmorcorporition shall moke any excavation in ,v or otherpuWic place of this Ity, or tear up, remove or encumber my sidewalk, crosswalk, eurbing-, paveaent or st reet surface therein, without irst obtaining a permit therefor from ihe 15,iard of Public Works. To obtain the said permit t!ie said person, iirm or' corporatiou Bhall submit an application n writing to the said Board, which hall fully set forth the extent, nature, lurpoae and loeation of the proposed iperations in the streel : and if o rejuired by the said Board the said appli'íint Bhall also lile a bond with two or moi-e sufücieot sureties, in a reasonable ava not to exoeed ten thousand dollars Bxed by the said Board, conditioned that ihj said applicant will obt-y all uleiand regulations oï this city rolaive to the protection of excavations and piles of mater ials in the streets, vill protect and save harmless the said ity from a!l damages or actions at law that may arise or be brousíht on account of the preenee of the said excavations or piles of mate-.'ials in the said streets. or on account of any negltffence in thé protection or handling of the same, and that the said applicant will prosècute the proposed work with dus diligence, and will promptlv restore all sidewalks' croBSwalks, eurbing, pavement or street surfaee removed, injured, or eneumbered, to a perfect condition, satisfactory to the said Board of Public Works; and the said bond shall contain such other conditions as shall seem proper to the said Board or the City ney. The premit shall prescribe the timo within which the work described in the said applieation shall becoinpleted, and the length of time thereafter within which the streets and sidewalks shall be restored to perfect condition, and shüll oontain such other requirements as shall seem appropriate in the oase to the said Board ; and tho said applicant shall complete the said work and effect tlie restoration of the streets, and sidewalks within the time limited in ths said permit;and shall obey all other requirements of the said Board of Public Wofks, and all rules and reifulations of this city relative to the protectioa of exoavations and piles of materials in the streets, and relative to tho restoration of sidewalks, crosswalks, curbinf, parement or street surfane torn up in ju red or encumbered in said city. And any person, fipm or eorporation disturbing, removiny;, injuring or encumbering any Bidewalk, crosswalk, curbing, ! pavement or street surf ace in j this city shall promptly restore the same to a perfect condition satisfactory t-o the Board of Public Work". The Ann Acbar Gas Co. and t ie Ann Arbor Water are hereby especially permitted to make excava! inris in the streot for the Stoppage of leaks in their mains, under the directions of the Street Commissioner. Section 15. No person. firm or corporation shall move, transport or vey any building, car; or other similar bu'.ky or hoavy objoct into, across or along uny sti'eet, allcy or other public place this city without previously obtaining a permit from the Board of Public VV'orks therefor. To o tain the said permit the said person, lirm or corporatioi shall submit an applicatioD in writing to the said Board, in which shall be set forth the thing tobe moved, the place from which it in to be removed and the place to which it is to be taken, and the nieaus to be used foi' its transporation ; and the said applioant shall also if so required by the said Board, flle a bond in a sum to b3 fixed by the said Boai d said sum not to exceed one thousand dollars, with suoh conditions as the said Board or City Atfo.'ney shall deern proper in the premisus, to protect the said city from aoy damagea or actions at law that inight arie or be brought on account of any negligente on the part of the said i e 'son, ürra or Corporation, in conducting the said ramoval, and to eoinpe] the restoration of any sidewa'.k, crosswalk. curbing1, pavement or street suri ace disturbed, injured, re novel, or encumbered in said process óf removal to a perfect condition, satisfactory to saii Board. The permit of the said Board of Public Works shall desígnate the route to be followed through the streets of tlus city, and the time within which the aid removal shall be effected and any necessai1,pairs upon the streets in c on lequence thereof, completeJ. The said person, firm er otroration sha 1 remove the said building or other bulky or heavy object, by tlie route designated by the said Board, within the. time limited ín said permit, and in such a mannor as to cause the least possible obstruction to public travel. No such building or other similar bulky or heavy object shall be haltec! for the nightso as to obstrucl any sldewalk or crosswalk, or in the intersection of st reate, and any sidewalk, crosswalk, eurbing. pavement or street surface disturbed, encumbered, or injured in the course of the said removal sliaii ue promptly restored to a perfect condition, satisfactory to the said Board of Public Works, by the said person, firm or Corporation. Section 16. Whenever any excavation, pile of dirt, rubbish, or building material, any or other bulky beavy object, or any oth :r thing, artic!e or substance in such position, coadition or quaatity as to obstruct orbe dangerous to imblic travel, sliall bc tted to be and remain in any street, alley, lane or other public place in this city during tlie whole or any part of the night time between the noursof sunsetand sunrise, thti person persons caueing the said obs'.ruction, or having the care or control thereof, shall cause the same to be prote;:ted by suitable barriers. satisfactory to the Boird of Public Works, and sháll place a su!Ii(úent number of red lights on or about the said obstruction and barriers tu indícate its and their locition and extent. And whanever public travel along or across any s'reet or sidewalk of this city. is obstructed or prevented by reason of any work being in progress for the construction, repair or reno wal of any sidewalk, crosswalk, curbinff, pavement, or streat surface, suitabïe barriers and lights satisfactory to th s Board of Public Works, shall be maintained at and about the said place of obstruction. by the p rson h;i charge of the said work, between the houi'B ol sunset and sunrise durin" the nigüt. And when any Street shall be wholiy obstructed ai any point, barriers and lights shall be set up and maintained at nig-ht at the neare-t arija ent crosswalks thereto, úpon each side ofthe said obstruetion. Section 17. No pereon shall ride or drive any horse. oarriago, .sleijrb, or othev vehicle in or through any strekt or avenue of this city at a rata of speed fast than miles an hour; pro that t'ie Gommon Oouncil may by r.'solution desígnate a street within the limits of this city to be used us a speeding of horses in winter. etion 18. On all residence streets, lavvn extensions m;iy 1)" made whioh shall, hovvever, not interfere with the vvidth of roadwaya as follon-s: In all is of the width of three rods. the roadwa.v shall bo twenty-flve feet wide extending twelve and one-half feet on either side of the center line of the said street; in ail streets of the width ol four rodö, the roadway shall be left thirty-four feet wide extending seventoen feet on either side of the center line thereof; and In all other streets the width of the roadway and ofthe lawn extensión shall be reg;u]ated by special resolutiou in each case. Provided that upon streets wherein street car tracks have been laid, the width of the roadway shall be made five feet greater than hereinbefore pr6scribed the said roadway to be evenly divided bv the center line of the street. The Board of Public Works shall prescribe the width and mode of CQQBtruction of all ijutters, and the mataríais to be used in said construction. Section 19. The owner or occupant of any business or residenee property in thiscity ishereby permitted to place, setor erect, on the outer sidewalk line in the business part of the city, and on the curbline in the residenee portion thereof, hitching-posts of stone, wood or iron. Said posts may be made to extend upwards to an elevation not to exceed twelve feet, and to support a ■ w small sign or advertising device, provided that the súd sign or device shi.1 not extïnd more than two foetoneither side of the said post, and shaü not be less thaneight feetabovethe surface of thesidewalk. Permanent wooden signs extending across the whole width of the sidewalk, whether supportei or not at the outer end, shall not hereafter be erected in this city ; but the Mayor is hereby authorized to grant special permission for cloth signs to be svvung, for short periods of time not to exceed ten days in any month, at an elevation not less than twenty feet above the surface of the street, between store buildings on opposite side, of the street. Section 20. Any person owning or ocaupying land adioining any Street not less than three rods wide, may plant or set out trees along the side of said street contiguous to his land, in regular rows, not more than twenty ieet distant froin each other and not more than ten feet from property line of said street. No peisjn shall hiteh any horso, mule or other animal to any fruit, ornamental, i-hade, or other tree, grovnng or standing in any street, alley or public place in said city: and no person shall, unless specially authorized by the Board of Public Works, cut down up any tree growing or ding in any street, alley or public place in said city, or remove or carry away any earth, loam, grave', sand or sod from any street. alley of public place without pcrmission from said Board of Public Works. Section 21. Any cellar or other excavation left i:n lovered by the burning or remüVBi ot me omiaings therefrom, abutting u;on and close to tbe line of the street, shall be surrounded, by the owner or oncupant of the premisas, with a sufflcient fence or to prevent accidenta. Seetion 22. No person or persons shall piay any frame of nine or ton pins, ball, wicket or otiier such game, or throw about or bat auy base ball, or throw or ki :k any foot ball, or fly any kite, in or about any street, alley or other public place of this city. Section 23. The mayor is hereby authorized to order any procession or parade, about to be undërtaken or conducted in or through any street, or streets of this city, to Ie abandoned or to adopt a different rouie.whenever he shall in his discretion deern it desirable so to do. And no circus theater troupe, or show or menagerie of any kind, shall parade in or about the streets of this city without h'rst submittiog thelr proposed line of march to the Mayor, who shall ehange, amend or confirm the same, or order that the said parade do not procec d, as he in his disc eiion shall believe rig'ht and proper. Section 24. No person for himself or, a nother, shall pest any bilis, DOtices or advertisements of any kicd on any tree. t: ee box or hitching' pest, or on any te'eg-aph, telephonr, "lefitric light or any other pole, or on any sidewalk, cro83walkor bridge, or in any park or public grounds, or in oraboutthe court house square in this citv: n r shall any liana bilis, dodg-ers or ot.'.ït r forms of vertisements be distribuled or thrown about in the etreets, lar e;, allevs or other public places. Provided" that nothing herein contained shall be construded to apply to legal qo . s, or to notiees prescribed in the statutea of the state of Michigan, or in the Charter and ordinacc s of tbis city. Section25. It shall be thadutyof the City Atiorney, or other iegal advisör of the city, to inserí, in all contracts for pavingor forconstructinsrsewers, drains or reservoirs, or for t'o;nif any work whatever whereby accii e ;tb or injuries may occur in cocsequenee of any ne:lect or carelessness on the ia-t of the contractor, a covenant rcquiring the eontractor to place and maintain the barriers and lights provided for in Section 16 of this ordinamje for the prevention of accidents, and to keep and save the city harmless and indemnifled against all loss and damag-e which may be occasiond ' y -eason i f any negisrtnoe ocarelessiitíss in the manner o doing the work. In all cases where any person or perrons shall perform any work. either under contráete with the city. or by virtue of any permission of the Common Council, or of any department or officer 5f the city. such person shall be liable to the City of Ann Arbor for any loss or damage which said city may sustain, and for all snras which it may have to :ay to any person or persons, by reason of any or injury sustained in consequence of any carelessness or m g gince in doing the work, or by reason of any negrlect or failure to comply with the provisions of this ordinancè, or othor ordiminces of this city. Sñction 2(i. Any person violatin any of the provisions of tais ordinancè shall, on conviction thereof, be punished by a fine not exceedtng fifty dollars and costa ; and in the im])osition of any euch fine anü costs the court may make thê further sontenco that thé offender be imprisoned in the cornmon jail of the County of Washtenaw, or the city loe.kup. until the payrnent thereof, providcd the term of suoh imprisonment shall not exceed the per:od of thirty days. This ordinanc shall tako effect and be in fo-ce on and after ten days from lefral publication. ''asspd in Coramon Council this 4th day of November, A. D 1885. Glen V. Mills. . City ( lerk. Approved this 5th day of November, i, i_), 1 oí); ). Pi-osidpnt of the Counoil and ActingMayor.


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